Thursday 19 October 2017

OVO Bike Workshop

Our Year 5 children had their chance today to take part in a workshop about Racing Bikes from the RideSmart organisation.  
This is a follow-on session from the Tour of Britain work in September.  The children were given basic racing skills were put into teams to race across the playground.
See more about the Ridesmart event earlier in the term with the Year 6 pupils who also took part.

JT Trail Trial!

Today, JT Class went to Framlingham Castle, to trial a trail!
It was great fun because we went to a lot of places in the Castle and we could do it in any order we wanted to. We really liked the activities in the booklet, especially the dot-to-dot.
While we were there, we got to learn more information about the Tudors and the Howard family. However the main family we were finding out about were the Bigods.
The guides were very helpful and kind because they gave us extra information. At the end, Andrew took a small group of us inside to try out the exhibition. This was interesting because there were interactive activities to take part in-we tried on some head-wear from the time!
Finally, we assessed the trail and helped them improve it even further!
A fabulous morning of learning!

Whole Class Blog!

A few more Roman Villas...

These amazing Roman residences have been constructed by the talented children in Mrs Cann's & Mrs Hamilton's class.

Wednesday 18 October 2017

First Class Photo in EADT

Crucial Crew Event for Year 6

Report to follow..

I am a Warrior!

Here are some photos from class KVJA on their latest topic, all about Roman Britain...

Maths Angles - Class VW

Last week, VW have been finding the angles at a point and on a straight line. They also learnt that when 2 straight lines intersect at a point, the opposite angles are the same. They’ve been identifying a variety of missing angles, thinking carefully about which rules they needed to apply.

Interhouse Netball

Today, Year 5 played inter- house ‘Hi- Five’ netball matches. The results were as follows:
1st-  Howard
2nd- Bulstrode
3rd- Mills
4th- Hitcham

Well done to all the children- they displayed great sportsmanship throughout.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Smiles at the ready...

Van Cols, the school photographer was in school today...

Practising some lovely smiles ready for the professional shots... 

Monday 16 October 2017

Food! Glorious food!

This week was our last week for  gardening club this year and so, as tradition dictates, we enjoyed a picnic with freshly grown and picked fruit and vegetables.  It was delicious!  We ate carrot batons, grated beetroot, fresh tomatoes,  juicy pears, a mix of fresh fruits and Mrs Eyles made a delicious apple cake.

We reminisced about this year in gardening club and all the activities that we have been successful in accomplishing. Hal said he liked the weeding.  Oliver gave a very detailed account of propagating which was his favourite part, and he told us that you “look for the knobble on the plant, and cut just above it.” He has been doing this at home to grow some new plants for next year. 

Dylan enjoyed planting the sunflowers but Tamara relished pulling them up especially as they were taller than her!  Rafferty loved looking at the allotments to see the variety of things that were being grown and also enjoyed our weekly look around the rest of the community gardens to see what changes had happened.

Ruby enjoyed planting the garlic and onion sets and was also interested in looking at the allotments and the way the fruit, vegetables and flowers were planted and grew.  Lily particularly took pride in the watering.  Rory especially appreciated planting the Hyacinth bulbs as they could be grown and given as a present. 

As you can see, there have been a range of activities that the children have really been engaged in and learnt a lot about.  The difference in their favourite activities has really shown the strength of teamwork among this group.  They have worked very well and cooperated with each other brilliantly.  

Thank you to Mr Duggen for his continued support and commitment to showing us the way.  His expertise is invaluable and the children have learnt an incredible amount through his knowledge and skill.

At the end of this productive year, we have planted the Sea Holllies, a self-setted lavender bush and some garlic and onion sets.  We look forward to starting again next spring when we will see the changes to these plants and look forward to growing some new fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Sea Hollies planted 

Garlic and onion sets begin their journey ready for next spring. 

Thursday 12 October 2017

Hitcham's Head Chef - Week 4

Today was the final Hitcham's Head Chef competition session, (much to our disappointment). The children were excited to get stuck in again. This week we were treated to Chocolate fudge brownies, Bramley apple and blackberry crumble with homemade custard, Eton mess and Earl grey, lemon and poppy shortbread. The children worked with focus to create their delicious dishes which were judged by Mrs Wade of Vanilla Patisserie and Sue Biddle from The Common Room. Huge thanks to them for their time and expertise shared with the children and with us. They did not have an easy job judging the dishes!

Watch this space for the results!

WWII Air Raid Shelter at Thomas Mills

Today the Year 6 went to TMHS to see  two air raid shelters. It was fascinating! Mrs Moore told us aout the old Head teacher from SRH – she went to church every Sunday and then on to see her sister. But one day she was ill and she couldn’t go to church and a German pilot, returning from war, he didn’t want a bomb in his plane, so he dropped it on her house. We went into two air raid shelters, one was a museum and the other had chairs and benches-it was very dark. My favourite part of the day was when we looked at the artefacts like bayonets and grenades, water pumps and letters and then we went back to our school. It was a very fun trip.
Fact: Bayonets were used in WWI and WWII
Today, Year 6 went to TMHS to see the air raid shelters they have there. When we arrived in the classroom there were lots of things to look at like: an old grenade, a gas mask and some cook books. Some of the letters were hard to read because they had very neat and curly handwriting. Next, we all pretended that we were really evacuating and we all rushed into the air raid shelter. It was very strange sitting on the handmade bench in the dark shelter. My favourite part of the day was looking at the ration books and the cooking books, they had very interesting food recipes that sounded disgusting.