Thursday 21 October 2021

Class VWe has artistic talent!

 We'd love to share with you some Year 6 artistic talent from this term. We've been busy using oil medium to produce self portraits (New Beginnings) based on Dwek's Growth Mindset. This was  followed by a design technology sewing project  making applique bags which is work in progress!

 We've enjoyed using our creative talents!

Crucial Crew comes to visit our Year 6!

 Year 6 have spent this morning learning about personal safety in a range of contexts through the Crucial Crew scheme. Through video link delivery from experts, the children were able to learn how to act safely and responsibly in a range of situations. They were able to develop an awareness of personal safety, understand more about how emergency services support our communities and be aware of their own actions and how this affects the safety of others. The Year 6s were superb and made some excellent contributions. We had some great feedback from some of the children: Sam 'I really enjoyed it, especially learning more about drugs and substance abuse'. Grace 'I really enjoyed the morning.' Reuben 'I really enjoyed it and learned a lot things. The fire safety was really good.' India 'I found the fire one really interesting as it showed how dangerous certain sockets can be.' Ella 'it was very interesting to learn about hate crime and understand more about respecting different groups.' Thank you to the children for making it a superb morning Mrs Webster and Ms Whipps

Year 6 interview Reverend C. Davey about Christian belief in incarnation.

 Class VWe and VWh were privileged to spend a recent RE lesson interviewing  Reverend C. Davey about Christian beliefs surrounding incarnation. We were blown away by the engagement and questions coming from the children. Emily asked: Why do you believe God incarnated himself? Eve asked: Why did God incarnate himself as a carpenter? George: asked If  God came back now what would he look like? Thomas asked: What does incarnation mean to you? We are very grateful to Reverend Davey for the time he gave to answer some complex questions and for the opportunity to look around St Michael's church for evidence of the Christian belief of incarnation. We really enjoyed taking our Year 6s out to explore the wider community. Mrs Webster and Ms Whipps

Monday 18 October 2021

Four Seasons in one day!

This afternoon in class JT the Year 1 children have been working collaboratively to create art that represents the four seasons.

Friday 15 October 2021

House Captains for 2021

Our 2021 House Captains were presented with their House Captains badges in our school assembly this morning, we managed to catch them for a quick photo before they went of for their Year 6 swimming and PE lessons.

Key Stage 2 staff and teaching assistants are also attached to Houses. Our Houses are a great way for the children to be part of a supportive group for four years and encourages team working.

The school operates an ‘Effort Point’ system where class teachers award points each week for any positive effort, good work, helpful attitude and so on.  We announce the weekly winner of the House Cup in assembly.

We have inter-house competitions in all the school’s major sports and hold house meetings and assemblies each month.

The children also take part in a wide range of non-sporting inter-house competitions, including chess, singing, art, literature and our annual STEM challenge.

We’ve named our Houses after famous local people:


The children wear the appropriately coloured PE kit and have the option of wearing house hoodies too.

Thursday 14 October 2021

Photo Day today!

Miss Simpson has been very busy this morning organising the children for their annual school photos. 

This year the children will bring a personalised proof card home with them (today) which parents should use to view the images and to place an order online with Van Cols.

Tuesday 12 October 2021

Year 3 Clarinet lessons

SBRH and KVJA have the wonderful opportunity of learning how to play the clarinet.  

Mr Kershaw, our County Music Service tutor, has been teaching us since the beginning of term and we have already learnt how to put our clarinet together and successfully make a sound.  

We have been learning 2 notes and have hopefully been practicing these at home.  During this time we also do lots of singing and learn other musical skills and terminology.

School Assembly

Last week we were fortunate to have Mrs Clarke, our Chair of Governors, come and share our assembly.  

She shared with the children about her role and how she and the other Governors support our school.  

We then had a question and answer time for the children.  

Thank you to Mrs Clarke for coming to talk to us. 

We are also delighted to tell families that the new parent Governor who has been appointed is Mrs Danielle Rogers.

Monday 11 October 2021

What have Class VWh been learning?

Here are a few of the things class VWh have been getting up to over the last couple of weeks...

We have commenced our new whole school topic of 'Frozen Kingdom' and have compared both polar environments. We constructed comparative explanation texts to clearly see the difference between these areas. 

Also, we have gained knowledge about the demise of The Titanic. We read accounts about that fateful night and wrote newspaper reports detailing events and thinking carefully about the features of the genre. Last week, 4 children were 'hot seated' and took on the roles of 4 Titanic survivors. This allowed the children to immerse themselves and imagine the stark reality. Equipped with this information, we utilised slow writing techniques to create diary entries, imagining that we had survived the horrific ordeal and had secured a place on one of the highly sought-after lifeboats. 

In maths, we've been focusing on the 4 operations and gaining a secure foundation in these core skills. Over the last couple of weeks, we've been getting to grips with long division and once secure with the method, we applied our knowledge to reasoning contexts. Additionally, we worked with remainders and had to give careful consideration as whether we needed to represent them as a decimals or fractions. 

Miss. Whipps is incredibly proud of their efforts so far this year!

Eco Council

On Friday, I met with our new Eco- Council members and introduced myself. We had a brief discussion about sustainability and thought about some of the simple things we could do at school, e.g. thinking of ways to remind people to sort and recycle items appropriately. 

I introduced the word ‘proactive’ and we thought about what this meant in terms of sustainability at SRH and at home. 

tasked the children with going back to their classes and asking their peers about the things they think we could do to reduce our carbon footprint and become a more sustainable environment. 

I really hope that the Eco- Council members enjoy their critical role this year. 

Miss. Whipps 

Friday 8 October 2021

Harvest Services

We were delighted to see parents or grandparents in Church today to join our Harvest Services.  We hope you enjoyed being part of this special occasion.

Our pupil Worship Team from across the school did a wonderful job helping to lead parts of the services.

Thank you to all the children who brought in their harvest food donations which will be taken to the Waveney Food Bank by the Church, for those in need in the local community. The £52 cash donations we received will be sent to Christian Aid.

Photos from the Reception & KS1 Service:

Photos from the KS2 Service:

Class LH go Wild with their art!!

 As part of the ‘Enchanted Woodland’ topic, class LH have been studying the environmental artist, Andy Goldsworthy. 

Mrs Lucas introduced the children to his style of work on Tuesday but unfortunately due to the inclement weather, the children were unable to make their creations outside.  However, they created a great gallery of pictures using natural materials (leaves, twigs, fir cones, conkers, horse chestnut cases, feathers and heather) in the classroom.

Luckily, the weather improved during the week and the children had the opportunity to experience being an environmental artist outside and created artwork in the style of Andy Goldsworthy up on the field.  The whole class were amazing working so well together in creating their pieces.

The children described the difficulties that some of them faced and talked through how they resolved their problems - these ranged from making a circle with straight twigs; creating a 3D model and trying to find ways for the sticks to stay upright and also one group shared how they had a lack of ideas but once they started laying out some of the twigs, their design started to evolve.

Mrs Hall, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Rolfe and were so proud of how well the children worked together.  It was so lovely to see the problem-solving skills that the children applied – such a lovely, convivial learning experience.

Follow this link for more photos on the gallery.