Friday 23 October 2020


 Over the past three weeks Class JT(Group 1) have enjoyed spending some time at Robin Wood. They have explored the different areas within the woodland and learnt about the Forest School rules. They have enjoyed a number of activities including, building animal dens, making mud creations, digging for worms and treasures, making leaf garlands, bug hunting and making potions. We finished the last session by whittling a skewer and toasting a marshmallow over the campfire.

I have a dream...Class VWe poetry

 Following on from our studies of the African continent Class VWe celebrated Black History month looking at inspirational black figures in history. We looked at Martin Luther King's I have a dream speech and wrote our own poetry with the title 'I have a dream'. We were blown away by the quality of writing and here is a sample of a few. 

Henri Rousseau Artwork in Year 3/4

The children in Class SBRH have spent this half term creating the most wonderful masterpieces reflecting the famous jungle image by Henri Rousseau.

What a lot of talented artists we have! Thank you to Mrs Lucas for supporting the children in this project.  See all the images on the website gallery

Thursday 22 October 2020

Half Term Next Week

As we come towards the end of the first Autumn half term I would like to thank our parents and carers for all the understanding, involvement and support you have given us during this half term.  What an incredible journey we have been on for the past 7 ½ weeks!  I am so aware that you have had to cope with many new directives, suggestions and ideas, as we all try to do the best we can for our children at SRH.

The children have all been amazing. Firstly, as they seamlessly returned to school after so long away and secondly, as they continue to inspire the grown-ups by their infectious optimism and certainty that all will be well.

Next half term we will all continue to do the very best we are able for all our children and in the meantime I wish you all a very well deserved break next week.

Mrs H Picton, Headteacher

Monday 19 October 2020

Harvest Activities in Class LH

Class LH started our Harvest day on Friday with “See how many words you can make from “Harvest Festival”. We found over 70 by lunchtime!!!
We listened to, watched and enjoyed the year 6 artwork powerpoint and the singing “All things bright and beautiful”.
The children completed a Harvest Quiz which they really enjoyed.
We wrote acrostic poems using HARVEST and then some of the children drew pictures of fruit and vegetables.

French Café

In Year 1, Class KB and Class JT are learning about France as part of our topic on Europe. 

Today we enjoyed a wonderful French Café tasting a variety of foods. 

Bon appetit!

Friday 16 October 2020

Harvest - Thank you, Lord, for this New Day

For Harvest today Class KB learnt about why we celebrate harvest.

We had our assembly where we shared our food and the class have coloured in pictures of fruit and vegetables in a basket.

We did some writing on what we are thankful for and listened to 'Thank you, Lord, for this New Day'.

We ended the day with the Little Red Hen story talking about wheat and what we can make from it.

African Harvest

Year 6, Class VWe, started our harvest celebrations with reflection. 

We explored the cocoa harvest in Sierra Leone and Ghana and explored the ideas of an 'ethical' harvest. The children designed their own chocolate bar which promotes fairness and justice for all farmers of the world. 

We offered prayers for a good harvest and fairness to all farmers of the world, and then ended our celebrations by listening to our African song and celebrating African harvest art.

Thank you to all the children for their generous donations.

Harvest - Our Grateful Thanks!

We are so thankful for the generosity of our families for your Harvest donations today.

We have a record number of boxes filled with tins, packets and jars which this year are being donated to Framlingham's Hour Community project, who make up food parcels for those in need in our community.


What does Harvest mean to us?

Today, the children in KVJA have been working hard in class and enjoyed learning about harvests around our world, Fair Trade, harvesting with horses, writing poems and more. Below are just a few images from their work and activities.

Thank you to everybody for their donations today. We are really pleased with all the generous offerings for our charity. 

Sadly, we were unable to worship together as a school family face to face at St Michael’s Church but we still enjoyed our special day and reflected on why we celebrate at this time in the Christian calendar. 

Harvest for the World

 Children in Class MV have been learning about Harvest around the world today.

Harvest - Farming and Wheat in Reception

The Reception children in Class CH have been playing 'Farms' today and also they have been exploring wheat as part of our Harvest Day in school.

Harvest Prayers in Class SBRH

For our Harvest Day today in Class SBRH we discussed why we celebrate Harvest.

Together we looked at a variety of Harvest prayers and then wrote our own to be displayed in our class.

Harvest Thanks for Class JT

In class JT our Year 1 children have been reflecting on what we are thankful for. 

During a harvest assembly, we discussed the variety of foods that had been donated.  The children felt lucky and grateful that they  have enough food to eat when other children in other parts of the country or world may not.