Friday 25 October 2024



On Thursday morning the two year  Year 5 classes joined a Teams call with The CO Crew to learn all about this dangerous gas which you can't

The children were very engaged in their learning  and they now know where the gas comes from, the signs of it being present and what are the symptoms of it when we are exposed to it. They took part in designing posters, questions and answer sessions, dance and drama. They also learnt about how to protect their families and home.
Thank you Mrs Hall for arranging the session for Year 5 and we hope that lots of children enter the GET CREATIVE, BE SAFE competition at home. The details of this for the children and families are in the goody bag that each child received.

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Black History Month - Inspirational Dr Mae Jemison and Guion Bluford


Today, during class assembly, Class JA were inspired by the life and work of Dr Mae Jemison (the first black woman astronaut)  as part of our learning during Black History Month. We considered a world without racism and how we must be hopeful for the future. The story of the loaves and fishes from the Bible was shared and afterwards, the children reflected how Jesus did not  choose who could eat the food- everybody in the story was treated equally and sat and ate together. As part of our assembly we explored Dr Jemison's life and work and watched a short film where she chatted about her life and how much she enjoyed science and exploring space. The class prayed together by saying the Lord's prayer and this was chosen because there is a strong message about treating others how we would like to be treated.
In our topic lesson, we developed our assembly theme and did some fantastic learning about Dr Mae Jemison and another black  astronaut called Guion Bluford who is an inspirational scientist and astronaut. He was born in 1942 and is still working today.The children were inspired by how much both astronauts have achieved in their lives to date.

" Mae Jemison has really encouraged me"
"She just wanted to be an astronaut and applied  to NASA without thinking that she would not even get considered"
"Guion Bluford has inspired me because he was the first African American astronaut".

Monday 21 October 2024

Autumn is here!

Beautiful Autumn colours in school.

Thank you to the Friends

Thank you to the Friends and all the parent volunteers who helped run the two discos on Friday evening! Sounds like the children had a fantastic time :)

Friday 18 October 2024

Friendship assembly

Julia Rose led our assembly about 'Friendship' and recounted many times when she had been a good friend or when she had been helped by her good friends.  Three children shared their stories of when they had been helped by a good friend too - we were told about a time at camp when a friend really helped someone to overcome a fear of heights on the zip wire; another child told us about a time when a friend had helped with a sore neck and another child shared a time a friend helped when they fell of their bike.

Julia shared the story from the bible of David and Johnathan and their friendship.  Julia also reminded us of stories with Jesus and his friends, the disciples, and how Jesus encouraged us to love one another and love each other as a sign of good friendship. 


Cross Country Area Championships

We're delighted that three of our speedy Year 6 children qualified to be selected for the High Suffolk School Sport Partnership team in the Cross Country Area Championships (from last year's Cross Country event).

The event took place yesterday at the Royal Hospital School in Holbrook.

Well done to all three for qualifying, and extra congratulations to one of the girls, who came 2nd against over 100 year 6 and 7 girls! Fantastic!


Thursday 17 October 2024


Class JA were rather excited when a shortbread tin appeared in their maths lesson but a bit disappointed when it did not contain biscuits. However, they were soon smiling again when they discovered that the tin contained dice for a maths game they were going to play in pairs. The class were great fun to work with as they supported each other and were very industrious when generating four digit numbers to subtract from given four digit numbers. Furthermore, they were keen to check their answers after estimating what the answer might be. We were very pleased with the children's use of mathematical language as they discussed their work.


" it was really fun"

" we got to use dice to generate and explore bigger numbers. I rounded up or down to get the correct answer, after I had estimated it"

" I liked working in my pair as it was fun to work with a different person; they made it fun."

" I have become more confident at column subtraction and exchanging. My working out was accurate too"

Very well done everybody.

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Science Question of the Week

Why do Koalas sleep so much?

Pop your answer & evidence in the Science board folder by next Tuesday

Weekly Super Spellers

‘Word of the Week’ is 'eight'

Create a mnemonic to help remember how to spell this week's word - answers to Mrs Rogers by next Tuesday

Share Session in Class VW

This week Year 6 clases are opening their doors to welcome parents for a Share Session.

Class VW enjoyed their 'Share Session' yesterday.

The children had a carousel of activities to choose from: maths games with some challenging times tables tasks, 'Retro Futuristic' art based on our 'Stargazer' theme, and designing an alien to live on a planet of their choosing. 

A lovely afternoon, enjoyed by all!

Monday 14 October 2024

UKS2 Incarnation trip to St. Michael's

On Thursday, the whole of UKS2 went to St. Micheal's Church to find out more about Incarnation. As part of our RE learning, children have been learning about the Christian belief that God became flesh  in the form of Jesus Christ.  The children had the opportunity to ask Rev'd Chris Davey a number of questions- here are some of them: 

  • What evidence is there that the incarnation happened in Framlingham Church? 
  • Why are there differences in the scientific and religious communities about how the world started? 
  • Has anyone found any historical artefacts to prove he was real? 
  • Do you think Jesus will come back in the future? 
  • Why do different countries portray Jesus so differently in their art work? 

A big thank you to Reverend Chris for tackling our questions! It certainly gave us lots to think about and gave us a deeper understanding from a Christian's perspective. 

All things bright and beautiful!!

On Friday, Key Stage 1 started the morning with their Harvest Festival assembly at St Michael's church.  It was a gloriously 'bright and beautiful' sunny morning and whilst the sun streamed in, we enjoyed listening to some songs and poetry, looking at some Autumnal harvest paintings and sharing prayers and songs together.    

After this, Key Stage 2 followed with their harvest assembly, where the SRH houses shared some interesting facts about the Waveney Food bank;  we also enjoyed listening to some harvest songs and the worship team led the prayers. 

Matthew from the Waveney Food Bank also shared with us some information about how our gifts and donations would be helping families in need in our area.  Our year 6 worship team helped Matthew load up our donations.  Reverend Chris Davey finished both services with a harvest blessing. 

Thank you to the families who supported the assemblies and also to those who helped walk the children up to the church. 


Introducing the Daily Mile

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's started the Daily Mile today.

Each class will aim to complete a mile on their non-PE days. The aim of taking part in the Daily Mile is to help improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children – regardless of age, ability or personal circumstances.  It encourages children to be aware of their health and It's fully inclusive so that every child, whatever their circumstances, age or ability, succeeds at The Daily Mile. 

    Children run in their uniforms so no kit or changing time is needed.

    It’s social, non-competitive and fun.

   It takes place in 15 minutes, with most children averaging a mile, or more.

   Children run outside in the fresh air – the weather is a benefit, not a barrier.

    The children return to class ready to learn.

    It helps to improve fitness.

    It encourages children to be aware of their health.

The class that completes the most daily miles in the term will receive the daily mile trophy and a class prize.

Friday 11 October 2024

Harvest Stay and Play

 This week Nursery invited their grown ups to play. Everybody got stuck in with all the different autumnal activities and had a great time. The children enjoyed showing their grown ups their morning routine and even shared a harvest sing-a-long with them. We sang Big Red Combine Harvester and Dingle Dangle Scarecrow. Thank you for coming and we look forward to the next Stay and Play.