On Thursdays after school we have 4 recorder groups.
Thursday, 27 September 2007
Tuesday, 25 September 2007
First Football Practice
Today we had the first practice for the new after school football club.
Over 40 boys and girls turned up and had a great time in the rain!
Actually it only rained for the last 10 minutes but nobody cared.
Music for Schools
He involved the children in some practical activities which made learning an instrument seem like great fun.
Any body interested in having instrumental lessons needs to come to an evening presentation on Monday 1st October at 6.30pm in Classroom CA.
Computer Club Photo Images
Using photographs of the Tuesday club members the children have
used paint shop pro to produce new images of themselves.

Thursday, 20 September 2007
Whole School Letter No 8
I would like to thank those of you who returned our Travel questionnaire in the summer term. The comments that you made have been a great help to us in shaping our Travel Plan. The issues and concerns you have raised were analysed in detail and discussed with the SCC Travel Plan Adviser, many of them have been put forward to be tackled over the coming year.
Summary of Parent Questionnaire:
Number of Results: 96 out of 255 families answered:
84% of children living less than 1 mile from school walk to school
66% of those parents who drive their children to school go on to work
68% of those living more than 1 mile come in the car
84% of walkers/cyclists would like safety improvements on the route to school
77% of parent comments on the Elms Car park noted the need for a foot path onto New Road
71% of parent comments on New Road, noted the need for a crossing over New Road
54% stated that speed and volume of traffic causes danger on their route to school
23% stated inconsiderate/illegal parking of other parents causes danger on their route to school
The main concerns centre on the roads close to the school:
College Road
Busy in rush hour, speeding traffic
Dangerous to cross from Mount Pleasant
Buses stop outside school causing congestion and danger when crossing as visibility is poor
Narrow paths causing concern when many large lorries / buses go past pedestrians
Vyces Road
Buses stop here causing congestion and danger when crossing as visibility is poor
Cars use wide opening of road as turning circle causing danger when crossing as visibility is poor
Parents stop on yellow lines to drop off children
Children cross at wide mouth of junction where it is dangerous
New Road
No road crossing
Cars park or drop off pupils on yellow lines – causing danger as visibility is reduced and road blocked
Cars drop off in school entrance / use as turning circle causing danger to pedestrians
Fast traffic from out of town as there are no ‘School’ warning sign in place
Elms Car Park
No footpath leaving car park onto New Road – pedestrians have to walk in road
Glass in road from Bottle Banks & Recycling Lorries sometimes arrive at drop off / collection time
Car park often full leaving no near drop off point for school
Other Roads
Love Lane – steep slope directly onto College Road – danger in icy weather
Bridge Street – no road crossing, poor visibility (esp around public buses)
Well Close Square – dangerous to cross 4 roads onto mini roundabout – no safe place to get across
Brook Lane – no footpaths, narrow roads, speeding traffic (esp High School pupils)
The main concerns of families living on the outskirts or out of Framlingham are:
the narrow country lanes with no paths and speeding traffic make walking and cycling difficult.
longer distances mean cars are the only mode of transport if they are not on bus route
Other individual comments included:
cost of school buses
not being on bus route
a rain shelter in the playground for drop off / collection
the need for a pushchair ramp from College Road.
the Crossing patrol outside school entrance does an excellent job.
As you can see there are a lot of very valid points here. We are taking steps to involve SCC Highways, SCDC Car Parks and Recycling along with the local Community Police officer and SCC Road Safety Officers in action plans that we hope will resolve many of these concerns.
The survey highlighted that parents feel their child’s safety is the 2nd most important factor in decision they make about how they travel (Distance was the 1st most important factor). To this end in addition to all the efforts we will be putting in to make the environment safer, we are also intending to bring Road Safety training into the curriculum. With the help of the SCC ‘Roadsafe’ team we will endeavour to give children both the knowledge and the practical skills needed to keep safe.
We would hope that in being able to resolve these many concerns many more parents will chose to take the more sustainable and healthier choice of walking to school whenever possible.
In summary the Objectives of our travel plan are:
Make children aware of and give them the skills required for Road Safety
Create a safer pedestrian environment for the large % of pupils who walk and provide additional safety where feasible in Framlingham and catchment area
Encourage more parents and children to walk all year and promote the benefits of walking / cycling.
Thank you again for all your input; we aim to keep you regularly informed of our progress.
I would like to thank those of you who returned our Travel questionnaire in the summer term. The comments that you made have been a great help to us in shaping our Travel Plan. The issues and concerns you have raised were analysed in detail and discussed with the SCC Travel Plan Adviser, many of them have been put forward to be tackled over the coming year.
Summary of Parent Questionnaire:
Number of Results: 96 out of 255 families answered:
84% of children living less than 1 mile from school walk to school
66% of those parents who drive their children to school go on to work
68% of those living more than 1 mile come in the car
84% of walkers/cyclists would like safety improvements on the route to school
77% of parent comments on the Elms Car park noted the need for a foot path onto New Road
71% of parent comments on New Road, noted the need for a crossing over New Road
54% stated that speed and volume of traffic causes danger on their route to school
23% stated inconsiderate/illegal parking of other parents causes danger on their route to school
The main concerns centre on the roads close to the school:
College Road
Busy in rush hour, speeding traffic
Dangerous to cross from Mount Pleasant
Buses stop outside school causing congestion and danger when crossing as visibility is poor
Narrow paths causing concern when many large lorries / buses go past pedestrians
Vyces Road
Buses stop here causing congestion and danger when crossing as visibility is poor
Cars use wide opening of road as turning circle causing danger when crossing as visibility is poor
Parents stop on yellow lines to drop off children
Children cross at wide mouth of junction where it is dangerous
New Road
No road crossing
Cars park or drop off pupils on yellow lines – causing danger as visibility is reduced and road blocked
Cars drop off in school entrance / use as turning circle causing danger to pedestrians
Fast traffic from out of town as there are no ‘School’ warning sign in place
Elms Car Park
No footpath leaving car park onto New Road – pedestrians have to walk in road
Glass in road from Bottle Banks & Recycling Lorries sometimes arrive at drop off / collection time
Car park often full leaving no near drop off point for school
Other Roads
Love Lane – steep slope directly onto College Road – danger in icy weather
Bridge Street – no road crossing, poor visibility (esp around public buses)
Well Close Square – dangerous to cross 4 roads onto mini roundabout – no safe place to get across
Brook Lane – no footpaths, narrow roads, speeding traffic (esp High School pupils)
The main concerns of families living on the outskirts or out of Framlingham are:
the narrow country lanes with no paths and speeding traffic make walking and cycling difficult.
longer distances mean cars are the only mode of transport if they are not on bus route
Other individual comments included:
cost of school buses
not being on bus route
a rain shelter in the playground for drop off / collection
the need for a pushchair ramp from College Road.
the Crossing patrol outside school entrance does an excellent job.
As you can see there are a lot of very valid points here. We are taking steps to involve SCC Highways, SCDC Car Parks and Recycling along with the local Community Police officer and SCC Road Safety Officers in action plans that we hope will resolve many of these concerns.
The survey highlighted that parents feel their child’s safety is the 2nd most important factor in decision they make about how they travel (Distance was the 1st most important factor). To this end in addition to all the efforts we will be putting in to make the environment safer, we are also intending to bring Road Safety training into the curriculum. With the help of the SCC ‘Roadsafe’ team we will endeavour to give children both the knowledge and the practical skills needed to keep safe.
We would hope that in being able to resolve these many concerns many more parents will chose to take the more sustainable and healthier choice of walking to school whenever possible.
In summary the Objectives of our travel plan are:
Make children aware of and give them the skills required for Road Safety
Create a safer pedestrian environment for the large % of pupils who walk and provide additional safety where feasible in Framlingham and catchment area
Encourage more parents and children to walk all year and promote the benefits of walking / cycling.
Thank you again for all your input; we aim to keep you regularly informed of our progress.
Whole School Letter No 7
Thank you to all our volunteer helpers who have already registered with us this year. We do still have some vacancies and overleaf is a list of where help would be appreciated. Volunteer help is a very important part of school life and if you feel able to help at any time, not only with any of the sessions marked ‘vacant’ on the rota, we would be very pleased to hear from you.
To help in school you do need either a ‘List 99 Check’ or a CRB Disclosure approval. If you have not applied for either of these, or wish to check if your name is already on the list, please contact the school office. If you have not seen ‘A Guide for Adults Helping in School’ they are available from the school office.
If you would like to come into school to help, please contact the class teacher.
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Monday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Tuesday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Wednesday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Friday 9.50-10.40am
DB 5 & 6 No Vacancies
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Monday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Tuesday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Thursday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Friday 8.50-9.50am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Monday 9.50-10.40am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Wednesday 9.50-10.40am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Friday 9.50-10.40am
NF 3 & 4 No Vacancies
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-9.45am
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry Vacancy Thursday 8.50-9.45am
NH 3 Mr Hawes Vacancy Monday 1.00-3.05pm
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Monday 9.00-9.45am
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Thursday 2.30-3.00pm
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Friday 9.00-9.45am
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Tuesday 2.15-3.05pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Thursday 2.15-3.05pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Friday 8.50-9.45am
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Wednesday 1.00-3.05pm
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Thursday 1.00-3.05pm
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Monday 9.00-9.45am
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Wednesday 9.00-9.45am
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Friday 9.00-9.45am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-11.30am
Thank you to all our volunteer helpers who have already registered with us this year. We do still have some vacancies and overleaf is a list of where help would be appreciated. Volunteer help is a very important part of school life and if you feel able to help at any time, not only with any of the sessions marked ‘vacant’ on the rota, we would be very pleased to hear from you.
To help in school you do need either a ‘List 99 Check’ or a CRB Disclosure approval. If you have not applied for either of these, or wish to check if your name is already on the list, please contact the school office. If you have not seen ‘A Guide for Adults Helping in School’ they are available from the school office.
If you would like to come into school to help, please contact the class teacher.
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Monday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Tuesday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Wednesday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Friday 9.50-10.40am
DB 5 & 6 No Vacancies
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Monday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Tuesday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Thursday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Friday 8.50-9.50am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Monday 9.50-10.40am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Wednesday 9.50-10.40am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Friday 9.50-10.40am
NF 3 & 4 No Vacancies
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-9.45am
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry Vacancy Thursday 8.50-9.45am
NH 3 Mr Hawes Vacancy Monday 1.00-3.05pm
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Monday 9.00-9.45am
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Thursday 2.30-3.00pm
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Friday 9.00-9.45am
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Tuesday 2.15-3.05pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Thursday 2.15-3.05pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Friday 8.50-9.45am
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Wednesday 1.00-3.05pm
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Thursday 1.00-3.05pm
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Monday 9.00-9.45am
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Wednesday 9.00-9.45am
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Friday 9.00-9.45am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-11.30am
Football Club

After school FOOTBALL CLUB will take place on Tuesdays from 3.15 - 4.15pm.
The first session will be on Tuesday 25th Sept.
Mr Brook will be running a school team. This year there will be a primary schools league as well as the usual tournaments for boys and girls.
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
Computer Club

A lunchtime computer club has started on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
We have started with photo manipulation activities. See examples by some year 6 children.
There are some spaces in the club so see Mr Brook if you are interested.
Over the next few weeks we will be taking and manipulating our own photos.
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
Whole School Letter No 6
Could I remind parents that for safety reasons we ask they wait in the playground for the teacher to send their child to them. Could parents please not wait on the steps or in the area at the bottom of the steps allowing for a clear exit for the teachers to bring the children out on to the playground. This is a very busy time and it is important that teachers have a clear view and that each child is released individually once a parent has been seen by the teacher.
It has been noticed that the younger children in the school spend a lot of time in the dinner hall with their hand up asking for help with opening packets in their lunch box. Could parents please snip a corner off and show their children how to open up the item in their box enabling them to be more independent. Thank you.
I am proud to tell you that the school has been named a NAPTA (National Association of Professional Teaching Assistants) Centre of Good Practice in recognition of our engagement with NAPTA’s Workforce Development Programme and our commitment to support staff. We have been given a certificate that we will put up in the reception area and are now allowed to use their logo on our headed paper.
The resurfacing of College Road between Well Close Square and Pembroke Road is to take place from Wednesday 19 until Sunday 23 September. There will be two phases: Phase 1 - From Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 College Road will be closed between Mount Pleasant and Pembroke Road. Phase 2 – From 5.00pm on Saturday 22 to late afternoon on Sunday 23 College Road will be closed between Well Close Square and Mount Pleasant. During this second phase through traffic will be diverted via Dennington and Badingham.
We would ask parents to respect the double yellow lines in Vyces Road. It is better if parents park in the Elms Car Park if they need to travel by car and then walk into school to collect/drop children. Thank you for your co-operation.
We would like to say thank you to Ian Moore and his team for returfing the area around the log.
Can you help on 5 or 12 November (2.30-3.45pm)?
Unfortunately we have not had enough offers of help from parents to help the children on the Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Course. If you are able to help (even if you don’t have a child on the course) please complete the reply slip below.
Could I remind parents that for safety reasons we ask they wait in the playground for the teacher to send their child to them. Could parents please not wait on the steps or in the area at the bottom of the steps allowing for a clear exit for the teachers to bring the children out on to the playground. This is a very busy time and it is important that teachers have a clear view and that each child is released individually once a parent has been seen by the teacher.
It has been noticed that the younger children in the school spend a lot of time in the dinner hall with their hand up asking for help with opening packets in their lunch box. Could parents please snip a corner off and show their children how to open up the item in their box enabling them to be more independent. Thank you.
I am proud to tell you that the school has been named a NAPTA (National Association of Professional Teaching Assistants) Centre of Good Practice in recognition of our engagement with NAPTA’s Workforce Development Programme and our commitment to support staff. We have been given a certificate that we will put up in the reception area and are now allowed to use their logo on our headed paper.
The resurfacing of College Road between Well Close Square and Pembroke Road is to take place from Wednesday 19 until Sunday 23 September. There will be two phases: Phase 1 - From Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 College Road will be closed between Mount Pleasant and Pembroke Road. Phase 2 – From 5.00pm on Saturday 22 to late afternoon on Sunday 23 College Road will be closed between Well Close Square and Mount Pleasant. During this second phase through traffic will be diverted via Dennington and Badingham.
We would ask parents to respect the double yellow lines in Vyces Road. It is better if parents park in the Elms Car Park if they need to travel by car and then walk into school to collect/drop children. Thank you for your co-operation.
We would like to say thank you to Ian Moore and his team for returfing the area around the log.
Can you help on 5 or 12 November (2.30-3.45pm)?
Unfortunately we have not had enough offers of help from parents to help the children on the Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Course. If you are able to help (even if you don’t have a child on the course) please complete the reply slip below.
Singing Club
For your information Miss Ashberry will be starting a Singing Club on Friday lunchtimes for Year 3 and 4 children. If your child is interested in joining they can go to Miss Ashberry’s room at 12.15pm on Friday 21 September.
Dutch Club
For your information Mrs Jenkins will be starting a Dutch club where the children will learn to speak Dutch on Monday lunchtimes for all age children. If your child is interested in joining the first session on Monday 24 September 2007 please go to Miss Montague’s room at 12.15pm.
Monday, 17 September 2007
Rugby World Cup
Framlingham Church Organ
All of year 6 today had a demonstration about the workings of a pipe organ. Framlingham's church organ is over 300 years old and is a beautiful instrument to look at / listen to.
We took part in a series of activities which looked at how sounds are made, how they travel and how they can be altered.
We worked as a group on a large organ simulator. Some people had to pump in the air, others pushed the air into a tube whilst some of us controlled the valves on a series of pipes.
http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=5599057906559717240&hl=en-GB" flashvars="">
Friday, 14 September 2007
Thursday, 13 September 2007
French Lessons

Upper Key Stage 2 children are having French lessons from Madame Baker (Thomas Mills High School).
We are using a scheme called 'Early Start'
You can see the website at http://www.earlystart.co.uk/

Family Barn Dance
The Friends of Sir Robert Hitcham's is holding a Family Barn Dance on Saturday 6th October.
7.00 - 11.00pm at Thomas Mills High School in the new dining room.
Tickets from the school cost: £10.00 for a family ticket (in advance) or "12.00 (on the door).
oney raised will go towards the 'playground trim trail project'.
7.00 - 11.00pm at Thomas Mills High School in the new dining room.
Tickets from the school cost: £10.00 for a family ticket (in advance) or "12.00 (on the door).
The children have been preparing for the barn dance by learning some of the steps from Mr Smith. He will 'calling' during the barn dance itself so don't worry if you haven't had a go before.
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
General Catering Assistant Vacancy
A General Catering Assistant is needed for this popular primary school kitchen
providing a friendly and efficient service throughout the day to children, staff
and visitors – duties will include washing up and general cleaning.
Previous experience preferable but not essential as training will be given.
Hours of work variable (term time only).
Over 18 Rate of Pay £5.80 per hour + £0.75p per hour holiday supplement.
providing a friendly and efficient service throughout the day to children, staff
and visitors – duties will include washing up and general cleaning.
Previous experience preferable but not essential as training will be given.
Hours of work variable (term time only).
Over 18 Rate of Pay £5.80 per hour + £0.75p per hour holiday supplement.
Relief Lunchtime Supervisor Vacancies
Hours: 11.45am to 1.05pm
Rate of Pay: £5.6027 per hour plus 12.99% holiday pay = £6.33 per hour
To work the above hours on an occasional basis when the need arises to cover regular staff
Hours: 11.45am to 1.05pm
Rate of Pay: £5.6027 per hour plus 12.99% holiday pay = £6.33 per hour
To work the above hours on an occasional basis when the need arises to cover regular staff
Cleaner Vacancy
Hours: 3.30-5.30pm
Rate of Pay: £6.00 per hour
Hours: 3.30-5.30pm
Rate of Pay: £6.00 per hour
School Caretaker Vacancy
Level: A Job ID: 02CC Grade: 1
Required to start on Monday 8 October
22.1/2 hours per week for 52 weeks of the year
(Hours to be arranged with the Head Teacher)
Salary Range: £6,787 - £7,502 per annum
Main Duties will be:
· Cleaning
· Security of Premises and Contents
· Lighting and Heating
· Portage
· Maintenance
· Lettings*
· Swimming Pool Maintenance in Summer Term*
*Claimed as additional hours
Required to start on Monday 8 October
22.1/2 hours per week for 52 weeks of the year
(Hours to be arranged with the Head Teacher)
Salary Range: £6,787 - £7,502 per annum
Main Duties will be:
· Cleaning
· Security of Premises and Contents
· Lighting and Heating
· Portage
· Maintenance
· Lettings*
· Swimming Pool Maintenance in Summer Term*
*Claimed as additional hours
Monday, 10 September 2007
Sports Vouchers
We would like to let you know that once again we are taking part in the Tesco Sport for Schools scheme. Just like Computers for Schools, you can collect vouchers at Tesco to pass onto us. We can then exchange them for a broad range of sports equipment. From Monday 10 September until Sunday 4 November vouchers will be available from Tesco stores for every £10 spent. The collection box will be by the School Office.
We would like to let you know that once again we are taking part in the Tesco Sport for Schools scheme. Just like Computers for Schools, you can collect vouchers at Tesco to pass onto us. We can then exchange them for a broad range of sports equipment. From Monday 10 September until Sunday 4 November vouchers will be available from Tesco stores for every £10 spent. The collection box will be by the School Office.
New Clubs
For your information Mr Hawes will be starting a chess club on Thursday lunchtimes for Year 5 and 6 children. The first session will be on Thursday 13 September 2007 in Mr Hawes’ room.
Wind & Brass: Please note lessons will commence on Tuesday 11 September (not 12 Sept as previously notified in letter 1) – sorry for any confusion!
Whole School Letter No 4
One of our new Reception children, is extremely sensitive and allergic to mainly nuts and egg products. EVEN IF HE IS TOUCHED BY SOMEONE WHO HAS HANDLED NUTS OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING TRACES OF NUTS it could bring on anaphylactic shock which can be life threatening.
Peanut butter, Nutella, some cereal bars, and any product that says ‘May contain traces of nuts’ or nut oils or nut essences.
Similarly if you bring snacks to the playground at the end of the day for children to eat before going home please can I ask that you are VERY CAREFUL that they do not contain nuts or traces of nuts as crumbs left on the playground could be touched by Lewy on the following day causing him to be very ill.
We cannot stress how important this is. Your help and co-operation is much appreciated.
One of our new Reception children, is extremely sensitive and allergic to mainly nuts and egg products. EVEN IF HE IS TOUCHED BY SOMEONE WHO HAS HANDLED NUTS OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING TRACES OF NUTS it could bring on anaphylactic shock which can be life threatening.
Peanut butter, Nutella, some cereal bars, and any product that says ‘May contain traces of nuts’ or nut oils or nut essences.
Similarly if you bring snacks to the playground at the end of the day for children to eat before going home please can I ask that you are VERY CAREFUL that they do not contain nuts or traces of nuts as crumbs left on the playground could be touched by Lewy on the following day causing him to be very ill.
We cannot stress how important this is. Your help and co-operation is much appreciated.
Whole School Letter No 3
It has been lovely to see all our pupils return to school after the summer break full of stories about their holiday adventures and eager to share them with us all. The first week fairly “whizzed” by and I can report that our new school members, both teachers and pupils seem to be settling in happily.
Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats by 2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this. Could we ask that parents with younger siblings sit in the hall where they are able to make a discreet ‘quick exit’ should it be necessary, as the disruption of a noisy toddler is difficult for the children to cope with. The rota is as follows:
14 September No Parent Assembly
21 September JC
28 September GM
5 October NF
12 October LC
19 October Non-Pupil Day
26 October Half-Term
2 November GH
9 November EM
16 November CH
23 November DB
30 November NH/PL
7 December KG
14 December No Parent Assembly
We thought it important to give you this date early in the term so that you can make appropriate arrangements. The school will not provide for normal classes this day. Teachers will set appropriate homework for children to study at home, but we do hope that most children will be able to come to school with their parents to share their work and attend their interview. A letter with more details and appointment times will be issued towards the end of this month. As in the past, for those families unable to provide childcare we will provide care throughout the day.
It is really important to us that our pupils settle happily and quickly at the start of school. Learning activities and the register start immediately at 8.50am. Could we ask parents to vacate the premises as soon as possible after the school bell indicates the beginning of lessons at the start of the school day. If parents stay in the activity areas, corridors, or playground the children find it harder to settle.
Could parents with younger children note that they must not be allowed to play on the old log in the front playground or the climbing frame, as we are not insured for non-pupils outside school hours. Thank you.
As previously notified, Mrs Dwyer will be leaving us on Friday 21 September to start her maternity leave. She will not be permanently placed with Class NH but be helping out in several different classes around the school until she leaves. We would like to take this opportunity to wish her well and look forward to hearing about the ‘new arrival’ around the end of October.
Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats by 2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this. Could we ask that parents with younger siblings sit in the hall where they are able to make a discreet ‘quick exit’ should it be necessary, as the disruption of a noisy toddler is difficult for the children to cope with. The rota is as follows:
14 September No Parent Assembly
21 September JC
28 September GM
5 October NF
12 October LC
19 October Non-Pupil Day
26 October Half-Term
2 November GH
9 November EM
16 November CH
23 November DB
30 November NH/PL
7 December KG
14 December No Parent Assembly
We thought it important to give you this date early in the term so that you can make appropriate arrangements. The school will not provide for normal classes this day. Teachers will set appropriate homework for children to study at home, but we do hope that most children will be able to come to school with their parents to share their work and attend their interview. A letter with more details and appointment times will be issued towards the end of this month. As in the past, for those families unable to provide childcare we will provide care throughout the day.
It is really important to us that our pupils settle happily and quickly at the start of school. Learning activities and the register start immediately at 8.50am. Could we ask parents to vacate the premises as soon as possible after the school bell indicates the beginning of lessons at the start of the school day. If parents stay in the activity areas, corridors, or playground the children find it harder to settle.
Could parents with younger children note that they must not be allowed to play on the old log in the front playground or the climbing frame, as we are not insured for non-pupils outside school hours. Thank you.
As previously notified, Mrs Dwyer will be leaving us on Friday 21 September to start her maternity leave. She will not be permanently placed with Class NH but be helping out in several different classes around the school until she leaves. We would like to take this opportunity to wish her well and look forward to hearing about the ‘new arrival’ around the end of October.
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Framlingham Community Website
Framlingham Town Website

Follow the link below to find out what is gong on in the Framlingham community.
Follow the link below to find out what is gong on in the Framlingham community.
Photo by D.Brook of Framlingham Castle in the Summer.
Pavement Repairs
PAVEMENT REPAIRSFrom 3 September for six weeks Suffolk County Council will be undertaking repairs on the pavement along College Road between Well Close Square and Pembroke Road. During the work traffic will be controlled by traffic lights and pedestrians diverted to alternative routes.
Musical Instruments and Lessons
Monday 1 October Music for Schools Parents’ Meeting 6.30-7.30pm in Class CA’s Room Mrs B Channon, from Music for Schools will be re-starting with her current pupils of the wind and brass group on 12 September. There are spaces available for Year 3 to Year 6 pupils who would like to start these lessons in November. Therefore the above parents’ meeting will take place on Monday 1 October for any parent who would like more information. The children will have had a demonstration by the staff from Music for Schools on the afternoon of Monday 24 September. Instruments include flute, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet etc and lessons cost £50 per term. For further details about instrument loan/purchase etc please ask for a leaflet from the school office – and see next item.
There is a scheme available called an ‘Assisted Instrumental Purchase Scheme’ (AIPS) which enables schools to purchase musical instruments on behalf of parents. This saves money on the purchase because the school can claim back the VAT. Once the parent has chosen an instrument the school will place a formal order. Once the instrument has arrived the school will pay the invoice and the parent will reimburse the school for the total excluding VAT. The pupil must be having music lessons at the school.
Monday 1 October Music for Schools Parents’ Meeting 6.30-7.30pm in Class CA’s Room Mrs B Channon, from Music for Schools will be re-starting with her current pupils of the wind and brass group on 12 September. There are spaces available for Year 3 to Year 6 pupils who would like to start these lessons in November. Therefore the above parents’ meeting will take place on Monday 1 October for any parent who would like more information. The children will have had a demonstration by the staff from Music for Schools on the afternoon of Monday 24 September. Instruments include flute, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet etc and lessons cost £50 per term. For further details about instrument loan/purchase etc please ask for a leaflet from the school office – and see next item.
There is a scheme available called an ‘Assisted Instrumental Purchase Scheme’ (AIPS) which enables schools to purchase musical instruments on behalf of parents. This saves money on the purchase because the school can claim back the VAT. Once the parent has chosen an instrument the school will place a formal order. Once the instrument has arrived the school will pay the invoice and the parent will reimburse the school for the total excluding VAT. The pupil must be having music lessons at the school.
Starting School Activities / Clubs
Details will be sent out about school activities/clubs as soon as available. Children who are interested in beginning or continuing Recorder lessons should meet Miss Hitchcock in the hall on Thursday 13 September at 3.15pm to be told their groups. For Guitar and Wind and Brass please see the school office. Known start dates are as follows:
Details will be sent out about school activities/clubs as soon as available. Children who are interested in beginning or continuing Recorder lessons should meet Miss Hitchcock in the hall on Thursday 13 September at 3.15pm to be told their groups. For Guitar and Wind and Brass please see the school office. Known start dates are as follows:
- Orchestra and Guitar: 5 Sept
- Knitting Club: 10 Sept
- Board Games: 11 & 12 Sept
- Wind and Brass, French Club and Hitcham’s Holy Horrors: 12 Sept
- Recorders: 13 Sept
- Keyboard: 14 Sept
- The following clubs are still to be decided: Football, Hockey, Computer Club.
- Unfortunately Mrs Pascoe is no longer able to offer Gardening Club.
If your child is interested in joining Orchestra they can go straight to the Music Room on Wednesday 5 September at 12.20pm to speak to Mrs Fell.
More Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 17 October - Thomas Mills Open day and evening for Y6 pupils
Thursday 18 October - Harvest Festival am at St Michael’s Church
Friday 19 October - NON PUPIL DAY
Monday 22 – Friday 26 October - Half-term
Wednesday 31 October - Parent Consultation Day – Target Setting
Tuesday 20 November - Van Cols Photo Day – individuals and family groups
Wednesday 12 & Thursday 13 December - Foundation Christmas Production – 9.20am Wednesday 12 & Thursday 13 December - Key Stage 1 Christmas Production – 10.15am
Friday 14 December - Key Stage 2 Carol Service 1.30pm
Tuesday 18 December - Christmas Dinner Day
Wednesday 19 December - Last day of term
Monday 7 – Friday 11 July 2008 - Year 6 Camp
Wednesday 17 October - Thomas Mills Open day and evening for Y6 pupils
Thursday 18 October - Harvest Festival am at St Michael’s Church
Friday 19 October - NON PUPIL DAY
Monday 22 – Friday 26 October - Half-term
Wednesday 31 October - Parent Consultation Day – Target Setting
Tuesday 20 November - Van Cols Photo Day – individuals and family groups
Wednesday 12 & Thursday 13 December - Foundation Christmas Production – 9.20am Wednesday 12 & Thursday 13 December - Key Stage 1 Christmas Production – 10.15am
Friday 14 December - Key Stage 2 Carol Service 1.30pm
Tuesday 18 December - Christmas Dinner Day
Wednesday 19 December - Last day of term
Monday 7 – Friday 11 July 2008 - Year 6 Camp
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Whole School Letter No 2
A performance of The Happy Prince is to take place during the afternoon of Thursday 13 September (Nursery will NOT be attending). The cost of this puppet show is £316 therefore we would ask for a voluntary donation of £1.00 per child. According to the Governors’ Policy of Charges and Remissions for School Activities parents who are in receipt of: (a) Income Support; (b) Income Based Job Seekers Allowance; (c) Child Tax Credit and do not receive Working Tax Credit and who have an annual taxable income of less than £14,495; (d) Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; or (e) a guaranteed element of State Pension Credit do not need to pay for this event. Nor will they be expected to make a voluntary contribution of money unless they wish to do so. Teachers will deal with the collection of money in the same sensitive way that operates for those children who receive free school meals. Please complete the reply slip below.
Yours sincerely
J M Elphick
Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School
The Happy Prince – Thursday 13 September 2007
Name________________________________________ Class__________________
Name_________________________________________ Class__________________
Name_________________________________________ Class__________________
Please delete as appropriate:
· I enclose _______________(£1.00 per child) for The Happy Prince.
· I am in receipt of (a) Income Support: (b) Income Based Job Seekers Allowance: (c) Child Tax Credit and do not receive Working Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income of less than £14,495: (d) Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999: e) a guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
Name____________________________ Signature___________________________
A performance of The Happy Prince is to take place during the afternoon of Thursday 13 September (Nursery will NOT be attending). The cost of this puppet show is £316 therefore we would ask for a voluntary donation of £1.00 per child. According to the Governors’ Policy of Charges and Remissions for School Activities parents who are in receipt of: (a) Income Support; (b) Income Based Job Seekers Allowance; (c) Child Tax Credit and do not receive Working Tax Credit and who have an annual taxable income of less than £14,495; (d) Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; or (e) a guaranteed element of State Pension Credit do not need to pay for this event. Nor will they be expected to make a voluntary contribution of money unless they wish to do so. Teachers will deal with the collection of money in the same sensitive way that operates for those children who receive free school meals. Please complete the reply slip below.
Yours sincerely
J M Elphick
Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School
The Happy Prince – Thursday 13 September 2007
Name________________________________________ Class__________________
Name_________________________________________ Class__________________
Name_________________________________________ Class__________________
Please delete as appropriate:
· I enclose _______________(£1.00 per child) for The Happy Prince.
· I am in receipt of (a) Income Support: (b) Income Based Job Seekers Allowance: (c) Child Tax Credit and do not receive Working Tax Credit and have an annual taxable income of less than £14,495: (d) Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999: e) a guaranteed element of State Pension Credit.
Name____________________________ Signature___________________________
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
Whole School Letter No 1
Dear Parents
There are no parent assemblies for the first two weeks of term. Details of the Celebration Assemblies will be issued as soon as possible.
Mr Byer would like to express his very sincere gratitude for all the wonderful gifts and messages of goodwill that he received during July, which ALMOST persuaded him to go on for one more year! BUT, the allotment DOES need a lot of work!
YEAR 6 CAMP VIDEOS/DVDSHopefully, Mr Byer's TV system will have been replaced by the end of the holiday following the lightning damage, so the camp records should be arriving soon! As a bonus, there will also be full footage of the Year 6 Leavers' Service, and also the last assembly concert (courtesy of Jack Trythall and Gavin Harold), featuring an 11 strong line-up of very talented musicians (teachers, parents, ex and present pupils, and even a County Maths advisor!), plus Mr Byer! Please tell the office if you haven't received your video/DVD by the end of September. If your copy doesn't play properly, please let JB know!!
We have had two emails from Mr Trythall to say that they arrived safely at Hebron School and have discovered it’s rather cold and damp at the moment as its monsoon season! They have settled in well and we now have a picture of the children delighted with their new television set bought with the money parents gave to them. This will be available for you to see by the school office.
It would be very helpful if apart from school lunch cheques (that are paid to Suffolk County Council) and photographs all cheques that come into the school should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’.
“The School Council would like to ask you (the parents) on behalf of all the children to:
· Please keep prams and pushchairs outside unless an emergency.
· KS2 say goodbye in the playground.
· Only come in if you have a message for the teacher.
· Chat to your friends in the playground and not in the classroom or corridor.
· Say goodbye once, not again when the bell goes.
We would like to say thank you for doing this as it means we can all get to our lessons on time and start school straight away. Thank you.”
If your child is ill or going to be late:
· Ring the school on 723354 ideally by 8.30am
· Child’s name
· Child’s class
· Reason for absence or lateness
If they are likely to be off for more than one day, state:
· Which day they will be back
If you do not know how long they will be off:
· You must ring EVERY MORNING
Could we please remind parents that THREE WEEKS notice is required if you wish to take your child out of school in term time.
Could I remind parents that it is not possible for you to use the staff car park at any time, as there is not enough space in this car park for all the staff. Governors will give permission for parents who have disability badges to use our car park. May I please ask parents not to park outside the Bicycle Shop at the end of our drive due to the increased danger and congestion this causes to an already busy area at the rear of the school, and would ask you to park in the Elms Car Park if bringing children to school by car. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
All children in the school require painting aprons, from Nursery up to Year 6. An old large shirt is ideal but please do make sure the sleeves are not too long. Can you provide your child with one as soon as possible. You would be amazed how much lost property we still had left at the end of last term! May I take this opportunity to remind you that ALL uniform, especially sweatshirts, painting aprons, plimsolls, hats etc need to be named – Thank you.
Several parents now receive their school letters by email. We are feeling more confident with this system and if you would like to register please do email us saying so. We are endeavouring not to produce a ‘hard’ copy to those households that receive letters by email, so please ensure your child is aware they do not need to receive a paper copy. Those who are already registered do not need to re-register. To register, please send an email to our school email address as above.
There is an Information Evening on Monday 24 September 2007 7.00-9.00pm at King Edward VI School, Grove Road, Bury St Edmunds. Tel: 01284 761393. You will be able to meet people who can give you more details on routes into teaching and other careers within education – teaching assistant, technician, administration.
Yours sincerely
J M Elphick
There are no parent assemblies for the first two weeks of term. Details of the Celebration Assemblies will be issued as soon as possible.
Mr Byer would like to express his very sincere gratitude for all the wonderful gifts and messages of goodwill that he received during July, which ALMOST persuaded him to go on for one more year! BUT, the allotment DOES need a lot of work!
YEAR 6 CAMP VIDEOS/DVDSHopefully, Mr Byer's TV system will have been replaced by the end of the holiday following the lightning damage, so the camp records should be arriving soon! As a bonus, there will also be full footage of the Year 6 Leavers' Service, and also the last assembly concert (courtesy of Jack Trythall and Gavin Harold), featuring an 11 strong line-up of very talented musicians (teachers, parents, ex and present pupils, and even a County Maths advisor!), plus Mr Byer! Please tell the office if you haven't received your video/DVD by the end of September. If your copy doesn't play properly, please let JB know!!
We have had two emails from Mr Trythall to say that they arrived safely at Hebron School and have discovered it’s rather cold and damp at the moment as its monsoon season! They have settled in well and we now have a picture of the children delighted with their new television set bought with the money parents gave to them. This will be available for you to see by the school office.
It would be very helpful if apart from school lunch cheques (that are paid to Suffolk County Council) and photographs all cheques that come into the school should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’.
“The School Council would like to ask you (the parents) on behalf of all the children to:
· Please keep prams and pushchairs outside unless an emergency.
· KS2 say goodbye in the playground.
· Only come in if you have a message for the teacher.
· Chat to your friends in the playground and not in the classroom or corridor.
· Say goodbye once, not again when the bell goes.
We would like to say thank you for doing this as it means we can all get to our lessons on time and start school straight away. Thank you.”
If your child is ill or going to be late:
· Ring the school on 723354 ideally by 8.30am
· Child’s name
· Child’s class
· Reason for absence or lateness
If they are likely to be off for more than one day, state:
· Which day they will be back
If you do not know how long they will be off:
· You must ring EVERY MORNING
Could we please remind parents that THREE WEEKS notice is required if you wish to take your child out of school in term time.
Could I remind parents that it is not possible for you to use the staff car park at any time, as there is not enough space in this car park for all the staff. Governors will give permission for parents who have disability badges to use our car park. May I please ask parents not to park outside the Bicycle Shop at the end of our drive due to the increased danger and congestion this causes to an already busy area at the rear of the school, and would ask you to park in the Elms Car Park if bringing children to school by car. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
All children in the school require painting aprons, from Nursery up to Year 6. An old large shirt is ideal but please do make sure the sleeves are not too long. Can you provide your child with one as soon as possible. You would be amazed how much lost property we still had left at the end of last term! May I take this opportunity to remind you that ALL uniform, especially sweatshirts, painting aprons, plimsolls, hats etc need to be named – Thank you.
Several parents now receive their school letters by email. We are feeling more confident with this system and if you would like to register please do email us saying so. We are endeavouring not to produce a ‘hard’ copy to those households that receive letters by email, so please ensure your child is aware they do not need to receive a paper copy. Those who are already registered do not need to re-register. To register, please send an email to our school email address as above.
There is an Information Evening on Monday 24 September 2007 7.00-9.00pm at King Edward VI School, Grove Road, Bury St Edmunds. Tel: 01284 761393. You will be able to meet people who can give you more details on routes into teaching and other careers within education – teaching assistant, technician, administration.
Yours sincerely
J M Elphick
Interactive Learning
Its the start of tem at Robert Hitcham's and class DB have started to use some new gadgets including ACTIV VOTE, a wireless mouse, a keyboard and a interactive slate. You can play games such as 'Who wants to be a Mathonaire'. We use the ACTIV VOTE to answer questions without putting our hands up.We have a wireless mouse instead of going right up to the computers. We also have a interactive slate so we can draw and control the board from our places instead of standing up!
By Laetitia, Thomas and Kitty!
Monday, 3 September 2007
Term Dates 2007-08
Monday 3 September – Non Pupil Day
Tuesday 4 September – Start of Term
Friday 19 October – Non Pupil Day
Half Term w/c 22 October 2007
Wednesday 19 December 2007 – End of Term
Thursday 3 January 2008 – Non Pupil Day
Friday 4 January 2008 – Start of Term
Half Term w/c 11 February 2008
Thursday 20 March 2008 – End of Term
Monday 7 April 2008 – Non Pupil Day
Tuesday 8 April 2008 – Start of Term
Bank Holiday Monday – 5 May 2008
Half Term w/c 26 May 2008
Friday 20 June 2008 – Non Pupil Day
Tuesday 22 July 2008 – End of Term
SATS (KS1 and KS2) – 12-16 May 2007
Monday 3 September – Non Pupil Day
Tuesday 4 September – Start of Term
Friday 19 October – Non Pupil Day
Half Term w/c 22 October 2007
Wednesday 19 December 2007 – End of Term
Thursday 3 January 2008 – Non Pupil Day
Friday 4 January 2008 – Start of Term
Half Term w/c 11 February 2008
Thursday 20 March 2008 – End of Term
Monday 7 April 2008 – Non Pupil Day
Tuesday 8 April 2008 – Start of Term
Bank Holiday Monday – 5 May 2008
Half Term w/c 26 May 2008
Friday 20 June 2008 – Non Pupil Day
Tuesday 22 July 2008 – End of Term
SATS (KS1 and KS2) – 12-16 May 2007
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