It is with great pleasure that the Governors and I share with you the report on our recent Ofsted Inspection which took place on 9 January 2018 in accordance with Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills (HMCI) inspected, under section 8 of the Education Act 2005 (as amended).
We are thrilled to receive confirmation that Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School continues to provide a ‘Good’ quality of education since the previous inspection.
We are particularly pleased that the report recognises that our school treats everyone as a ’unique individual’, is a ‘vibrant and caring place’ and that our children are ‘happy’ and very positive about school. It reflects a school which is founded on Christian values of care, kindness and family.
It recognises the strength of our curriculum which was identified as being incredibly rich, the opportunities for learning our children have and the progress and attainment they achieve. It also reflects the dedication of our staff and Governors, to provide the best education they possibly can for all children in an ‘inclusive school who do not give up on any child’.
We are hugely encouraged that Ofsted agreed with our identification of areas for improvement and that it was recognised that we have ‘begun to steadily address the issues’ through ‘high quality leadership’ of not only those subject leaders interviewed during the inspection but all our teachers and staff.
During the inspection our Inspector was highly impressed with the behaviour of our children, sharing that they are ‘absolute delights’, ‘they feel incredibly safe’ and are ‘proud of their responsibilities’ in school. She shared her admiration for the quality of interaction with children and the passion felt by the whole community for our school. The strength of Governance was recognized and the diligence of the Parent Council in ensuring that ‘the school remains a community for pupils and parents alike’. She felt confident that our ‘Very Good School’ had the ability to ’move forward’ in the future secure in the knowledge that the ‘right leaders are in the right places’.
We are hugely grateful to all families, children, staff and Governors who contributed to the inspection through direct dialogue, personal letters or returning questionnaires.
Although only one day, the Inspection was carried out in a very fair and thorough way. It serves as a formal recognition of just what an incredible school Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School is. A very good Christian School in our Community serving all our children and families in the best way possible. A school where we ‘tenaciously promote values such as equality, tolerance, humility and humanity in the day-to-day school life’. A school very well placed to continue to provide the highest of standards for all children in its care.