Friday, 26 September 2008
Football team win first League Match
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Unfortunately, without further offers of help for the following dates, Cycle Proficiency children will not be able to go out on the road, which will restrict their training.
Please let us know if you can help on 2, 8, and/or 15 October. Thank you in advance.
Mr Byer has kindly volunteered to come in and run a lunchtime Chess Club. It will run on Thursday lunchtimes in class PL/DD for Years 4, 5 and 6.
The Friends have recently distributed the Christmas edition of the Yellow Moon Catalogue, which offers hundreds of great value products to keep children entertained and to help their development.
Orders should be made direct to Yellow Moon either by phone, post or internet. Please order quoting the Friends Source Code: SSI1061 to ensure that they receive the cash back.
This is a fundraising scheme for Marie Curie Cancer Care where children are given a bulb to plant and care for. We will be handing out the instruction letter, planting kits and fundraising envelopes shortly.
SCC Catering are planning more themed lunch days this term:
• Harvest Festival Lunch on Thursday 9 October
• Bonfire Lunch on Wednesday 5 November
Look out for the special menus the week before each event
Bassistry Arts will be visiting on 1 October to run 2 half day ‘ICT and Songwriting’ workshops with classes DB and CA in the new computer suite. The school will be paying for this.
We thought parents may like to know that ‘Young Browsers’ Bookshop in Woodbridge stocks a wide range of music books for tuition, practice and exams, and are willing to order items on request.
A General Catering Assistant is needed for this popular primary school kitchen
providing a friendly and efficient service throughout the day to children, staff
and visitors – duties will include washing up and general cleaning.
Previous experience preferable but not essential as training will be given.
Days and Hours of work variable (term time only)
Please ring 01728 723354 for further information and rate of pay details
Monday - Friday for 2 hours after school (timings negotiable)
Pay £6.00 per hour
For further information please contact the school office 01728 723354
Thank you to all our volunteer helpers who have already registered with us this year. We do still have some vacancies and below is a list of where your help would be appreciated. Volunteer help is a very important part of school life and if you feel able to help at any time, not only with any of the sessions marked ‘Vacancy’ on the rota, we would be very pleased to hear from you.
To help in school you do need to complete a Volunteer Declaration form so we can apply for a ‘List 99 Check’. If you have not previously completed one, or wish to check if your name is already on the list, please contact the school office. If you have not seen ‘A Guide for Adults Helping in School’ they are available from the school office.
If you would like to come into school to help, please contact the class teacher.
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Wednesday 10.00-10.55am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
DB 5 & 6 Mr Brook Vacancy Thursday 1.15-3.00pm*
(*anytime during this slot)
DB 5 & 6 Mrs Mawson Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
RV 5 Mr Vaughan Vacancy Tuesday 11.15am-12.15pm
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Monday 9.00-10.00am
NS 3 & 4 Mrs Spencer Vacancy Tuesday 9.00-10.00am
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry No Vacancies
PL/DD 3 Mrs Lord Vacancy Monday 10.00-10.55am
PL/DD 3 Mrs Lord/Mrs Dwyer Vacancy Wednesday 9.00-10.00am
PL/DD 3 Mrs Dwyer Vacancy Thursday 9.00-10.00am
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester No Vacancies
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Monday 9.00-10.00am
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Tuesday 2.30-3.00pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Monday 9.00-10.00am
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Tuesday 2.30-3.00pm
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
CH R Mrs Hopkins No Vacancies
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Monday 9.00-11.30am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Tuesday 9.00-11.30am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Wednesday 9.00-11.30am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Friday 9.00-11.30am
Unfortunately, without further offers of help for the following dates, Cycle Proficiency children will not be able to go out on the road, which will restrict their training.
Please let us know if you can help on 2, 8, and/or 15 October. Thank you in advance.
Mr Byer has kindly volunteered to come in and run a lunchtime Chess Club. It will run on Thursday lunchtimes in class PL/DD for Years 4, 5 and 6.
The Friends have recently distributed the Christmas edition of the Yellow Moon Catalogue, which offers hundreds of great value products to keep children entertained and to help their development.
Orders should be made direct to Yellow Moon either by phone, post or internet. Please order quoting the Friends Source Code: SSI1061 to ensure that they receive the cash back.
This is a fundraising scheme for Marie Curie Cancer Care where children are given a bulb to plant and care for. We will be handing out the instruction letter, planting kits and fundraising envelopes shortly.
SCC Catering are planning more themed lunch days this term:
• Harvest Festival Lunch on Thursday 9 October
• Bonfire Lunch on Wednesday 5 November
Look out for the special menus the week before each event
Bassistry Arts will be visiting on 1 October to run 2 half day ‘ICT and Songwriting’ workshops with classes DB and CA in the new computer suite. The school will be paying for this.
We thought parents may like to know that ‘Young Browsers’ Bookshop in Woodbridge stocks a wide range of music books for tuition, practice and exams, and are willing to order items on request.
A General Catering Assistant is needed for this popular primary school kitchen
providing a friendly and efficient service throughout the day to children, staff
and visitors – duties will include washing up and general cleaning.
Previous experience preferable but not essential as training will be given.
Days and Hours of work variable (term time only)
Please ring 01728 723354 for further information and rate of pay details
Monday - Friday for 2 hours after school (timings negotiable)
Pay £6.00 per hour
For further information please contact the school office 01728 723354
Thank you to all our volunteer helpers who have already registered with us this year. We do still have some vacancies and below is a list of where your help would be appreciated. Volunteer help is a very important part of school life and if you feel able to help at any time, not only with any of the sessions marked ‘Vacancy’ on the rota, we would be very pleased to hear from you.
To help in school you do need to complete a Volunteer Declaration form so we can apply for a ‘List 99 Check’. If you have not previously completed one, or wish to check if your name is already on the list, please contact the school office. If you have not seen ‘A Guide for Adults Helping in School’ they are available from the school office.
If you would like to come into school to help, please contact the class teacher.
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Wednesday 10.00-10.55am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
DB 5 & 6 Mr Brook Vacancy Thursday 1.15-3.00pm*
(*anytime during this slot)
DB 5 & 6 Mrs Mawson Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
RV 5 Mr Vaughan Vacancy Tuesday 11.15am-12.15pm
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Monday 9.00-10.00am
NS 3 & 4 Mrs Spencer Vacancy Tuesday 9.00-10.00am
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry No Vacancies
PL/DD 3 Mrs Lord Vacancy Monday 10.00-10.55am
PL/DD 3 Mrs Lord/Mrs Dwyer Vacancy Wednesday 9.00-10.00am
PL/DD 3 Mrs Dwyer Vacancy Thursday 9.00-10.00am
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester No Vacancies
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Monday 9.00-10.00am
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Tuesday 2.30-3.00pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Monday 9.00-10.00am
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Tuesday 2.30-3.00pm
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Friday 9.00-10.00am
CH R Mrs Hopkins No Vacancies
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Monday 9.00-11.30am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Tuesday 9.00-11.30am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Wednesday 9.00-11.30am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Friday 9.00-11.30am
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Suffolk Sports Awards

The photograph below is of our Tuesday after school sports club members.

European Day Of Languages

This Friday: 26th September is the European Day of Languages.
Click on the picture to go to the website.
This year the school Christmas Lunch will be on Wednesday 17 December. Christmas Lunch is a fun and sociable event and children are invited to join in even if they do not normally have a school meal. The cost of Christmas Lunch will be £2.70 and the menu will be:
Roast Turkey, Stuffing, Chipolata, Gravy
Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Peas
Roast Potatoes
Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Cream Roll or
Christmas Pudding and Custard
As on normal days a vegetarian alternative will be available
We would like those who do NOT want a Christmas Lunch to return the reply slip to us as soon as possible, but by Friday 10 October at the latest. Children choosing to bring a packed lunch will eat in the hall with everyone else as usual.
We would ask all children who will be having Christmas lunch to bring the money in on the Monday of Christmas Lunch week with those who usually have a school lunch.
We do not require payment until Monday 15 December.
* For lunch that week the cost will be £10.30.
* For Christmas Lunch only the cost will be £2.70.
* For those that have already paid for the half-term the extra cost will be 80p.
* If your child is entitled to free school meals, there is no charge.
(Please note that cheques for dinner money should be made payable to “Suffolk County Council”)
CHRISTMAS LUNCH – I do NOT wish my child/children to have Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 17 December.
Child’s Name________________________________ Class________________
Child’s Name________________________________ Class________________
Child’s Name________________________________ Class________________
Parent’s Name_______________________________ Signed_______________________________
Roast Turkey, Stuffing, Chipolata, Gravy
Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Peas
Roast Potatoes
Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Cream Roll or
Christmas Pudding and Custard
As on normal days a vegetarian alternative will be available
We would like those who do NOT want a Christmas Lunch to return the reply slip to us as soon as possible, but by Friday 10 October at the latest. Children choosing to bring a packed lunch will eat in the hall with everyone else as usual.
We would ask all children who will be having Christmas lunch to bring the money in on the Monday of Christmas Lunch week with those who usually have a school lunch.
We do not require payment until Monday 15 December.
* For lunch that week the cost will be £10.30.
* For Christmas Lunch only the cost will be £2.70.
* For those that have already paid for the half-term the extra cost will be 80p.
* If your child is entitled to free school meals, there is no charge.
(Please note that cheques for dinner money should be made payable to “Suffolk County Council”)
CHRISTMAS LUNCH – I do NOT wish my child/children to have Christmas Lunch on Wednesday 17 December.
Child’s Name________________________________ Class________________
Child’s Name________________________________ Class________________
Child’s Name________________________________ Class________________
Parent’s Name_______________________________ Signed_______________________________
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Colchester Castle trip
Last week CA, NS and PL/DD enjoyed a trip to Colchester Castle. It was an exciting start to our topic on The Romans. We all enjoyed spending time looking at many exhibits in the museum showing how the Romans lived and listening to a story tour under the Castle. Activities the children took part in included dressing up, building a fireplace, brass rubbings and mosaic puzzles.

School Football Team start Season with a Win
The 2nd half was dominated by Robet Hitchams. Our team contained several young year 5 boys making their debuts for the school team. They really grew in confidence as William completed a hat trick. Year 5 players Adam Merry, Ryan Seager and Josh Cantrell scored goals to leave the final score 7 - 2 to Robert Hitchams.
Friday, 19 September 2008
Singing Club in Action
Road Safety Filming Starts
Wednesday, 17 September 2008
New Cycling Proficiency Group Starts
Their first session was on the school field where they learnt about looking after their bike and keeping good control of the bike plus the basic hand signals.
Next week they will go onto the nearby road under supervision.
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
I am delighted to say that the standard of this year’s photographic competition was excellent.
The winners and runners up in each category were selected by Mr Byer, results are as follows:
Key Stage 1 1st Daniel Church; 2nd Ella Flintoff: 3rd Zac Brady
Key Stage 2 Lower 1st Hannah Whiteley; 2nd Molly Howard; 3rd Rollo Carless
Key Stage 2 Upper 1st Krystal Jenkins; 2nd Molly Miller; 3rd Emily Hunt and Sam Cooke
Well done to everyone who took part.
Unfortunately we have not had enough offers of help from parents to help the children on the Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Course. If you are able to help on any of the dates (even if you don’t have a child on the course) please let the office know. 24 September; 2, 8, 15 October; 5, 12 November
The School Council would like to ask you (the parents) on behalf of all the children to:
· Please keep prams and pushchairs outside unless an emergency.
· KS2 say goodbye in the playground.
· Only come in if you have a message for the teacher.
· Chat to your friends in the playground and not in the classroom or corridor.
· Say goodbye once, not again when the bell goes.
We would like to say thank you for doing this as it means we can all get to our lessons on time and start school straight away. Thank you.
Just to remind you that we are registered with this campaign. Parents can enter their tokens (found in the lids of Flora tubs) on the website, these will accumulate and hopefully generate enough to enable us to swap them for resources for cooking. If anyone is unable to access a computer to register the tokens then they can bring them to the office. Thank you.
Please could we ask that if you make any cheque payments (eg dinner money, book orders etc) that you write the name of your child and class on the back of the cheque.
This NHS Child Obesity Programme (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it) is looking for 7-11 year olds with parents/carers who would benefit from joining. If interested please ring Linda on 01473 770 007. Leaflets are available from the school Office.
I am delighted to say that the standard of this year’s photographic competition was excellent.
The winners and runners up in each category were selected by Mr Byer, results are as follows:
Key Stage 1 1st Daniel Church; 2nd Ella Flintoff: 3rd Zac Brady
Key Stage 2 Lower 1st Hannah Whiteley; 2nd Molly Howard; 3rd Rollo Carless
Key Stage 2 Upper 1st Krystal Jenkins; 2nd Molly Miller; 3rd Emily Hunt and Sam Cooke
Well done to everyone who took part.
Unfortunately we have not had enough offers of help from parents to help the children on the Year 5 Cycling Proficiency Course. If you are able to help on any of the dates (even if you don’t have a child on the course) please let the office know. 24 September; 2, 8, 15 October; 5, 12 November
The School Council would like to ask you (the parents) on behalf of all the children to:
· Please keep prams and pushchairs outside unless an emergency.
· KS2 say goodbye in the playground.
· Only come in if you have a message for the teacher.
· Chat to your friends in the playground and not in the classroom or corridor.
· Say goodbye once, not again when the bell goes.
We would like to say thank you for doing this as it means we can all get to our lessons on time and start school straight away. Thank you.
Just to remind you that we are registered with this campaign. Parents can enter their tokens (found in the lids of Flora tubs) on the website, these will accumulate and hopefully generate enough to enable us to swap them for resources for cooking. If anyone is unable to access a computer to register the tokens then they can bring them to the office. Thank you.
Please could we ask that if you make any cheque payments (eg dinner money, book orders etc) that you write the name of your child and class on the back of the cheque.
This NHS Child Obesity Programme (Mind, Exercise, Nutrition, Do it) is looking for 7-11 year olds with parents/carers who would benefit from joining. If interested please ring Linda on 01473 770 007. Leaflets are available from the school Office.
Monday, 15 September 2008
Woodbridge Children's Book Festival

Spread over three days in October, with author talks, storytelling, workshops, book trails, and much more, the first Woodbridge Children's Book Festival promises to be an exciting and fun event for children of all ages and their families.
Click on the logo to go to the Festival website.
You can meet some famous authors:

Internationally known children's author Nick Butterworth will be talking about how he created his most popular character, Percy the Park Keeper.
This year's Carnegie winner and author of the fantastic Mortal Engines series, Philip Reeve answers your questions and reads from his books

Thursday, 11 September 2008
Tesco ICT Vouchers bear fruit!

We collected thousands of them and have just been rewarded with a wonderful collection of ICT equipment for the children to use.
We have good quality head phones which the children have already been using in the new ICT suite.
We have a renewable energy kit which demonstrates how electricity can be made using wind, solar or water power.
There are sorts of things which are now digital. We purchased a digital sewing machine with our vouchers - this will really help with KS2 textiles lessons and perhaps with making costumes for school plays.
Finally we received some data loggers and a whole range of attachments. This will be very useful in science lessons.
Thank you for collecting vouchers. Hopefully next Spring we can get enough for some more exciting new ICT gadgets.
Going for Gold
Please watch this short film by Molly and Georgina
Most of the teachers have set themselves a Golden Target.
Mr Brook intends to walk across England next Summer following the Hadrian's Wall Path. It will take about 8 days.
Monday, 8 September 2008
Whole School Letter (3)
Dear Parents
It has been lovely to see all our pupils return to school after the summer break full of stories about their holiday adventures and eager to share them with us all. The first week fairly “whizzed” by and I can report that our new school members, both teachers and pupils seem to be settling in happily.
This fundraising venture gives parents the opportunity to purchase bulbs to plant this Autumn for Spring flowering. We use a company called ‘The Bulb Man’ who are very efficient. For every £11.75 sold the school receives £3.33 commission – which we spend on plants and bulbs to brighten the school grounds. You may wish to ask family and friends if they would like to place an order too, and we have extra copies of the bulb catalogue at the School Office – so please do ask for extras! Cheques should be payable to the school. ALL ORDERS HAVE TO BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL BY FRIDAY 12 SEPTEMBER and the bulbs arrive on Tuesday 14 October.
It would be very helpful if all cheques that come into the school should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’ - apart from school lunch cheques (paid to Suffolk County Council) and photographs.
Could I remind parents that it is not possible for you to use the staff car park at any time, but Governors will give permission for parents who have disability badges to use our car park. May I please ask parents not to park outside the Bicycle Shop at the end of our drive due to the increased danger and congestion this causes to an already busy area at the rear of the school, and would ask you to park in the Elms Car Park if bringing children to school by car. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
It is really important to us that our pupils settle happily and quickly at the start of school. Learning activities and the register start immediately at 8.50am. Could we ask parents to vacate the premises as soon as possible after the school bell indicates the beginning of lessons at the start of the school day. If parents stay in the activity areas, corridors, or playground the children find it harder to settle.
Could parents with younger children note that they must not be allowed to play on the old log in the front playground or the climbing frame, as we are not insured for non-pupils outside school hours.
Hours: FRIDAYS 11.45am to 1.05pm
Hours: 11.45am to 1.05pm on an occasional basis when the need arises to cover regular staff
Rate of Pay: £6.37 per hour plus 12.99% holiday pay = £7.198 per hour
For further information please contact the school office: 01728 723354
It has been lovely to see all our pupils return to school after the summer break full of stories about their holiday adventures and eager to share them with us all. The first week fairly “whizzed” by and I can report that our new school members, both teachers and pupils seem to be settling in happily.
This fundraising venture gives parents the opportunity to purchase bulbs to plant this Autumn for Spring flowering. We use a company called ‘The Bulb Man’ who are very efficient. For every £11.75 sold the school receives £3.33 commission – which we spend on plants and bulbs to brighten the school grounds. You may wish to ask family and friends if they would like to place an order too, and we have extra copies of the bulb catalogue at the School Office – so please do ask for extras! Cheques should be payable to the school. ALL ORDERS HAVE TO BE RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL BY FRIDAY 12 SEPTEMBER and the bulbs arrive on Tuesday 14 October.
It would be very helpful if all cheques that come into the school should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’ - apart from school lunch cheques (paid to Suffolk County Council) and photographs.
Could I remind parents that it is not possible for you to use the staff car park at any time, but Governors will give permission for parents who have disability badges to use our car park. May I please ask parents not to park outside the Bicycle Shop at the end of our drive due to the increased danger and congestion this causes to an already busy area at the rear of the school, and would ask you to park in the Elms Car Park if bringing children to school by car. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
It is really important to us that our pupils settle happily and quickly at the start of school. Learning activities and the register start immediately at 8.50am. Could we ask parents to vacate the premises as soon as possible after the school bell indicates the beginning of lessons at the start of the school day. If parents stay in the activity areas, corridors, or playground the children find it harder to settle.
Could parents with younger children note that they must not be allowed to play on the old log in the front playground or the climbing frame, as we are not insured for non-pupils outside school hours.
Hours: FRIDAYS 11.45am to 1.05pm
Hours: 11.45am to 1.05pm on an occasional basis when the need arises to cover regular staff
Rate of Pay: £6.37 per hour plus 12.99% holiday pay = £7.198 per hour
For further information please contact the school office: 01728 723354
Friday, 5 September 2008
Summer Holiday Photo Competition
These photos were taken by the Miller, Hunt and Harold families.
I took lots of photos over the Summer. These are two of my favourite ones - not in the competition.
New ICT Suite
We now have our new ICT suite up and running.
It has 16 brand new stations with large flat screens.
Each station has its own digital camera for photos and video.
This room also doubles up as our Music room and contains our Key Stage 2 reference library.
It has 16 brand new stations with large flat screens.
Each station has its own digital camera for photos and video.
This room also doubles up as our Music room and contains our Key Stage 2 reference library.
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Lewy Crisp, one of our Year 1 children, is extremely sensitive and allergic to NUTS. EVEN IF HE IS TOUCHED BY SOMEONE WHO HAS HANDLED NUTS OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING TRACES OF NUTS it could bring on anaphylactic shock which can be life threatening.
Peanut butter, Nutella, some cereal bars, and any product that says ‘May contain traces of nuts’ or nut oils or nut essences.
Similarly if you bring snacks to the playground at the end of the day for children to eat before going home please can I ask that you are VERY CAREFUL that they do not contain nuts or traces of nuts and that leftovers are not abandoned on the playground.
We cannot stress how important this is.
Your help and co-operation is much appreciated.
Lewy Crisp, one of our Year 1 children, is extremely sensitive and allergic to NUTS. EVEN IF HE IS TOUCHED BY SOMEONE WHO HAS HANDLED NUTS OR PRODUCTS CONTAINING TRACES OF NUTS it could bring on anaphylactic shock which can be life threatening.
Peanut butter, Nutella, some cereal bars, and any product that says ‘May contain traces of nuts’ or nut oils or nut essences.
Similarly if you bring snacks to the playground at the end of the day for children to eat before going home please can I ask that you are VERY CAREFUL that they do not contain nuts or traces of nuts and that leftovers are not abandoned on the playground.
We cannot stress how important this is.
Your help and co-operation is much appreciated.
Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats by 2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this. Could we ask that parents with younger siblings sit in the hall where they are able to make a discreet ‘quick exit’ should it be necessary, as the disruption of a noisy toddler is difficult for the children to cope with.
The rota is as follows:5 Sept No Parent Assembly
12 Sept No Parent Assembly
19 Sept LC
26 Sept GH
3 Oct NS
10 Oct EM
17 Oct JC
24 Oct CH
31 Oct Half-Term
7 Nov GM
14 Nov CA
21 Nov PL/DD
28 Nov RV
5 Dec No Parent Assembly
12 Dec DB
19 Dec No Parent Assembly
PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO NON-PUPIL DAY IN OCTOBER THIS YEARFriday 10 October - Harvest Festival am at St Michael’s Church – Parents invited
Friday 17 October - Activity Day – Golden Day
Wednesday 22 October - Thomas Mills Open day and evening for Y6 pupils
Monday 3 November - Working Space Theatre – ‘Snow Queen’
Monday 27 - 31 October - Half-term
Tuesday 18 November - Van Cols Photo Day – individuals and family groups
Wednesday 26 November - Parent Consultation Day – Target Setting (see note below)
Friday 5 December - Christmas Fair 6-8pm
Wed 10 & Fri 12 December - Foundation Christmas Production – 9.20am
Wed 10 & Fri 12 December - Key Stage 1 Christmas Production – 10.15am
Tuesday 16 December - Key Stage 2 Carol Service 1.30pm – Parents invited
Wednesday 17 December - Christmas Dinner Day
Friday 19 December - Last day of term
Monday 11 May – Friday 15 May 2008 - SATS week
Monday 6 – Friday 10 July 2009 - Year 6 Camp
PARENT CONSULTATION DAY – TARGET SETTINGWe are making a change this year in that Pupils should attend school as normal 8.50am – 3.05pm. Interviews will be timetabled with parents throughout the day. Details will follow nearer the time.
Please note that the first morning bell will ring at 8.45am, at which time the children should make their way to class, it will ring again at 8.50am when school begins and the register will be taken.
Morning break will be 10.55am – 11.15am and Afternoon break will be 2.15pm.
To enable us to adapt our curricular timetable we have decided to move lunch back by 15 minutes, so lunch hour is now 12.15pm – 1.15pm. Nursery lunch club times remain the same, finishing at 1pm.
The end of school remains at 3.05pm.
SCHOOL ACTIVITIESDetails will be sent out about school activities/clubs as soon as available.
Known start dates are as follows:
Orchestra and Guitar* 3 Sept
Netball Practise 5 Sept
Wind and Brass* 9 Sept
After School Football 9 Sept
Board Games 9 & 10 Sept
Hitcham’s Holy Horrors 10 Sept
K’nex Club 11 Sept
Recorders 11 Sept
Keyboard 11 & 12 Sept
Singing Club 12 Sept
Knitting Club 15 Sept
Computer Club - Mr Brook will inform children when date decided
Recorders: Children who are interested in beginning or continuing these lessons should meet Miss Hitchcock in the hall on Thursday 11 September at 3.15pm to be placed in their groups.
*Guitar and Wind and Brass timetables not yet available.
ORCHESTRA – KS2 (& KS1 who have instrument lessons)
If your child is interested in joining Orchestra they can go straight to the Spare Reception Room on Wednesday 3 September at 12.30pm to speak to Mrs Fell.
BUYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR LESSONSThere is a scheme available called an ‘Assisted Instrumental Purchase Scheme’ (AIPS) which enables schools to purchase musical instruments on behalf of parents. This saves money on the purchase because the school can claim back the VAT. Once the parent has chosen an instrument the school will place a formal order. Once the instrument has arrived the school will pay the invoice and the parent will reimburse the school for the total excluding VAT. The pupil must be having music lessons at the school.
CHEQUESIt would be very helpful if apart from school lunch cheques (that are paid to Suffolk County Council) and photographs all cheques that come into the school should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’.
If your child is ill or going to be late: Ring the school on 723354 ideally by 8.30am
State: Child’s name, Child’s class, Reason for absence or lateness
If they are likely to be off for more than one day, state: Which day they will be back
If you do not know how long they will be off: You must ring EVERY MORNING
Please read the enclosed copy of ‘Attendance – Parent Guide’.
HOLIDAY FORMSCould we please remind parents that THREE WEEKS notice is required if you wish to make a request to take your child out of school in term time. Requests are authorised at the Headteacher’s discretion.
PAINTING APRONSAll children in the school require painting aprons, from Nursery up to Year 6. An old large shirt is ideal but please do make sure the sleeves are not too long. May I take this opportunity to remind you that ALL uniform, especially sweatshirts, painting aprons, plimsolls etc need to be named – Thank you.
Many parents now receive their school letters by email, if you would like to register please do email us saying so on . We are endeavouring not to produce a ‘hard’ copy to those households that receive letters by email, so please ensure your child is aware they do not need to receive a paper copy. Those who are already registered do not need to re-register.
Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats by 2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this. Could we ask that parents with younger siblings sit in the hall where they are able to make a discreet ‘quick exit’ should it be necessary, as the disruption of a noisy toddler is difficult for the children to cope with.
The rota is as follows:5 Sept No Parent Assembly
12 Sept No Parent Assembly
19 Sept LC
26 Sept GH
3 Oct NS
10 Oct EM
17 Oct JC
24 Oct CH
31 Oct Half-Term
7 Nov GM
14 Nov CA
21 Nov PL/DD
28 Nov RV
5 Dec No Parent Assembly
12 Dec DB
19 Dec No Parent Assembly
PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO NON-PUPIL DAY IN OCTOBER THIS YEARFriday 10 October - Harvest Festival am at St Michael’s Church – Parents invited
Friday 17 October - Activity Day – Golden Day
Wednesday 22 October - Thomas Mills Open day and evening for Y6 pupils
Monday 3 November - Working Space Theatre – ‘Snow Queen’
Monday 27 - 31 October - Half-term
Tuesday 18 November - Van Cols Photo Day – individuals and family groups
Wednesday 26 November - Parent Consultation Day – Target Setting (see note below)
Friday 5 December - Christmas Fair 6-8pm
Wed 10 & Fri 12 December - Foundation Christmas Production – 9.20am
Wed 10 & Fri 12 December - Key Stage 1 Christmas Production – 10.15am
Tuesday 16 December - Key Stage 2 Carol Service 1.30pm – Parents invited
Wednesday 17 December - Christmas Dinner Day
Friday 19 December - Last day of term
Monday 11 May – Friday 15 May 2008 - SATS week
Monday 6 – Friday 10 July 2009 - Year 6 Camp
PARENT CONSULTATION DAY – TARGET SETTINGWe are making a change this year in that Pupils should attend school as normal 8.50am – 3.05pm. Interviews will be timetabled with parents throughout the day. Details will follow nearer the time.
Please note that the first morning bell will ring at 8.45am, at which time the children should make their way to class, it will ring again at 8.50am when school begins and the register will be taken.
Morning break will be 10.55am – 11.15am and Afternoon break will be 2.15pm.
To enable us to adapt our curricular timetable we have decided to move lunch back by 15 minutes, so lunch hour is now 12.15pm – 1.15pm. Nursery lunch club times remain the same, finishing at 1pm.
The end of school remains at 3.05pm.
SCHOOL ACTIVITIESDetails will be sent out about school activities/clubs as soon as available.
Known start dates are as follows:
Orchestra and Guitar* 3 Sept
Netball Practise 5 Sept
Wind and Brass* 9 Sept
After School Football 9 Sept
Board Games 9 & 10 Sept
Hitcham’s Holy Horrors 10 Sept
K’nex Club 11 Sept
Recorders 11 Sept
Keyboard 11 & 12 Sept
Singing Club 12 Sept
Knitting Club 15 Sept
Computer Club - Mr Brook will inform children when date decided
Recorders: Children who are interested in beginning or continuing these lessons should meet Miss Hitchcock in the hall on Thursday 11 September at 3.15pm to be placed in their groups.
*Guitar and Wind and Brass timetables not yet available.
ORCHESTRA – KS2 (& KS1 who have instrument lessons)
If your child is interested in joining Orchestra they can go straight to the Spare Reception Room on Wednesday 3 September at 12.30pm to speak to Mrs Fell.
BUYING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS FOR LESSONSThere is a scheme available called an ‘Assisted Instrumental Purchase Scheme’ (AIPS) which enables schools to purchase musical instruments on behalf of parents. This saves money on the purchase because the school can claim back the VAT. Once the parent has chosen an instrument the school will place a formal order. Once the instrument has arrived the school will pay the invoice and the parent will reimburse the school for the total excluding VAT. The pupil must be having music lessons at the school.
CHEQUESIt would be very helpful if apart from school lunch cheques (that are paid to Suffolk County Council) and photographs all cheques that come into the school should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’.
If your child is ill or going to be late: Ring the school on 723354 ideally by 8.30am
State: Child’s name, Child’s class, Reason for absence or lateness
If they are likely to be off for more than one day, state: Which day they will be back
If you do not know how long they will be off: You must ring EVERY MORNING
Please read the enclosed copy of ‘Attendance – Parent Guide’.
HOLIDAY FORMSCould we please remind parents that THREE WEEKS notice is required if you wish to make a request to take your child out of school in term time. Requests are authorised at the Headteacher’s discretion.
PAINTING APRONSAll children in the school require painting aprons, from Nursery up to Year 6. An old large shirt is ideal but please do make sure the sleeves are not too long. May I take this opportunity to remind you that ALL uniform, especially sweatshirts, painting aprons, plimsolls etc need to be named – Thank you.
Many parents now receive their school letters by email, if you would like to register please do email us saying so on . We are endeavouring not to produce a ‘hard’ copy to those households that receive letters by email, so please ensure your child is aware they do not need to receive a paper copy. Those who are already registered do not need to re-register.
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