Friday 30 June 2017

It's a Mystery!

Audiences were treated to fabulous performances of 'Mystery at Magpie manor' this week.
Our Year 6 children delivered a number of tremendous productions of the musical play at the Headmaster Porter theatre at Framlingham College.
Flapper girls, the missing family silver, long lost relatives, a crumbling manor house, the legacy of the magpies, the rich and famous, Inspector Spectre, Agatha Christie and much much more! What a fun and frivolous production, with some great musical numbers and many hilarious one-liners.
A small selection of images here, but lots more on the website gallery .
Our thanks go to Rufus Owen and John Byer for the terrific photos.

Year 5 Enrichment Day at Thomas Mills

Year 5 were treated to a fun day of Olympic themed workshops and a sports event at the High School yesterday.

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Gardening club keep busy

Another busy week in the school vegetable beds

This week was an action packed week again – lots of jobs were completed and crops harvested.

The broad beans were finally ready for harvesting so the plants were pulled up and the beans picked.  After the broad beans were harvested, we then set to in weeding the bed and clearing out any old plants ready for the winter purple sprouting broccoli plants to be planted.  Those who come to gardening club next year will be able to see how these have grown as they won’t be ready for nearly a year!


 A team of waterers ensured that all the plants which we put in last week have had a good drink this week, particularly after the dry, hot spell we have just had and we hope they will start to really flourish this week.

The ‘Sweet Peas’ were picked and Mrs Eyles found a small vase so they now adorn the office window – they smell amazing!

Food Glorious Food!

Gardening club enjoy the fruits of their labour.

At gardening club this week 4 crops were harvested. 

Five courgettes and two broccoli heads, which the children have been nurturing over the last few weeks, were given to Mrs Aldred in the kitchen. She cooked these for the children today and they were enjoyed at lunch time as an extra vegetable. 

The radishes were also pulled and the children noticed how they felt quite spiky!  Each child took home 2 radishes and a bunch of broad beans for them to enjoy with their families.


The peas are fattening nicely in their pods and will be ready before the end of term.

It’s been great fun to see the crops grow and in such a short time.  Many children have been inspired and are growing vegetables at home. 

Colchester Zoo - KS2 Trip

Children in years 3-5 had a super trip to Colchester Zoo yesterday - supporting their current topic of 'Predators'.  A few images here and more on the Website Gallery ...

Report from Class RH..
Yesterday on the 26th of June we went to the zoo, Colchester zoo. Year 3, 4 and 5 went on the trip together.
We were looking forward to seeing lots of different types of animals. 
We saw rhino’s, giraffes, owls, penguins, lions and Komodo dragons. Ben was really happy to see the Komodo dragon as he had chosen this animal for his predator speech. The sloth was faster than we thought it would be.
We also saw monkeys, pigs, tortoise, snakes, lions, tigers and sea lions. The sea lions had a huge enclosure and we could walk through the tunnel to see them swimming overhead. Edi was really happy to see the penguins as this is her favourite animal and she has created a 3D penguin as a part of her home learning project this term.
Later, we saw a python shedding its skin. We found out that the python was 7.6 metres long.
Some of us went on a train ride to see the animals. This is when we saw the lemurs. 
When we went into the butterfly house we saw big butterflies and also a cocoon.
We had a fantastic time at the zoo.

Music Day for Year 4's

Suffolk has been alive with the delightful sounds of more than 3,000 young musicians, as Key Stage 2 pupils from primary schools across the county showing off their talents to parents, carers, families and friends, celebrating their year of learning a musical instrument.
Children from 96 primary schools took part in Suffolk County Music Service’s annual WCET Celebration week of events and between Monday 19 June and Friday 23 June, schools across the county took part in singing activities and instrumental workshops. Taught by County Music Service tutors in school, pupils play brass, wind, string, guitar, and percussion instruments. Each celebration finished with a sharing concert, where all schools played and sang together as part of a massed band and massed choir in front of an invited audience.

Our performance at St Michael's Church in Framlingham on Thursday was a huge success.

Philip Shaw, Head of Suffolk County Music Service, said: “Working in partnership with Suffolk schools to deliver this programme, Suffolk County Music Service is delighted to be able to increase pupils’ entitlement to a broad and balanced curriculum within schools that includes the opportunity for pupils to experience real musical learning and be inspired by tutors who have specialist expertise to develop pupils’ skills across a range of instruments or experiences.”
The KS2 WCET programme is a key part of the National Plan for Music Education that states “every child aged 5-18 has the opportunity to learn a musical instrument…through whole-class ensemble teaching programmes that provide a weekly lesson on the same instrument for a full school year”.
More information about other projects and programmes can be found on or by emailing

Monday 26 June 2017

AB's Potatoes

You may have noticed our potatoes growing in AB's outside area. We planted these back in March. Last week they flowered which meant they were ready. We harvested the potatoes and then went to speak to Mrs Aldred to see whether she would cook them for us. Mrs Aldred kindly said yes and boiled the new potatoes for us. We ate them for our lunch today. Here are some pictures of us munching our yummy potatoes.


JC Banham Zoo

Last Wednesday KS1 went to Banham Zoo, these are a selection of photos from Class JC.
We all had a wonderful day and  we were lucky enough to catch the train.