Thursday 19 December 2019

Happy Christmas!

Wishing you all a wonderful Christmas break!
The children return to school on Tuesday 7 January 2020.

Christmas Dinner Day

Yesterday, the children enjoyed the delights of a wonderful Christmas Lunch!
More photos on the website gallery

Tuesday 17 December 2019

The Bog Baby Adventures in Class LH

Class LH  has used the ‘The Bog Baby’ by Jeanne Willis and Gwen Millward as a stimulus for creating their own ‘Bog Baby’.  Mrs Rolfe has guided the children in firstly making their own Bog Baby out of clay using the features from the text. (*see below). 

After this, the children painted their own ‘Bog Baby’ in preparation for the adventure around the school grounds.  

 * "round and blue, boggly eyes, a spiky tail and ears like a mouse"

Darcy and Frank both commented -  "I enjoyed extruding the clay to make the ears and the arms." 

Whilst Rory noted,"I enjoyed sticking the wings on ready for its adventure."

The children used the cameras to record the adventures and thought carefully about how and where the Bog Babies hid and what they discovered. Finally, the photos were then used to sequence their stories and retell the adventure that it had been on.

In the last week, the children collated their books providing a front cover and including the chapters inside the book.

Today, some of the Year 5 children visited our class to listen to the stories that Class LH had written.  It was a lovely sharing session and Class LH were very excited about sharing their stories.

Monday 16 December 2019

Nursery Trip to Festive Framlingham

Today Nursery went to visit the Christmas tree festival in St Michael's Church. We enjoyed seeing all the beautifully decorated trees and we looked at the Bibles we saw, and sat in the pews to look at the high ceilings and stained glass windows. After that we went to look at the specially decorated windows in Double Street which were a real treat. We all feel very Christmassy now!
As always thank you to our helpers who made the trip such fun.

Friday 13 December 2019

Tasty treats for the cast of the KS1 nativity!!

Key stage 1 

Key stage 1 have been working hard with their nativity rehearsals so as part of our DT for this term we have been relaxing in the kitchen!   Mrs Sears, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Free did a sterling job helping the year 1 and year 2 children through the mixing and making of the stain-glassed cookies.  



Great team effort by everyone and true perseverance shown in the mixing!! Phew! Look at the results!  They were very tasty!  

The children then wrote up instructions about how to make the cookies thinking about all the processes used and what was needed.

Christmas cakes

In Nursery the children have been working together to make special Christmas cakes to go home. They all helped to mix the cake before it was baked in the oven, and this week they spent time decorating it, choosing their coloured icing and selecting a star or snowflake cutter to use for the decoration on the top. We love Christmas!

Foundation Nativity

Our magical Christmas Nativity, 'Born in Bethlehem', beautifully portrayed by the children in the Reception and Nursery classes.
More images available on the Website Gallery

Nativity - Key Stage 1

Our magical Christmas Nativity 'Prickly Hay', beautifully portrayed by the children in Year 1 & Year 2.
More images can be found on the Website Gallery.


Friends Christmas Cake Stall ...

... Today in the pavilion on the playground after school...

Thursday 12 December 2019

SRH Election Results

After a tense morning of debating and pulling apart the manifesto of each political party, the children cast their votes. After a nail- biting counting period, it ultimately resulted in an overall majority for the Conservatives. Well done to the children for being respectful when voicing their views. During lunchtime, many children continued their debates. 

Election fever!

Year 6 are currently taking part in a mock election. They were assigned a political party and were them tasked with compiling a speech. In their ministerial roles, the children represented differ sectors, such as education, social care, climate change, etc and started to project their thoughts. After break, the children will continue with questions and debating, with a vote to follow. Will the vote represent the feelings of the country? To be continued...

Wednesday 11 December 2019

UKS2 Science competition

The children in UKS2 have the opportunity to take part in a competition which Miss. Whipps will announce in assembly tomorrow. It’s called ‘Superbugs- Join the Fight’ which revolves around the harmful  consequences of antibiotic resistance. Children can enter as an individual, pair or group of up to four.  They can create a poster, song, storyboard, app design, poem, etc about the overuse of antibiotics. Children can conduct research in order to learn about ten dangers of this prevalent issue today. The NHS are trying to reduce the use of antibiotics for many reasons; one of the biggest reasons is that they are not effective against viral infections and therefore won’t be as helpful when they are really needed by an individual. Miss. Whipps has the entry forms- please encourage your child to enter. Prizes have yet to be announced but previous winners have won an all- expenses paid visit to the Science Museum for them and their class. 

Open the Book

Today, the school was treated to an assembly by the ‘Open the Book’ team. We learnt about the dishonest tax collect, Zaccheaeus.  Zacchaeus had to climb a tree in order to get a view of Jesus. Jesus noticed him from the corner of his eye and told him to come down from the tree. On the same day, Jesus visited his home. Clearly moved by the event, he made positive changes to his life. He said to the Lord: “Look Lord! Here and now I give half of my possessions to the poor, and if I have cheated anybody out of anything, I will pay back four times the amount” (Luke 19:8). 
Christians believe that the moral of the story is that no one is beyond help: those who seek Jesus can be saved by him too, gaining forgiveness. 

Friday 6 December 2019

19th House Swimming Gala

On Wednesday 5th November 2019, eighty pupils from upper key-stage 2 participated in twenty-nine races during our 19th house swimming gala. The children were brave, willing and motivated. We were particularly proud of how the children came together as a team. We thank eight incredible student sports leaders from Thomas Mills, Audrey and Sue, and the team at Framlingham Leisure. Congratulations to Bulstrode for retaining the title and commiserations to the other teams who endeavoured so passionately. 

VW PASB House Tag-Rugby Tournament 2019

On Monday 25th November 2019, forty-one children competed in a house tag-rugby tournament. During the event, the children were energetic, involved and hyped. We thank the teachers and two Year 6 pupils for officiating the games. Well done children! 

Music Soiree

WOW! What an amazing array of talented musicians and singers.
Mrs Mawson is overwhelmingly proud of the children who performed in the Music Soiree last night, and would like to thank everyone for taking part.
Thank you for the generous contributions to the retiring collection towards Music in the school - we are delighted to say that £145 was donated - and this will be used to purchase a class set of recorders as well as a light for the piano, to be used at events like last night.
Lots more photographs on the website gallery.