Friday 28 April 2017

Swimming Gala

On Wednesday, two teams of year 5s/6s went up to the college for the inter-schools swimming gala. All of the children raced well to get into the final stages. There were some very impressive times from all of the children. One in particular being from the boys front crawl of 14.40 seconds!! Both teams showed great sportsmanship between themselves and the other schools. 
The final results were 5th place for team 2 and 1st place for team 1. A huge congratulations to both teams for the excellent results. Thank you for being superb representatives for our school. Also, a big thank you to Mrs Seeley who noted down each of the times swam and walked with us and Mrs Skeggs who helped to look after/organise the teams. A fantastic morning was had by all.

(Pictures to follow.)

Class LH write a score

Class LH wrote their own scores today to the "Spanish Flea".  The children decided on which symbols would represent their own instrument and wrote the scores in their groups. Each score had rests in too and were designed around the 4-beat bar for the tune. 

These were then rehearsed and played to each other.  We discussed how we could improve each one.  As a class, we then performed Edward, Oscar and Erin's score and Erin conducted.  All the children produced a lovely performance with clear rests in and great concentration was used to follow the conductor. It sounded great!

Planning the score together thinking about how to accompany the music. 

Teamwork in deciding what works and what doesn't!

Erin conducting for the class. 

Class LH sharing a great performance. 

Egyptian Burial Masks

An awe inspiring display of Egyptian burial masks greets you as you walk along the top corridor of the school. 
The year 5 children - classes SC & VW - have yet again created some amazing pieces of art which capture the stunning beauty of the decorated burial masks.  
Egyptians considered it very important for the soul to be able to recognise the body so it can return to it, for that reason death masks were used. All death masks were made to resemble the deceased but with a slightly enlarged eyes and a faint smile and also showed fashion of the moment with painted jewellery and makeup.

Solar System Display

The display of Solar Systems on the top corridor was out of this world! The Year 5 children created a wonderful galaxy of planets.
Sadly, we didn't get round to photographing it while it was up, however class SC still have theirs on display in the activity area... 


Class RH went to the Mere yesterday to look at where water enters and leaves the river...

Report by Audrey:
Yesterday Class RH went around the mere to look at the different rivers and which way they flow. We set off through the car park and into the grass. We had to go across a bridge and we took pictures, we found out the water was flowing upstream into town.
Afterwards we walked a bit further and came to another bridge this time it was flowing into the mere.
We walked past trees, some of them had birdhouses. We walked past a small river by the boardwalk it was coming from the Mere, we walked on.

There was a very good view where we started sketching the mere. After that we went back to school.

Photos taken by the children...

Thursday 27 April 2017

Dance East

On Wednesday Dance East came to school to deliver the 1st of 4 workshops to the whole of year 1. The children were engaged and enjoyed working with the moon and space theme. Keep your eyes peeled for the finished performance at the Arts Festival at the end of half term!

New PE Equipment

AB enjoyed using the new nets during PE. They practised their aiming, defending as well as using an underarm throw. By the end of the lesson they all agreed that their aiming had improved.

Key Stage 1 - Church visit - LH, JC and AB

On Wednesday afternoon, year 1 and year 2 (LH, JC and AB)  visited St Michael’s Church, Framlingham  to share and conclude our topic of ‘The Great Prayer and Worship adventure’.  There were five areas of prayer which we have been learning about: praise, worship, thanks, sorry and help.  We discovered what they meant to us as Christians.  

When we arrived at the church, the children were put into 5 mixed class groups and each group took turns on the carousel of activities; each activity related to each type of prayer. 

Praise –  we rejoiced in the praise psalms and shared our praise psalms that we had written.

Thanks – studied the ‘Grace’ as we shared our afternoon snack and gave thanks to God for all our food and all the good things that we have.

Worship – we prayed about how we worshipped God and rejoiced by singing and dancing to celebrate.

Forgiveness – we thought about times when we had done something we weren’t pleased with and that we were sorry about. We wrote our prayer down on a whiteboard and then wiped the boards clean representing God forgiving us and having a fresh start.

Help -  we shared prayers that had written asking God for help in times of need.  We made a candle as a symbol of this prayer.

We had an action-packed afternoon and it was great to share all the different types of prayers with each other from the other classes.
Grace - prayers for thanks 

Worship - singing and dancing to rejoice

Candle making - asking help for others 

Sorry - asking God for forgiveness

Praise - sharing psalms

Thank you to all the parents who kindly made this trip possible by walking to the church with us. The children enjoyed the experience of working with children from other classes.  

AB Nature Walk

On Tuesday class AB went for a walk round the school field looking for different plants/trees. We talked about the different colours, shapes and sizes of the plants/trees we saw. The children were given cameras to use in pairs. These are some of the pictures that they took.

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Class VW Share Session

On Tuesday, VW enjoyed their Share Session.  In line with our topic ‘Off with her head’,  the children were given a section of a portrait of Henry VIII and had to replicate it on A4 card.  They had to scale the up their section and used a combination of different media and materials. The atmosphere was lovely and Henry is now proudly displayed outside the classroom!

Farm Fair report

On the 20th of April the year 3 and 4 children went to Trinity Park in Ipswich to go to a Farm Fair just for schools.
When we got there we were split into groups to go off together and do some different activities. Some of the activities were: honey tasting, milking a fake cow, holding rabbits and guinea pigs and even watching gun dogs and Suffolk Punch horses. Some people even held dead animals such as: ducks, rabbits, pheasants and even squirrels! But they had to wear gloves. That was organised by the wild meat company.
At the show there was a deer which was a very rare breed and her name was Molly. There was also a little stand which was called soil my pants! The most popular activity was probably the tractor ride because you got to sit in the back of a tractor and watch the animals out of the window. There were more sheep than any other animal. In fact we think it was the only animal that you could see out of the window!
We all really enjoyed our day at the Farm Fair.

By Georgie and James, the class reporters for class PL/KV  

Monday 24 April 2017

Gardening Club spring into action

Gardening Club spring into action!

The gardening club was as busy as ever this week.  Having got the beds ready last term for the new crops, we were able to finish off preparing them today for this year's crops.  

Everyone helped out clearing the old potatoes from one bed and weeding both beds.  The trenches were then dug for the potatoes to be planted in.  Mr Duggens gave a valuable lesson to the children about the merits of the borage plants and the frustration of the bindweed!!

Clearing the beds, weeding and pulling up bindweed.  

Great teamwork digging the trenches ready for the early 'Swift' and 'Charlotte' potatoes.

Planting the 'Charlotte'  potatoes. 

Planting the beans out which we sewed at the end of last term.  

Friday 21 April 2017

BBC Radio 2 500 Words Competition

We are delighted to be able to share with you that we know of FOUR of our pupils - Ned in Class LC, Audrey in Class RH, Lucia in Class PLKV and Maggie in Class VW - who have been selected to go through to the next round.
Of 131,798 entries only 5000 were picked to go through - Well done to you all and Good Luck in the next round.

AB Alien Sock Puppets

On Wednesday AB finished making their alien sock puppets. They worked hard to sew on bits of materials using a running stitch.

Miss Bullock, Miss Lamb and the class would like to say a huge thank you to all our helpers as we couldn't have done it without them!