Friday 29 November 2019

Charley Bear from East Anglia's Children's Hospice launches our Christmas fund-raising.

This afternoon we had a visit from East Anglia’s Children Hospice (EACH). School council introduced Jo and explained that as a school council, we had chosen to support a local children’s charity. 

Jo introduced Charley bear who was able to tell the children about the hospice and all that they do.

The letters in Charley’s name spelt out seven key areas of work that the hospices do with the children.

·             Care
·        Hospices
·        All around
·        Raising money
·        Love and laughter
·        Everybody
·        You

Can you remember what they all mean and how the hospice helps less fortunate families with poorly children? 

We hope to raise as much money as we can for this worthwhile cause.  There will be retiring collections at the Nativity performances on the 12th and 13th December and also after the Carol service on the 17th December.

Additionally, the Christmas jumper day on 18th December, when we have our Christmas dinner, we are asking for pupils to make a donation in aid of EACH when they wear their own Christmas jumper.

School council with Jo from EACH holding Charley Bear. 

Eco council making decorations

The Eco council have been busy making Christmas decorations with an important message for the Christmas tree festival in the Church.
The children recycled old Christmas cards and used biodegradable or recycled materials to make their creations. Some of the children added the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle message to their decorations too.
Make sure you have a look for the tree at the Christmas tree festival which is open in St Michael's Church from 7th December to 5th January.

Tuesday 26 November 2019



A busy morning at Robin Wood! Some of the children finished off sawing their tree cookies while others were busy creating woodland potions, making animal homes and investigating the woodland. 
The children also helped to prepare pizza wraps to cook on the campfire. 

Thursday 21 November 2019

Year 6 STEM

For Children in Need, Year 6 were tasked with a silent STEM challenge. Both VWh and PASB classes were put together, informed of the task, organised into random pairs, given their equipment/ whiteboard (to communicate with) and then sent on their way! The aim was to construct a vehicle using a balloon, 4 cotton reels, 2 straws and a plastic cup- this proved to be much harder than they anticipated! Often, the axels of the vehicle were too low, which created an opposing force. Our winners were Tallulah and Hayden.

Rotary Dictionaries

This morning, Year 6 were presented with their fabulous new dictionaries from the Rotary Club. This year's competition only involves letters A-D and involves researching all forms of occupation within the letter range. Points will be awarded for occupations not common today, as well as for those children who elaborate on the careers they might wish to pursue when they are older. Thanks again to Rotary for providing such a valuable resource for the children to use now and in the future.  

JRSO Assembly

Today our JRSOs launched our WORD CHALLENGE competition.

We are very excited to see how many words children (and adults) can come up with, from the words

It was our first time taking part in an assembly and we were all quite scared. However, it turned out well in the end.

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Larks performance at Framlingham College

We are so proud of our Larks for their contribution to what was a fantastic celebration of music making and the music of Andrew Lloyd Webber at Framlingham College last Friday. 
What very brave and talented soloists we had too! A huge well done to you all.
(Photo courtesy of Framlingham College).


Tuesday 19 November 2019

Road Safety Competition

Class LH warming up with Pudsey

On Friday, Mr Peck led Class LH's warm up using Joe Wick's "Children in Need" warm up.  The children followed Joe and Pudsey through some exciting and, at times,  complicated moves.  

After that, we then started our hockey session learning ball control skills and how to pass and send the ball. 



A bright but frosty morning at Robin Wood. The children investigated the woodland by taking part in a texture scavenger hunt before experiencing using a bow saw. After listening to a tool talk they safely cut a tree cookie to decorate at a later date. Lots of free play was enjoyed including potion making, building animal homes, making fairy doors and having fun in the mud.

Monday 18 November 2019

2019 Suffolk Sports Award for Primary School PE & Sport Premium Impact Award

We are very proud to announce that our school came as Runner Up in the 2019 Suffolk Sports Award for Primary School PE & Sport Premium Impact Award.
We are immensely proud of the way our school staff engage with PE in the curriculum and outside of the curriculum for our children. The criteria for the judging is detailed in the programme photo below.
The Sporting opportunities that we offer our pupils are second to none in this area, and Mr Peck, our talented and enthusiastic HLTA (and specialist in Sports), delivers numerous sports clubs and leads the teams to success in the local area tournaments.



Class CH had a fantastic time creating accessories for their cuddly toys in aid of Children in Need. Don't they look fantastic.

Year 3 Totem Pole Night Lights

Year 3 researched Totem Pole designs and are in the process of painting. Once painted they will convert the design into a night light with an electrical circuit.

Year 3 get creative in American landscape dance!

Year 3 constructed some dances that link to our topic of Roadtrip USA. They were aiming for fluency and connection of movement and used landscape images for inspiration.

Year 3 Scientists explore electrical circuits

Year 3 have been creating an electrical circuit as part of their electricity topic. We had a lot of fun during this lesson and had some Year 6 helpers to teach our Year 3 class how to make a continuous circuit.

Year 3 and 4 Children in Need

Classes KV/JA, LC and VWe brought in coins to decorate Pudsey and Blush.  We had plenty of coins to use. We then counted and sorted them all afterwards.  We managed to raise £183.86!

We decorated Blush with copper coins.
We decorated Pudsey with silver coins.

Class LC Pumpkin Muffins

As part of  'Road Trip USA', Class LC made pumpkin muffins.  We discussed all the pumpkin going to waste after Halloween and how we could use pumpkin to make tasty food.  The children looked at the pumpkin seeds.  The muffins were delicious!

One Springy Day...

.... a famous children's author came to visit our school!
The children were delighted and enthralled by the lovely children's author Nick Butterworth today.
He spent time with every year group throughout the day, reading from his enchanting stories and captivating them with his marvelous illustration skills.