Thursday 30 April 2015

Essex Cricketer Coaching in School

Professional cricketer - Reece Topley came into school to give some coaching to some of our promising bowlers in years 5 and 6.

Reece gave the children some expert advice on bowling faster and more accurately.
He bowls left handed and very fast for Essex and has played for England under 19s.

Reece also spent time answering questions and signing autographs.

Tuesday 28 April 2015

Howard Win House Chess Tournament

Our first ever inter-house team chess tournament reached its conclusion yesterday.
The last set of matches were very close with Hitcham and Bulstrode finishing 2 wins each. Howard and Mills also drew 2-2.

Over the 3 weeks each team had played each other.
The final results saw Howard finished 1st with 7 points.
Mills were 2nd with 6, Hitcham 3rd with 6 points and Bulstrode 4th with 5 points.

The children are grateful for the introduction of the house chess competition - giving them further opportunities to play matches. They would also like to thank Mr Byer for giving up his time on Monday lunchtimes to run the competition.

Monday 27 April 2015

No Newsletter this week

We are not issuing a school newsletter this week, the next letter will be circulated on Tuesday 5 May (day after the Bank Holiday).

Friday 24 April 2015

Year 4 Children at School Farm Fair and Country Show

The Year 4’s have been to the annual Suffolk School Farm Fair and Country Show held at Trinity Park. This event is like a mini Suffolk Show for children and aims to educate Suffolk school children about farming and food production in Suffolk.

Our children enjoyed holding chicks and ducklings, eating various food samples, seeing the Air Ambulance, watching sheep shearing and making smoothies on a bike as well as lots and lots of other things. It was a fabulous day!

Children playing the piano on a tablet

We have recently added some new APPs to our school tablets.
This one is called: My Piano.
It is great for learning how to read music or learn about a keyboard.
The children can even record their tunes.
The keyboard can be set for different instruments as well.

Even more impressively - a boy from Class DB has programmed his own keyboard using the Scratch software that we have been using in school over the last 3 years.
Watch the video below of Josh using his keyboard on a laptop.

Yoga Classes at SRH

On Thursday mornings we have been lucky to have a visiting Yoga teacher working with a number of classes. The children (and staff) in year 6 have really enjoyed the sessions - they have helped us relax in the build up to the SATs tests.

Cricket Club Using New Nets

This Tuesday saw our after-school cricket club using our new nets.
We had over 50 boys and girls with 4 staff using the facilities in beautiful Spring weather.

The children have also been using the nets at lunchtimes throughout the week.
Our inter-house league will start in the next few weeks.

Monday 20 April 2015

Newsletter 33

We are very sad to let parents and children know that Miss Ashberry will be leaving us at the end of the summer term to take up a teaching post at Eye Primary School.  We will be very sorry to lose her from our teaching team, but wish her every success with this move and her future.   We are happy to announce that we have appointed Miss Bullock who will join the team in September.

Please return orders with payment (to Van Cols Ltd) by THIS FRIDAY 24 APRIL

ST GEORGE’S DAY LUNCH – Thursday 23 April
EATs catering are providing a St George’s Day lunch THIS THURSDAY.  A traditional Roast Beef lunch with Yorkshire Puddings, followed by a St George’s Day Iced Cake.

With this letter please find a Scholastic Book leaflet.  Orders should come back to the office by FRIDAY 1 MAY.  Please remember we cannot accept cash for this, only cheques (payable to Scholastic Ltd) or complete their credit card slip.  Thank you.

Those children in PLDD who currently learn the clarinet have the opportunity to continue with the same instrument from September in a small group weekly lesson for a small fee. We will be sending letters out to the class shortly, and would appreciate if everyone could respond whether they wish to continue or not.  The children who currently do Flute Play-On can continue again for another year, and will also get a letter shortly.

HOW TO HELP YOUR CHILD SHEETS Teachers will be handing these out to all children over the coming week.  Please take some time to read these to help you understand what your child will be learning about at school this term, and about ways in which you can support them.

As per the Uniform list that was included in last week’s letter, we just would like to advise parents that we will be using nail varnish remover to remove any nail polish from the children.

The Incredible Years Webster Stratton School Aged course
This is for mums, dads and /or carers of children aged 6-12 years.
VENUE Meadow Children’s Centre Saxmundham Wednesdays 12:45-2:45pm
This is a step by step course, running for 2 hours per week over 12 weeks, starting 22nd April. 
It covers topics such as: Child directed play; Encouraging positive behaviours; Praise; Rewards and much more…
Contact Rebecca or Erika on 01728 602407 for more information and/or to book your place

Tuesday 14 April 2015

Newsletter 32

Welcome Back to the Summer Term!
Along with this letter of general information please also find a
Diary Dates leaflet which gives details of dates for the rest of this term and a Club leaflet with start dates of all summer clubs
Clubs/tuition starting this week: CMS Flute/Clarinet/Guitar; Violin (on Friday for those who normally have Monday lessons, Weds as normal); Art Club for Year 4s (last one)

   PRICE £2.30       Dinner money should be paid on Mondays
Half term payments are due by the first Monday after each half term.
The cost for lunch every day will be = £62.10   14 April – 21 May = 27 days
                           (NOTE: Non pupil days 13 April, 4 May (Bank Holiday), 22 May)     
Don’t forget you can pay for the whole term for 1/ 2/ 3 or 4 days per week too.
To pay on-line follow the link from the ‘Parent Information’ button on the school website.
Weekly:    5 days £11.50 / 4 days £9.20  / 3 days £6.90 / 2 days £4.60 / 1 day £2.30
Cheques should be made payable to Suffolk County Council (SCC)
with your child’s name and class WRITTEN ON THE BACK please.
DINNER MONEY MUST  BE HANDED TO THE TEACHER IN AN ENVELOPE THAT STATES:       Child’s Name + Child’s Class + Which days dinner money is for.

Proofs for these photos are being handed out this week.  Please return orders with payment (payable to Van Cols Ltd) by FRIDAY 24 APRIL

There are still a number of invoices outstanding for Violin, Guitar & Flute so please ensure you have paid for the terms lessons this week, otherwise your child may not get a lesson.

Please can we remind parents to advise the teacher if someone different is collecting your child after school? If there are a few adults who occasionally collect your child (eg Grandma/ Auntie/ Friend) you can give the teacher a note saying “I give permission for …., etc to collect my child if I am not there to pick them up”.  This is also relevant for collections from after-school clubs.
If you want to give permission for your child to walk home alone, you will need to fill in the relevant form that can be found on the website (Parent Information page) or from the office.

Huge thanks to classes JC & NS whose Cake Stall last term raised a whopping £163 ! Well done! The Easter Disco also raised a brilliant £456, thank you to all those who helped at the event

We are delighted to let parents know that following the launch of our new curriculum kitchen we are ‘School of the Month’ at Jamie Oliver’s Kitchen Garden Project.  Please take a look at:

Please can we remind parents that the children should only be bringing in fruit or vegetables for their morning snack. Please DO NOT include packets of processed or coated fruit eg fruit winders or yoghurt coated fruits. Thank you for following our ‘healthy schools’ guidelines.

Now the summer term has started I wanted to remind you about our Sun Protection policy. Your child’s health and well-being are very important to us, which is why we:
  * spend time learning about the importance of sun protection;
  * encourage pupils to wear hats when outside and to use sunscreen;
  * encourage pupils to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
More details can be found in our Sun Protection policy. 
Of course, your support is very important if we are to make this work. You can help by:
  * talking to your child about the importance of sun protection at home;
  * applying a minimum factor 15 sunscreen to your child’s face, neck, arms and legs
   (if exposed) before they leave home, in order to safeguard them through the day;
  * always sending your child to school in a hat (preferably with a wide brim);
  * ensuring your child brings in a water bottle (with a sports cap).

However… as the British weather is so unpredictable can we please ask that children bring a waterproof coat with them as we still like them to go out at break and lunch times even if the weather is a little wet.

----------------------UNIFORM REMINDER-----------------
We are finding that a number of children are wearing non-school colours or items. 
The school colours are Maroon (NOT Red) and Grey:

· Grey trousers or shorts, skirt or pinafore

· White shirt, blouse or polo shirt

· White/Grey/Black socks or Grey/Black tights

· Maroon sweatshirt / cardigan

· Red and White small check summer dress
School Sweatshirts embroidered with the school logo are available to order from the ‘Friends’ via the office, as are a number of other items.  No other sweatshirts/jumpers should be worn.
If your child wears a cardigan rather than a sweatshirt this should be in the school maroon/burgundy colour not in red.
Children should wear shoes which are comfortable and practical, preferably in black.  Sandals are allowed in summer in school appropriate colours they must have an ankle strap and be worn with socks (No Flip-Flops or Crocs). Footwear that covers the ankle e.g. boots should not be worn.
Jewellery and nail varnish should not be worn.  Earrings can cause problems during PE and Swimming and your child will be asked to remove them before the lesson.  Stud earrings are the only type allowed.  Children will also be required to remove watches before games lessons.
Sun hats are recommended during the summer months, and also an application of sun cream to your child's arms, legs, face and neck.   

Captivate Junior Drama Club  
has spaces for 6-11 year olds on Thursdays (starting 23rd April) at St. Michael’s Rooms in Framlingham, 4pm – 5pm.  Come along for a free trial session! 
Contact Ali on 07867807144 for further info.

Celebration Assemblies for Summer term 2015

17-Apr              none
24-Apr             CH
01-May             CA
08-May            PLDD
15-May             KM
22-May             PD DAY
05-Jun              ARTS FESTIVAL
12-Jun               RV
19-Jun               LC
26-Jun              JA
03-Jul               JC
10-Jul                NS
17-Jul                ES


Mon 13 April        NON PUPIL DAY

Tues 14 April        PUPILS RETURN

Thur 23 April        Y4 to Farm Fair

Thur 23 April        EATs catering St George’s Day lunch

Fri 1 May              Nursery Open Morning for prospective parents 9.30-11.00am

Mon 4 May            BANK HOLIDAY

Mon 11—Thurs 21 May SATs Testing & internal testing weeks

Tue 12 May Year 5 Special Lunch

Fri 15 May Friends Film Night

Mon 18—Thurs 21 May Walk to School Week

Thurs 21 May Friends Cake Stall (Classes LC & CA to bake)

Fri 22 May         NON PUPIL DAY (not at Thomas Mills High School)

Mon 25—Fri 29 May               HALF TERM

Weds 3 June Swimming commences at Fram College (2 weeks for Year 2’s)

Thurs 4 June TMHS Year 7 Teachers to  visit to meet all Y6 pupils

Fri 5 June School Arts Festival & lunchtime family picnic

Fri 5—Sun 7 June Year 5 Camp on Field

Tues 9 June Camp meeting for Y6 parents & pupils, 6pm hall

Tues 9 June Summer Trip JC, LC, CA to Banham Zoo

Thurs 11 June Bags2School charity bag collection

Thurs 11 June                            Volunteer Thank You tea (run by year 6)

Thurs 11 June Music For Schools parent demo in hall 6.30-7.30pm

w/c 15 June Year 1 Phonics Screening

Tues 16 June Y4-Y6 Parliament Education Day

Weds 10 /Thurs 11 June Summer Trip JA, ES, PLDD, RV, NS to Halesworth

Weds 10 June Summer Trip CH, KM, Nursery to Owl Sanctuary

Weds 24 June Reception Induction Meeting for Parents (Sept 15 Intake) 6pm

Thurs 25 June           Sports Day KS2 am, F/KS1 pm

Fri 26 June                Reserve Sports Day KS2 am, F/KS1 pm

Tue 30 June Year 5 Enrichment Day at TMHS

Weds 1 July Year 6 Production at the Headmaster Porter theatre (pm)

Weds 1 July TMHS intake evening for Year 6

Thurs 2 July Year 6  Production at the Headmaster Porter theatre (eve)

Fri 3 July End of Year Reports go out

Sun 5 July Singing Club at St Michael’s Church 9.30am

Mon 6—Fri 10 July Year 6 Camp Week at Whitwell

Tues 7 July Class KM Reception Induction Afternoon (Sept 15 Intake)

Weds 8 July Class CH Reception Induction Afternoon (Sept 15 Intake)

Tues 7—Weds 8 July Nursery Parent Consultations

Tues 7—Weds 15 July Next year’s Class Information meetings for parents (pm)

Mon 13 July Y6 to TMHS for day

Mon 13 July Move to new classes/teachers - 9.30-10.50am

Tues 14 July Year 6 Special Lunch

Tues 14 July Class CH Reception Induction Morning & Lunch (Sept 15 Intake)

Weds 15 July Class KM Reception Induction Morning & Lunch (Sept 15 Intake)

Fri 17 July Move to new classes/teachers - 9.30-10.50am

Fri 17 July Friends Cake Stall (Classes CH & KM to bake)

Fri 17 July Friends End of Year Disco

Mon 20 July ***new date*** Year 6 Leavers’ Service—9.30-11.30am

Weds 22 July       LAST DAY OF TERM