Thursday 30 November 2023

Rotary Dictionaries for Year 5 & 6

We are truly grateful to the Framlingham Rotary for their generous donation of dictionaries for all of our Year 5 & 6 children.

They have gifted each child a beautiful dictionary with an individual name plate.

Christmas Tree Festival - our Eco Tree

Our Eco Council made some wonderful recycled decorations earlier this week. 

Yesterday they took them to the church to decorate our School Christmas Tree as part of the St Michael's Christmas Tree Festival which starts soon!

Tuesday 28 November 2023

Clarinets in Class CR

Class CR have been having clarinet lessons from Mr Kershaw every Tuesday morning. 

Scan this QR code to hear how well they are singing and playing.

Year 5 and 6 Girls 6- a-side football

Year 5 and 6 girls enjoyed playing 6-a-side football matches against Kyson Primary School. It was a mini tournament where four teams played three games each. It was rather muddy but very good fun! The children showed great determination and sportsmanship and all the children who participated should be very proud of themselves!


You can raise FREE donations for Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham's CEVA Primary School EVERY time you shop online.

Just use #easyfundraising!

Over 7,000 brands will donate, including all the big names like John Lewis & Partners, BT, Expedia, Argos, ASOS, Just Eat, Uswitch and many more!

Friday 24 November 2023

Year 5 and 6 Tag Rugby Competition

The Year 5 and 6 children enjoyed taking part in a Tag Rugby competition at Thomas Mills this week.
The children played a number of games against other schools and had lots of fun. All of the children showed brilliant teamwork and enthusiasm throughout and should be very proud of themselves. Well done to all the children who took part! 

Fantastic Christmas Hampers!

The Friends would like to say a massive thank you for all the truly fabulous donations this morning for the Hamper raffle, and also to the brilliant volunteers who helped put them all together.
Take a look at the 24 hampers up for grabs! With 4 more still to wrap, as the Friends had more donations than expected!

Raffle tickets will be on sale in the Payments > Shop section of ParentMail on Monday from 10am, they will be £1 each - you can buy as many as you like to increase your chances of wining.

🎁The draw will take place on Monday 18 December🎁

Thursday 23 November 2023

Class KV Art

In Class KV we have been looking at sculpture. Collectively we have found items in the class to make a collaborative sculpture, each of us looking at the person before and their contributions before adding our own. We all discussed ideas, thought of patterns and had a go. We all really enjoyed it and had great fun completing it. It was less fun tidying up!

We have also been making bowls out of tissue paper. First, we covered bowls in clingfilm. Next, we added patches of glue and strips of tissue paper. We made sure the whole bowl was covered. Some of us added sequins to embellish our bowls and then another layer of tissue paper. They were left to dry for a week. It was nerve wracking but satisfying pulling the bowl from the clingfilm. We hope you like our finished results.

Cooking in School

It is Year 6’s turn to put their aprons and become chefs for the morning.

We are making Chicken Korma. It is made from scratch cutting up all the vegetables and raw meat.  This makes us realise the importance of handling raw meat carefully.  Some of us are a bit worried about the flavour, but most like it when they taste it.

We look at healthy eating afterwards and decide if we have cooked a balance meal.

Autumn Visitor

We had a little visitor at the front of the school this afternoon, he was just passing through and making his way to the next garden - looking for somewhere cosy to hibernate.

Eco Council have green fingers!

Last Thursday, Eco Council planted hundreds of kindly donated bulbs into our beautiful new wooden planters which were given to the school by Mrs Picton when she retired. 

We planted Dwarf Daffodils, Grasses, Pansies Tulips, Dwarf Irises, Narcissus Niveth, Allium Sphaerocephalon and a Ipheion mix. The children loved getting their hands muddy!

Thank you to all the families that donated bulbs and plants for this mini project.

Uniform Supplier - Black Friday Sale

Friday 17 November 2023

Toy & Book Sale for Children in Need

The School and Eco Council have enjoyed setting up the Hall for the sale this afternoon! Thank you for all the wonderful donations.

Maths Challenge for Year 6

Yesterday, 12 children from year 6 ventured to Framlingham Prep School to take part in an inter- school Maths Challenge. 

The children completed timed spatial reasoning, visual and number challenges, all of which required a high degree of lateral thinking. 

It was a very closely fought event but one of our teams came 3rd overall, with the other 2 teams closely behind them. 

Miss. Whipps was impressed with their collaborative working and general conduct. Thank you to Framlingham Prep for organising such a fantastic event.


Year 1, 2 & 3  'The Grinch’  4.50pm-6.30pm

Year 4, 5 & 6  ‘Elf’  6.50pm-8.45pm

There are a few tickets left for each film to be purchased in the Payments > Shop section of ParentMail  

Once you have secured a ticket you must complete the separate Form with additional information.