Our Nursery can take children from the beginning of the term following their third birthday. Children may have up to five terms of free part-time early learning with us before they join the Reception class. The Nursery aims to create an environment where children can have a variety of experiences through play. This means we can develop their knowledge and understanding of the world around them and give them a strong foundation upon which we can start to build the curriculum.
Nursery Application forms can be downloaded here for 2021/22 or pop into the office to collect a printed form.
Applications for a September 2021 start should be returned to the school office by next Wednesday (5 May) as we are currently allocating places in accordance with our Nursery Admissions Policy.
Admission forms for a start date later in this school year should be returned to the school office by the following deadlines:
2022 start by end of September 2021
2022 start by end of January 2022
In addition, we have a chargeable lunch club that runs until 1.30pm. Nursery children may have a school dinner or bring a packed lunch. During this period and for their playtime in or outside, the children remain fully supervised. We do not offer 30 hours of funded childcare, but you may use extended hours to cover the additional cost of the lunch club (up to 8 hours 20 mins) if you are eligible.
For enquiries regarding Nursery admissions, please email us @ Nursery Enquiries or visit our website.