Thursday 31 March 2022

Bassistry Arts - Drumming workshops

Last Thursday & Friday the children thoroughly enjoyed the excellent music workshops delivered, once again, by Marcel and Philippe of Bassistry Arts

A huge amount of noise echoed from the hall over the two days with the drums, percussion and bass pounding out some fantastic rhythms. The individual class workshops culminated in a wonderful whole school assembly on the Friday afternoon.

We are very grateful to the Friends for supporting this opportunity for our children.

More photos are on the Facebook page & we hope to add some video links too.

Snowy Day!

A bit unexpected after the spell of hot weather last week!

Monday 28 March 2022

Swimming Gala

Today, Year 5 and 6 took part in our annual House  Swimming Gala at Framlingham College. 

Under the watchful eyes of Audrey, Elaine, Dave, the lifeguards and staff, the children showed outstanding team spirit, resilience and perseverance. 

Many children had to complete extra races at the last minute to cover the children who were absent, demonstrating a flexible attitude. 

The Year 6 house captains supported the Year 5 children first, helping them get to their races on time and offering valuable peer support. 

Year 6 also completed their races with confidence and determination. 

After adding up the score sheets of both year groups in combination, Bulstrode were declared the overall winners and secured the cup for the year. 

A huge well done to the children and a big thanks to Mr. Jewell for organising the event. As always, we are tremendously grateful that we have the opportunity to use the facilities at  Framlingham College and the expert tuition they provide the children with. 

Class LH go back in time

During our ‘School Days’ topic, Class LH have been finding out about what it was like in Victorian classrooms compared to our current classroom.  We have been finding out about the differences and the similarities.  On Friday morning, we actually went back in time to a Victorian classroom.  We wrote diary entries about our experience and this week’s new learning.  The following is a diary entry with one sentence from each child but will hopefully capture an essence of the morning…

Dear Diary,

You won’t believe what happened today! (Esther).

This morning I was scared (Evie). My teacher was different because we were in the Victorian times (Ana-Sohpia).  

The class turned into a Victorian class and I was a bit nervous (Lucas).  When we walked into the classroom, I was surprised because Mrs Hall was being very strict (Ivy).  Mrs Hall was doing the register in the teacher’s logbook (Oliver J).  The desk was big (Oliver T). The dip pen had a feather on the end of it and it was put into an ink bottle to write (Tabitha).   The feather was beautiful (Junior).  We had to stand up when you had a question (Seb). 

Mrs Hall had a dunce’s cap on her desk and a cane - no one got the cane (Zara).  When someone walked in the classroom, we had to stand up (Maddie).

The boys and girls sat on different sides of the class room (Willlow).  We sat in rows and I did not like the Victorian school as we had to be quiet (William).  I was sitting on the boy’s side of the class (Oliver R).

We did the good three R’s – reading, writing and arithmetic and we did hard arithmetic.  We had to chant our times tables (Joss).  We had to write with a slate board and chalk and I had to write with my right hand (Ella-Rose).  I had to write the alphabet and my name (Herbie).  In the afternoon, the girls will do needle-work and the boys will do technical drawing (Laycie).

At the end of the lesson, we sang the National Anthem (Mason).

The Victorian school is different to now as we have different bells and we have radiators instead of coal stoves (Viviana).

It was fun and I enjoyed today. (Hollie)

Until next time! (Mrs Hall)

KS1/KS2 Teacher Vacancy - Deadline Extended

MPR Salary, Full Time, Fixed Term 1 Year.

We are a successful and well-resourced CEVAP School of 350 children, in the delightful market town of Framlingham. We offer a dedicated team of both staff and governors, a pleasant working environment and enthusiastic pupils who are confident and motivated. Our teachers support a wide range of extra-curricular activities which enhance the breadth of opportunities available to our children.


We are looking to appoint a highly motivated practitioner who is able to meet the following criteria:

  • a secure appreciation and understanding of KS1/ KS2 curriculum
  • have experience of working with KS1 / KS2 pupils
  • expects high standards from themselves and their pupils
  • good communicator who is willing to be a key member of the KS1 / KS2 team  

You should be passionate about children’s learning, have high expectations of yourself and your pupils, and be supportive of the Christian ethos of the school.

“This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.” 


Visits to the school are welcome, or find out more about us at  


Closing Date for Applications EXTENDED TO: Monday 25 April 2022

Interviews w/c  2 May 2022

For further details please contact the Headteacher on 01728 723354 or email


Completed forms can be found on our website and should be returned to the school.


Friday 25 March 2022

Class LH scavenging in Robin Wood

Our main activity this week was to do a very special scavenger hunt.  We first had to wind two or three elastic bands onto a stick – that was tricky for some of us but we all persevered and were successful. We then completed a scavenger hunt around Robin Wood to find 10 things that we could tie onto our stick.  They had to include something that once grew or could be found on a tree and something that crunched. We were amazed with the inventiveness of each others and found some amazing things.

We studied how Robin Wood had changed over the last few weeks and noticed the buds are beginning to form and the leaves are turning a very light green ready to burst out.  Several children noticed butterflies darting about the wood too.  After that we explored Robin Wood for evidence of birds that had visited during the week.  We found some feathers and heard a few birds chirping.   

Finally, we played ‘Eagle Eyes’ which we all love and enjoy playing.  Mrs Morgan was very good at this and managed to find the nimblest of hiders.  

We then finished off the session with our snack and a reflection about our busy week.  We also reflected on the Bassistry workshop; learning about life in a Victorian schools; role playing the Victorian classroom; working hard with our Maths and finally finishing off with a lovely afternoon in the beautiful sunshine today.  Mrs Hall is super proud of you all and it has been a fun-filled and enjoyable week and hopefully one where many memories have been made.  Well done Class LH.

Photos show the elastic bands being tied onto the sticks before the scavenger hunt begins.  Just look at the concentration on their faces whilst tying on their findings!!


Thursday 24 March 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Time Capsule Competition

As part of a DT and History project, the Key Stage 2 children have entered a competition to make a time capsule of the school's history from 1952 to the present day. This involved researching the history of the school and creating and designing a time capsule to display the photos on. The entry will be displayed at both the School Farm and Country Fair and at the Suffolk Show. The Winning school will win a class visit to The Hold in Ipswich.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

Teacher Vacancy

KS1/KS2 Class Teacher - Closing Date Extended

MPR Salary, Full Time, Fixed Term 1 Year.

We are a successful and well-resourced CEVAP School of 350 children, in the delightful market town of Framlingham. We offer a dedicated team of both staff and governors, a pleasant working environment and enthusiastic pupils who are confident and motivated. Our teachers support a wide range of extra-curricular activities which enhance the breadth of opportunities available to our children.


We are looking to appoint a highly motivated practitioner who is able to meet the following criteria:

  • a secure appreciation and understanding of KS1/ KS2 curriculum
  • have experience of working with KS1 / KS2 pupils
  • expects high standards from themselves and their pupils
  • good communicator who is willing to be a key member of the KS1 / KS2 team  

You should be passionate about children’s learning, have high expectations of yourself and your pupils, and be supportive of the Christian ethos of the school.

“This school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff to share this commitment.” 


Visits to the school are welcome, or find out more about us at  


Closing Date for Applications EXTENDED TO: Monday 25 April 2022

Interviews w/c  2 May 2022

For further details please contact the Headteacher on 01728 723354 or email


Completed forms can be found on our website and should be returned to the school.


British Science Week in classes VWh & VWe

Classes VWe and VWH, as part of British Science week, had a session with the microscopes and slides. 

When we opened the cases we found much of the equipment had been donated by past pupils, some even our brothers and sisters. 

We learnt how to place the slides, change the magnification and adjust the focus. It took us a while as you have to go very slowly and carefully and if you rush it’s easy to lose focus and not see anything. 

Once we had worked out how to adjust everything we saw some amazing colours and patterns in different kinds of pollen.

Another favourite set of slides involved looking at insect wings and legs.

Friday 18 March 2022

Class LH "nestle" down in Robin Wood

This week we continued with the bird theme and in pairs we made nests out of twigs, fluff, sticks, moss, leaves and wood.  We spent ages building these to ensure that the middles were soft for the eggs and that there were good edges that the eggs didn’t roll out of.

After this we were given the chance to do some whittling.  We started off with a vegetable peeler and then when we were confident with the process, we were allowed to use the knife carefully.  We then made people out of the sticks that we whittled and decorated them with fabrics and created faces on them too. (see photos below). 

We also did some more drawing using natural charcoal and chalks; the mud kitchen and café were busy; a few learnt how to make bows out of the willow sticks; there was some great problem solving going on with the tubes and transferring the water from the top of the pipe into the bucket at the end and also on-going imagination play and creating stories using others part of the wood, the toys and the den building.

We were so lucky with the weather too which made for a most enjoyable, calm but busy morning. 

Enjoy some photos of our morning. 

British Science Week in Class MV

This week, in Class MV, we have been going daily Science activities in the morning such planning a civilisation on Mars, thinking about what would happen if we took plants to other planets, guessing the odd one out (out of three pictures) and making predictions based on items which have been zoomed in.

In our Science lesson this week, the children worked together setting up an experiment in groups. We were looking at fair tests and controlling variables. They did a brilliant write up for this too!

We have finished the week off by learning about the discovery of DNA and creating a jigsaw poster about the life and career of Rosalind Franklin!

Well done Year 5!

Thursday 17 March 2022

Fr….fr…fr…freezing time in Class LH

Class LH have been investigating and exploring changes of the state of materials particularly water. 

We examined 5 different tubs of ice and recorded adjectives used to describe it – slippery, shiny, hard, cold, freezing, smooth, icy.  We then made predictions about the five pots to decide which would melt first and these were then placed around the classroom – on the windowsill, the radiator and the front of the classroom.  The other two were placed in the fridge and the freezer.

During the day we did hourly observations and the first one to melt was the one on the radiator after 1 hour 20mins.  The one on the window sill was the next after 1 hour 50 mins.  The ice tub at the front of the classroom was the third to melt after 2 hours.  At the end of the day we wrote up our results and conclusions.

We talked about what people used to melt the ice when the roads were icy and talked about salt being used.  We then poured salt onto a new tub and watched it virtually melt in front of our eyes.

We discussed how the particles changed from ice, to water and to steam (gas) and looked at the steam from a boiling kettle. 

The photos below show the class as an ice block (all huddled together), the water (loosely standing near each other) and a gas all spread around the classroom.   The other photos show how we were examining the ice to generate the adjectives and comparing the ice blocks during the day.