Saturday 29 May 2021

Wonderful Work

Just a few images from the great displays around the corridors in school at the end of this half term.

Some terrific art and research work by the children.

Friday 28 May 2021

Rainbow Coats

We spotted a perfect array of rainbow coloured coats on a few of our Year 2 children at breaktime today, so had to capture them on camera!

Thursday 27 May 2021

Our Children Question Ed Sheeran!

Recently some of our children in Classes MV & AJ took part in BBC Radio 1’s Kids Ask Ed Sheeran feature.

They recorded questions for Ed to answer and we are delighted to let everyone know that the feature will go out on air on Radio 1 this Saturday (29th May) around 13:40 as part of the Radio 1 Big Weekend of Live Music 2021.

A visual version will be made featuring Ed & Jordan recorded at Snape Maltings. This will go out on Friday 4th June on their You Tube channel and social media.

If you can, please tune in on Saturday to listen.

Class LH are coming up roses!!

Class LH have been doing observational art of a variety of flowers and have then used these drawings to inspire them and to create a 3D model out of clay.

The first thing we did was to understand how we could manipulate clay by extruding it, rolling it and carving it.  Once we were confident with this we then created our own flowers adding the detail of petals, leaves and the stem. We used slip to attach these parts of the flowers to the clay.

After that we painted our flowers.  The children worked really hard and were all really pleased with their finished tiles after all the perseverance and patience in creating them.  They do look beautiful.

Thank you to Mrs Rolfe for guiding them through this process. 

Tuesday 25 May 2021


We are delighted to announce that after significant planning within school we are making a number of changes to some of the rooms which will allow us to create a wonderful new library in the centre of the school.

We are converting our current SEND room into a small group room to enable more efficient catch up teaching to groups of up to 16 children, our SEND and nurture room will relocate to the current library room by the school office.

In addition, the ICT suite is being partially re-configured to have some PCs in the centre of the room, we are delighted to say that funding from the Friends will help us to replace the old PCs in the suite, so that within the year we will have 17 brand new PCs in this space – thank you so much to the Friends and the families that contributed to their fundraising.

By making these changes it means that our new library can now take pride of place in the area in front of the ICT suite, with direct access from the corridor and opposite the Reflective area in the Gilder Garden.

The new bright and colourful Library design has to accommodate a large volume of non-fiction books (over 30 metres of them) for the children to access for their class topic research. The fiction libraries will remain in bookcases in each classroom.  The new space will include a reading nook for the teacher to read to their seated class for F/KS1, or just to be used as a 1:1 space for a child and adult to read together.

We are pleased to be able to fund this transformation through our school budget.

If parents would like to make a donation of any amount for us to put towards some new seating for small groups in the library and some book display accessories then we would be absolutely delighted for you to do so. We have set up a ‘Library Donation’ option in ParentMail which you will find in the ‘shop’ section, this will be accessible from 26 May to 30 June, thank you.

We look forward to sharing the launch of the library with the children in the summer term.

Friday 21 May 2021

Class MV’s hybrid invertebrate clay models!


This half term in MV we have been exploring classification in Science. We have learnt about the different classes of vertebrates and invertebrates. We have linked this to our work in DT. We began by researching different invertebrates and picking our favourite features. Next, we planned our new hybrid mini beasts. In the last few weeks we have used different techniques to mould the clay and paint it to create our very own mini beasts!

Have a look at our creations, we hope you like them!

Class MV

Tuesday 18 May 2021

Year 6 Dictionaries from The Rotary Club of Framlingham

Each of our Year 6 children were very lucky to receive a wonderful illustrated dictionary kindly donated by the Rotary Club of Framlingham.  

During today's assembly, Mrs Picton handed out the dictionaries which have a personalised book plate for each child.

The Rotary Club of Framlingham generously gift these to our children every year and we are very grateful to them for their ongoing support in this way.

Deaf Awareness Week

As part of Deaf Awareness Week which was at the beginning of May Class KVJA learnt their BSL Alphabet (also known as finger spelling).  
We learnt how to say ‘my name is …’ in BSL, we were so proud of how quickly we picked it up and started learning how to count from 1-20 and beyond.   


Monday 17 May 2021

Class LH are still buzzing around!!

Class LH have been learning about the importance of pollination by bumble bees in and around the flower meadows.  We understand the vital role that they play and we learnt how how the pollen travelled from flower to flower by bees 

By using a velcro cap and balls (although, due to restrictions, we couldn't wear the cap on our heads, so we carried it instead!) we went out onto the playground to create a flower meadow where by all the children were flowers but some children were specific flowers, which the bee then pollinated. One of the boys commented about the fact there were no weeds in the garden!

The bumble bees travelled around all the flowers picking up the pollen (above) before finally landing on a tall sunflower plant and was able to pollinate the pollen she had collected from the other plants (below)

We repeated the pollination process to show the number of bees travelling around a variety of plants,  picking up the pollen and leaving it on another plant. 


Heroes Stamp Design Competition

 Thank you to all those who entered the Heroes Stamp Design Competition.  
Your designs are fantastic and fingers crossed we will hopefully have a winner.    

Friday 14 May 2021

Worship in School

The children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children were delighted to have their bubble Worships with Reverend Chris Davey from St Michael's Church, today.

Rev Chris spoke to the children about his role in the Church, as this was the first time they had been able to meet him in school.  

He also talked about the different occasions and services that happen in church.  He wore some of the garments that he would wear in Church for services.
The children had lots of questions for him and were able to answer his questions too!

Thursday 13 May 2021

Class LH are buzzing around

In the 'Scented Gardens' topic, Class LH have been beginning to investigate how the pollination  of plants works.  

We used the bee bots to demonstrate how the bees need to visit as many plants as possible in their travels around the garden to pollinate the flowers.


Class Photo Day

The children had their class photos taken in school today.

Each child has taken a proof card home today.

The Year 6 will have 2 proof cards - one for the class photo and one for the whole year group photo.

Parents should order online following the instructions on the proof card, please.

The deadline to get free delivery to the school is 24 May.


Over the past three weeks the children of Class CH have enjoyed exploring and having fun in the woodland at Forest School. There has been lots of creative and imaginative play, creating dens, games, mud feasts, and obstacle courses. It has been lovely to see the children grow in confidence and independence.

Tuesday 11 May 2021


YOU CAN HELP WIN £5,000 of National Book Tokens for our school library. That’s enough to buy hundreds of new books - Inspiring a lifelong love of reading. 

To get us in with a chance of winning please nominate our school – you also get the chance to win a £100 National Book Token for yourself. 

Enter at with your details and enter our school name: 

Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School

PLUS… This summer term, National Book Tokens are asking children to send in their own dazzling National Book Token designs. Six weekly winners will get their artwork made into a £10 gift card – one for them, and one for everyone in their class!  Visit:

Monday 10 May 2021

Year 2 Road Safety

Year 2 have been finding out about staying safe in and around the environment at home, outdoors  and elsewhere as part of this half terms PSHE  ‘Keeping Safe’.  

We have been finding out about how to keep safe in our houses and looking at each room to find out the hazards.  We have also been exploring how to keep safe when out shopping, playing in the park, walking to our friends’ houses, keeping safe around water.

To help raise awareness of road safety, Year 2 have been out in small groups to find out about and share road safety awareness.  The importance of using our ears and our eyes to cross roads once we have found a safe place was paramount to the children’s learning.  They also found out about some of the road signs and what they mean, experienced the tactile pavements near safe places to cross and discovered why the pavements are tactile. They found out about lowered kerbs and used the zebra crossing safely. 

Thank you Mrs Rolfe, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Wilczek for guiding the children through this and it was lovely to receive comments from members of the public about the children’s behaviour and manners.