Thursday 15 October 2015

Hitcham's Head Chef Competition - Week 4

Sutton Hoo Visit - Classes VW & JA

Last Thursday these 2 classes visited the Exhibition Hall, played 'Archeological Detectives' and had a close up tour of the Burial Mound at Sutton Hoo. A great experience for all involved.

Wednesday 14 October 2015

House Football League Has Exciting Finish

Hitcham won the girls league with a dramatic win in the final match against Mills.
Bulstrode were the convincing winners of the boys league - unbeaten in 9 games.

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Sutton Hoo helmet

Benjamin, from Class PL, has created a copy of the Sutton Hoo helmet, believed to have been worn by the Anglo-Saxon King Raedwald.

Friday 9 October 2015


We have been advised by the company that hosts our school website that due to a major server failure at one of their key data centres a number of school websites have gone off-line.  It is hoped that it will be back on-line by early next week.

We apologise for any inconvenience.  If you were looking for our website to find information about the school, please do send an email to the school office who will be able to answer any queries:

Wednesday 7 October 2015

House Football Round 2

Some great action shots from the girls tournament.

See the house teams below.

After 2 rounds Bulstrode are leading the boy's league and Hitchams the girl's.

Monday 5 October 2015

Class PL at Flipside

In anticipation of our involvement in the Latin American ‘Flipside’ festival, Class PL cooked a variety of Brazilian snacks, including Rabanada (a type of toasted bread) and Brigadeiros (fudge).

On Sunday 4th October, 17 children from Class PL performed ‘choro’ (Traditional Brazilian songs) at the Flipside festival, held at Snape Maltings. They played instruments, and sang (in Portuguese!), with musicians Clea and Luis.
In these photos you can see instruments being tuned, as the children got ready to perform, and then the actual performance, on the stage in the Big Top at Flipside.

Thursday 1 October 2015

Sutton Hoo Trips

Sutton Hoo in 1939 (below) and in 2015 (above).

Each of our Key Stage 2 classes is visiting Sutton Hoo as part of our Anglo Saxon topic.

We got to see the burial mounds.

... go inside the museum...

...and do some archaeology investigations...