Sunday 31 January 2021

Spring Parent/Teacher Virtual Meetings

If you haven't booked your Teams virtual meeting with your child's teacher, remember the deadline for booking appointments for Mon 8 Feb is before 9am Mon 1 Feb (tomorrow).

Please access your ParentMail account to make your booking & you must include your email address in the notes box, as your meeting link will be sent to that email address.

Friday 15 January 2021


This week in reception we have been learning about space and have created some wonderful artwork. We looked at photographs from the NASA Hubble Space telescope and then using paint and glitter we painted our own interpretation of them. We also investigated different shape stars, we compared them by counting the sides and points. We then used stars and other media to create our own galaxies.

Tuesday 12 January 2021


 Ahoy there me hearties!

Last week the children in  Yr 2,Yr 1 and reception discovered some treasure in the classroom and had  great discussions deciding who it belonged to. We came to the conclusion that it belonged to a pirate. Then on Thursday we were visited by a pirate by the name of Captain Barnacles who confirmed it was his treasure. The children got to ask him questions relating to pirates. To finish the week the children dressed up as pirates and did pirate activities, such as learning pirate phrases,writing pirate sentences and creating some wonderful art pieces.

Monday 4 January 2021

School NOW CLOSED - National Lockdown

Following the latest National Lockdown news, the school is now closed to all children except keyworker and vulnerable children.
Please DO NOT send your child into school unless we are expecting them.
Remote learning for all children will be uploaded by the teachers to MS Teams or Tapestry.
Please bear with us whilst we make arrangements and avoid calling the school unless it is essential.
Thank you for your ongoing support