Thursday 28 March 2013

Crossing Patrol Update

SCC are in the process of advertising the post of Crossing Patrol, they have advised us that there is unlikely to be a Crossing Patrol in place on College Road when the children return after Easter.

Please can we remind parents that they will need to take steps to ensure their children get across the road safely. 

We must also remind you that parking restrictions on College Road and New Road mean there are not safe/legal places where you can just drop off your child, so please can we ask that you allow extra time to park and escort your child into school.

Children who travel to school on the bus will be dropped off on the school side of the road so they do not have to cross.  The coaches will drop off at the High School first,  so in the short term they will be arriving at school a little later than usual.

Class DB make Comic Relief Donation at Framlingham Bank

4 members of Class DB took their sponsorship money to the HSBC bank this morning.
In total they collected an incredible £294.75
It felt appropriate on Maundy Thursday to be giving this collection of money to people less fortunate than ourselves.
Well done to everybody in the class for an amazing and generous effort.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Newsletter 31

If you do not pay for dinners on a Monday, your child will need to bring a packed lunch
There are 4 full weeks plus 2 x 4 day weeks this term (28 days)
  5 days a week               28 days x £2.20           =          £61.60
  4 days a week               24 days x £2.20          =          £52.80
  3 days a week               18 days x £2.20           =          £39.60
  2 days a week               12 days x £2.20           =          £26.40
  1 day a week                 6 days x £2.20                        =          £13.20
Cheques should be made payable to Suffolk County Council (SCC) with your child’s name and class WRITTEN ON THE BACK please.
ALL DINNER MONEY SHOULD BE HANDED TO THE CLASS TEACHER IN AN ENVELOPE THAT STATES:  Child’s Name + Child’s Class + Which days dinner money is for
***** Remember you can now pay on line at www.eats-catering *****
select ‘On-Line Payment’ or follow link from School Website

As you will all be aware we had our Ofsted Inspection last week; we have been advised to inform parents that the outcome of the visit will be published after Easter in a full report.  Thank you to those parents who contributed to the inspection either through the survey or through letters direct to the inspectors; they have looked at them all and considered them in their assessment.  Any issues within them were passed on to the Senior Management team and Chair of Governors.

The County Music service are not teaching this week, so there will be no guitar, no clarinet with Mrs Rogers and no brass with Mr McDowell.
They will start on the first week back after Easter (18 April)

The Cross Country has been postponed until Wednesday 24 April due to the course being waterlogged at present.

Where does your child like to read?  In bed, on the sofa, in the car……..
Now is your chance to show everyone any of the places where you can catch your child reading.  Simply take a picture of your child reading, print it off, write your child’s name and class on the reverse and bring it into school after the Easter holidays.  Please hand it in at the office. 
As you are probably aware, Year 5 and Year 6 have, over the last 2 months been taking part in a national reading initiative (‘Read for my School’).
Children have been encouraged to read a range of reading materials and record their responses.   In total we have read an impressive 719 books.  Special mention to Lily Constanti (NS) who read 86 books and Florrie Hulbert (NS) who read 83 books.

The Friends would like to say a BIG BIG thank you to all those families who donated a prize for the hampers and to those families & friends who bought raffle tickets.  Congratulations to the winners of the hampers – there are some fantastic treats to be enjoyed there.  The Friends are delighted to announce that the raffle raised £1118 which is brilliant.

CAKE STALL – Thursday 28 March
Classes JC & KV will be busy baking Easter Cake Treats ready for Thursday’s cake stall on the front playground in the pavilion.  Remember to bring some pocket money!

We just wanted to let families know that we have stopped doing this now.

The first ever Parent Council for our school has now been formed. Its aim is to meet every half term, allowing representatives from each class to meet with the Headteacher, governors and members of the Friends committee, to share information and strengthen communication between parents and the school.  Most of our classes are now well represented on the council but we still have gaps in classes CH, KV and GAVR. If you would like to be involved and can spare a couple of hours each half term on a Thursday to meet, please contact the school. The Parent Council is planning a coffee morning early in the summer term, where you can learn more about the new council and meet the class representatives. More details to follow.
In the meantime, the minutes of the Parent Council meetings are available to view on the school website.
BAG2SCHOOL COLLECTION – Wednesday 24 April
Reminder from the Friends that if you are having a Spring clear-out over Easter, please bag up any clothes, bed-linen, textiles, bags, belts or shoes (paired please), that can be donated to the charity bag collection on Wednesday 24 April.  All funds raised through this go to the Friends for the school. Thank you.

The Friends do not usually run a Summer Disco as the children can get rather hot in the hall, however they have arranged one this year for Friday 17 May, so it should be cool enough!

CAPTIVATE DRAMA - Summer Term Drama Club
Go along for a free taster session at St. Michael's Room - 4pm - 5pm on Thursday 18th April.  Call/Text - 07867807144 or e-mail
Fun drama games - improvisations - script work - performance skills

Children return to school on Tuesday 16 April.
May I wish you all a peaceful and relaxing Easter break,
Mrs Picton.

Monday 25 March 2013

House Swimming Gala Won by Bulstrode

All  of the children from years 5 and 6 went up to Framlingham College for our annual inter-house gala.
There were different races for free style, breaststroke and backstroke. There was also a float race and an individual medley followed by relay races. 

This year saw a very close finish with a few points separating Bulstrode and Mills before the final raft race.

In the end Bulstrode just pipped Mills by 2 points. Hitcham were 3rd and Howard 4th.

"It was a fun morning and I enjoyed it a lot," said Archie.
"I think it was the best gala yet and everyone took part," added Keisha.
Report by Bulstrode captains Taylor and Jack

Best of British Public Speaking Contest

Class DB took part in a Public Speaking contest.
They all wrote a speech about an inspirational British person.
We looked at some video of famous speakers such as Martin Luther King or President Obama and the type of language and techniques used.
The children did some research about their chosen person's life, achievements and lasting influence.
Speeches were then drafted and redrafted.

During the contest the children had to stand on a stage and deliver their speech (with clarity and passion) to an audience including Mrs Picton.

All of the children were nervous but found the experience very rewarding.
The results were impressive - you can see some the speeches can be seen below.

Class NS enjoyed their 'Day with the Ancient Egyptians'.

We had a great day at the Norwich Castle Museum and here are some quotes from the Class NS children that sum up their favourite activities:
"we were able to look at real, genuine artefacts......we got to see what the real life ancient Egyptian mummifiers got up to when preserving bodies.....we smelt the juniper and frankincense oils they put on them.....we even saw a real, mummified baby crocodile....we even dressed up as Ancient Egyptians and shouted out in a parade.....we were trying to awake the dead.......I loved the precious treasures..... they were examples of primary evidence.....we discovered why the pharaohs carried farm implements........Dr Derry was amazing.......they enjoyed dried fruit and unleavened bread for breakfast....the grown ups absolutely loved the trip......Victorian ladies even paid a shilling to look at mummies being unwrapped for fun.... the 'rippers' were stoned because it was bad luck to cut somebody open...Isis and Osiris were amazing....we would like to be Egyptologists like the museum staff....I loved the real golden amulets....I wish I had been an ancient Egyptian...I loved their eye make up....that jackal headed god was scary....even though the ancient Egyptians believed certain things, we believe in our own religion....beards were a sign of kingship...even the lady pharaohs wore pretend beards...we did not want to leave the museum but before we knew it we were back in what a day......"

Thank you to Mrs Lord for organising our great day out and for the parent volunteers who came along for the trip. Mrs Ambrose was very impressed with the children's excellent attitude and knowledge.Thank you.

Sunday 24 March 2013

A Day with the Ancient Egyptians

Classes PLDD and EM visited Norwich Castle and learnt lots about the Ancient Egyptians.
During the day we explored some real Ancient Egyptian artefacts, learnt how mummies were mummified and heard the story about the castle's own mummy. We learnt about daily life and dressed up as Egyptians. We learnt about Egyptian jewellery and its significance; we made our own collars, which you can see us wearing in some of the photographs. It was a great day!

PL/DD Share

Class PLDD recently enjoyed their Share session. We had lots of different Easter activities to do and make. These included making triptych Easter cards, making origami chicks and rabbits,wordsearches, colour by numbers, making Easter baskets, finger print chicks, writing poems and many more activities. We were very excited to have our parents and adults from home in the classroom to share in our fun and enjoyment. We would like to say thank you to Mrs Harold and Mrs Waddell for organising the afternoon so brilliantly and to thank you to all who came in to join us. Here are a few photographs from our afternoon.

Friday 22 March 2013

Easter Hamper Raffle

The draw was made yesterday for the Easter hampers.
The Friends Association raised over £1000.
A huge thank you to Mrs Bishop who organised this event and to everybody who sold or bought tickets.

Violin Concert in School Hall

All of the children taught to play violin by Mrs Fell gave a concert for their parents this week.

The 24 children played two group pieces. They also played a solo or small group piece each.
The children are a mixture of boys and girls from years 3 to 6.

You can watch videos below of the two group performances.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

Class NS, RV and KV visit Norwich Castle!

We had so much fun learning about Egyptians at Norwich Castle, here are a few pictures of our amazing day!