Monday 28 February 2022

One week to go and counting…..

We are so excited to announce that this time next week work will start at SRH on installing our new music pod

Having a dedicated (and very beautiful) space for music again is going to be such a treat. One which the children will only start to realise the benefits from once it is in situ. 

During half term we took delivery of a very special and purpose made 'Time Capsule' from Smart Garden Offices (who are making and installing the pod too), which will be placed under the pod for future generations to discover and enjoy. 

This week pupils are going to enjoy thinking about the best artefacts to put into this capsule in order to give an impression of life now in school, in our community and the wider world. 

What a privilege it is to be given such an opportunity to capture an essence of current times. 

We will update the blog with more news on how our Time Capsule progresses…

Friday 18 February 2022

Non Pupil Day Today & Half Term Next Week

The school is closed to pupils now until Monday 28 February for half term next week.

Keep safe and out of the wind today!

We hope you all have a fun half term! 

Thursday 17 February 2022

Class VWh Victorian Day

Class VWh have had a great Victorian Day. 

To commence the day, the children attended assembly and the whole of KS2 took part in a poetry competition: it was fabulous to hear all the other classes perform a range of poems, limericks, etc. We learnt ‘Keepsake Mill’ by Robert Lewis Stephenson. 

The performances were judged by Mrs. Picton and amazingly, VWh were victorious and won the trophy for the half term. 

After going back to class, the children then had to chant their tables and took part in handwriting lessons. 

The class also took part in traditional ‘drill’ activities and during the afternoon, the girls completed traditional sewing tasks, whilst the boys created technical drawings. 

Jake kindly created a traditional Victorian steamed pudding for the class to enjoy- a wonderful experience to bring create authenticity. 

Here are some comments from the children:

Finnley: “It was quite fun because I didn’t think Miss. Whipps would be that strict!”

Tatiana: “Hearing people be pretend- caned was quite funny!”

Diego: “I’ve enjoyed experiencing the Victorian school for a day”

Lily: “I liked the sewing”

Anna: “I really like how disciplined they were”

Tobi: “I enjoyed seeing how people dressed up for the day”

Jake: “I liked drawing the geese and the interesting punishments”

Victorian Day

Our Key Stage 2 children were transported back in time today to a Victorian era school.

Many of them dressed the part in mop caps and aprons or flat caps, shorts, waistcoats and boots.

A number of the teaching staff really went to town on their clothing too.

Take a look at the website gallery for more images.

Poetry Recital in School

During this half term every class was asked to prepare to recite a poem together which they could then perform in front of their peers.

It was wonderful to see every child taking part today.

The Key Stage 1 winners were introduced to their award - Pebbles the Poetry Penguin - and Key Stage 2 children were awarded the KS2 Poetry Cup.

We hope that this will become a half termly event so that all classes have the opportunity to be the proud winners of the awards.

We are thrilled to be able to announce the winners of the SRH class poetry competition for this half term as:

Class LH blowing up a gale…. At last!!!

Class LH have continued to find out about different types of weather and climates around the world.  We have been using the Beaufort scale to measure the speed of the wind each day and rather surprisingly there has actually not been very much wind whilst we have been in school over the last two weeks.  However, our prayers have been answered and yesterday we were able to see the wind direction using the weather vanes that we have created earlier on in the topic.  We designed and created our wind vanes using lots of measuring and accurate cutting.  There was also a great deal of teamwork being shown too as we all helped each other with top tips.  We were excited to see that the wind vanes rotated easily in the gusts.    We then wrote a set of instructions about how to make a wind vane.  

We have made wind socks using recycling materials to measure the direction of the wind. 

We located 12 o’clock shadow on our sun dials.   The lack of sunshine at times allowed a great discussion about how reliable sun dials actually are and how analogue and digital clocks are far more reliable.

Using the sun dial to find 12 noon.

We have also been finding out about the types of clouds and over the last two weeks, there has been mainly Stratus cloud cover.  We have seen a couple of examples of Cumulus where we have enjoyed watching and making shapes and animals from the clouds that we have seen.

It's been a busy and enjoyable few weeks but we were so reliant on the windy weather and also sunny spells in which we have had to wait patiently for.  Well done Class LH on super work. 

Abstract Art in Year 1

Class JT and KB have been looking at abstract art. 
They have created winter themed paintings using a cool colour palette. Once each child had completed their own pieces, they were put together to form a collaborative piece of art. Each child then added to this art some more paint and an abstract winter tree. 
We were very proud of the fantastic results and the master pieces each class created.

Wednesday 16 February 2022


Class JT have enjoyed spending the last few weeks at Forest School. Under the guidance of Mrs Waddell, the children have learnt new outdoor skills. These have included whittling, den building, making instruments and activities using a range of natural resources. They have experienced a variety of different types of weathers including rain, wind, frost and sunshine. The children have particularly enjoyed playing in the mud! On  the final session, the children learnt how to make a campfire safely and enjoyed toasting marshmallows.

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Computing Day with Class MB, AJ and MV - 15.02.2022

Today in Year 4/5 we have been creating algorithms. The children in Class MB, AJ and MV completed a range of unplugged (non-computer based) activities which supported them to create their own algorithms. The children were able to break down problems into smaller chunks (decomposition); order instructions (sequencing) and make decisions about what information was important and what was not (abstraction). Some were even able to use the repeat function to simplify their code!

The children worked in pairs using the principals of pair programming. This allowed the children to work collaboratively, communicating effectively to solve complex problems. Please do get the children to tell you about the roles of the Driver and the Navigator; they worked together beautifully today!

Well done Year 4/5. What a wonderful day of computing! 

P.S. More photos to come...