We are pleased to let you know that the collection at the upper KS2 production raised £424, which we will be sharing between our link school Mzila in Africa and EACH (East Anglian Children’s Hospice)
We now have a DVD of the whole show and also a CD with 200 still photos – see the display board by the office. Mr Brook has very kindly offered to copy these for families - the DVD will be priced at £5 and the photo CD at £3, any profits after costs will go to the Friends. Please complete the slip overleaf if you wish to order, making cheques payable to the Friends of Sir Robert Hitcham’s Primary School (FSRHPS).
As in previous years we are supporting Red Nose Day with the sale of Red Noses. We hope they will be on sale from Monday 2 March until Thursday 12 March – please note we will not have any for sale on the actual day. Noses cost £1 each, once your child has purchased one, we ask that they take it home to keep it safe and only bring it back in on Red Nose Day. Normal school uniform is to be worn.
The Travelling Book Company is visiting the school and will be in the spare Reception Classroom on:
Monday 9 March 11.30am Nursery
Monday 9 March 3.15pm Whole School
Tuesday 10 March 3.15pm Whole School
Wednesday 11 March 3.15pm Whole School
The children will have an opportunity to visit/buy books during school time with their class.
There will be books available for children of all ages and abilities, and a leaflet is enclosed giving an indication of titles available. If you are unable to visit at opening times but would like to purchase a book, please complete the order form on the leaflet OR use the form overleaf.
Payment must be sent in with the order and all cheques should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’, with your child’s name and class on the reverse.
All purchases made by you will help the school obtain more books for our library and classrooms.
World Book Day Ltd has issued £1.00 book tokens to each child in the school. They can be redeemed at any bookshop participating in the promotion and are valid from Monday 2 March to Sunday 29 March 2009 and are enclosed with this letter. They can also be used as part purchase for a book worth £2 or more from the Travelling Book Company, or as part purchase for a book from the Scholastic leaflet to be issued to Key Stage 2 children with this letter.
Tesco are again running their campaign for schools, to provide computers and/or sports equipment. The vouchers will be available from stores from 2 March until 7 June for every £10 spent. The box for collecting these will be outside the school office.
The Friends have asked us to remind you that the Barn Dance is taking place on Saturday 7 March in the Dining Hall at Thomas Mills High School. The event last year was well supported by many families who had a great evening. Tickets are still available and can be ordered via the office (£10 for a family ticket, or £4 adult and £2 child)
These are being sent home today for years 1 – 6, please note there are no mid-year reports for Nursery or Reception children.
We have a few booster seats (virtually unused) that we are offering for sale at £5 each. (We purchased them when the new car seat regulations came into force for transporting pupils to/from events, but have found they are not needed).
In April, a new project is being launched called the ‘Home Access Project’, a Government initiative built on the understanding that pupils at both Primary and Secondary level can benefit from having access to a computer at home. The aims are: increased attainment of pupils; pupils engaged in formal and informal learning; increased parental engagement with schools/colleges; increased awareness of economic and social benefits of ICT access at home.
Those who cannot afford the equipment may be eligible for a grant. Eligible groups are low income families, who are in receipt of one of the following: Income Support; Income based Jobseekers Allowance; Child Tax Credit (NOT Working Tax Credit) and on a low income; Guaranteed element of state Pension Credit; Employment Support Allowance (Income Related); Free School Meals.
Look out for further information over the coming months.
ANDROCLES & THE LION DVD/CD ORDERName _____________________________ Class ______________
Would like _____ CD (200 photos) @ £3.00
_____ DVD @ £5.00
I enclose £ __________ (Cheques payable to FSRHPS)
Signed ___________________________ Date _______________
Name ___________________________ Class ______________
has brought £ _______________ to spend at the Book Fair
OR would like to buy the book/s entitled ________________________________
and enclose £ ______________
Signed __________________________ Date _______________
Friday, 27 February 2009
Thursday, 26 February 2009
In Year 6 Science we have been looking at Earth and Space. There are some brilliant websites that show images of the Earth from space.

The Earth has lots of satellites in orbit around it. Click on the picture below to see live images of the Earth in light or shadow.

Click here or on the picture below to go to detailed satellite images of the Earth from Google. You can zoom in on your own town or house.
Follow this LINK to a range of Earth and Space Activities
Also have a go at the BBC Bitesize Interactive Quiz
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Trim Trail is started
The Friends Association have raised £10,000 to pay for this fantastic equipment.
The men have been concreting in the pieces of the trail. This will be followed late this week by a new team of men installing a rubber base around all the equipment.
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Review of our school play
This Musical adaptation of Aesop’s famous fable is written by Robin Brooks with some songs by Damien Evans. The play is based on a story of gratitude and holds a runaway slave (otherwise known as Androcles), helping a poor lion with a thorn in his foot (pictured left). Androcles eventually gets found and taken to the coliseum in Rome, sent to fight against a wild beast. By the time he was at the coliseum, the lion had been long gone, but Androcles had no idea that the wild beast he would be fighting is the same lion he helped in the forest. The lion is obviously grateful but couldn’t show it before, so know he shows his gratitude by saving his life. That is the basic of the story in the fable, but the play has a whole world of difference. So, here we go. Let’s begin.
The play starts with a grand entrance from our crazy emperor, Nero (Theo Bimson) being told that there are no more gladiators by his trusty assistant, the master of ceremonies (Jessie Evans) shortly followed by a slaughtering by our favourite gladiator, Applemax (Katie Russell). After Nero Demands a story, the story teller (Lucy Johnson) starts telling the story by introducing us to slaves Dirtines (Grace Englert)
and Androcles (William Debenham) and their masters (Hattie Hopkins and Elisabeth Garrett) . Androcles is dared by Dirtines to runaway from the button making factory at which they worked. Androcles, being like a brother to Dirtines, does it of course. Androcles has a choice to face, does he head to the city where he might be caught by soldiers, or to the forest where he may be caught by a wild beast. Androcles, thinking that he might survive longer there, heads for the forest. While in a another part of the forest,
A group of lions are gathering (group includes Chief Lion (Kezia Bayfield), Hyena (Theo Bimson) and others (Joshua Briggs, Milo Dring and Elisabeth Garrett)) but among them all is the most cowardly lion you have ever met…Timothy Lion (Charlotte Matheson-Barr). Send to attack any creature; Timothy gets stuck with a thorn “the size of a biro” in its paw. By chance Androcles was walking that way when he saw the lion. First of
all he was afraid but when he played dead, he heard the lion sobbing. Androcles saw the thorn and took it out, and was returned with gratitude from the lion. So Androcles ends the first act alone, but how will he end the second?
The second half kicks off with Androcles encountering the devious sergeant, Antifres (Alfie Hulbert) and his master mind centurion, Serious Illness (Izzy Brooks). Between them, they convince Androcles to join the circus, but not any
circus, no sir, only the Circus Maximus in Rome! They take him on a long journey and when they get there, Androcles gets introduced to the master of the gladiators, who actually turns out to be our good friend Dirtines, actually. But only one thing stands between Androcles all the gladiators (Joshua Briggs, David Orrell, Elisabeth Garrett, Milo Dring, Hattie Hopkins and Maija Fox) freedoms. That thing is Applemax. Androcles and Applemax are then put in a fight to the death in front of the emperor himself, Nero. Dirtines suggests that they put in one of the brand new wild beast’s in. the emperor and crowd finally agree on something and before you can say ‘bobs my uncle’ the beast had been released and was chasing Applemax. When the beast, which was a lion, gave up it turned to Androcles. Then they both immediately recognise one and other and hugged. When Nero questions the matter, Androcles tells him the story and Nero finds it so touching he makes Dirtines into a senator and gives Androcles, Applemax and Timothy their freedom. Then we get told that Androcles, Timothy and Applemax have opened a café down by the sea side. 
“The play is exciting in both song and drama through the first half” explains Androcles actor William Debenham.
“My favourite song from the first half is probably ‘Just like a Roman’, adds Timothy actress Charlotte Matheson-Barr.
“Yeah but scenes like the one with the lion pride are really cool” encourages Dirtines actress Grace Englert.
“Well I like the second half because it’s got my solo ‘It’s lonely and sad at the top’ in” says Katie Russell, who plays Applemax.
“Yeah, But the other songs in the second half are more…… complex” Points out Story teller actress Lucy Johnson.
“Well I think the songs from the second half don’t have as much action as the first half songs, but that doesn’t make it any less great” butts in the emperor, Alias Theo Bimson.
“I think MY favourite songs are any out of ‘The second half of the show’, ‘It’s lonely and sad at the top’ or ‘Bread and circuses’, quotes Song writer Damien Evans.
With shows like ‘Wilbur and the Web’ and ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and songs such as ‘Something in your paw’, ‘Travelling Blues’ and ‘Choices’ to go by, this show will be a hit!
The play starts with a grand entrance from our crazy emperor, Nero (Theo Bimson) being told that there are no more gladiators by his trusty assistant, the master of ceremonies (Jessie Evans) shortly followed by a slaughtering by our favourite gladiator, Applemax (Katie Russell). After Nero Demands a story, the story teller (Lucy Johnson) starts telling the story by introducing us to slaves Dirtines (Grace Englert)
A group of lions are gathering (group includes Chief Lion (Kezia Bayfield), Hyena (Theo Bimson) and others (Joshua Briggs, Milo Dring and Elisabeth Garrett)) but among them all is the most cowardly lion you have ever met…Timothy Lion (Charlotte Matheson-Barr). Send to attack any creature; Timothy gets stuck with a thorn “the size of a biro” in its paw. By chance Androcles was walking that way when he saw the lion. First of
The second half kicks off with Androcles encountering the devious sergeant, Antifres (Alfie Hulbert) and his master mind centurion, Serious Illness (Izzy Brooks). Between them, they convince Androcles to join the circus, but not any
“The play is exciting in both song and drama through the first half” explains Androcles actor William Debenham.
“My favourite song from the first half is probably ‘Just like a Roman’, adds Timothy actress Charlotte Matheson-Barr.
“Yeah but scenes like the one with the lion pride are really cool” encourages Dirtines actress Grace Englert.
“Well I like the second half because it’s got my solo ‘It’s lonely and sad at the top’ in” says Katie Russell, who plays Applemax.
“Yeah, But the other songs in the second half are more…… complex” Points out Story teller actress Lucy Johnson.
“Well I think the songs from the second half don’t have as much action as the first half songs, but that doesn’t make it any less great” butts in the emperor, Alias Theo Bimson.
“I think MY favourite songs are any out of ‘The second half of the show’, ‘It’s lonely and sad at the top’ or ‘Bread and circuses’, quotes Song writer Damien Evans.
With shows like ‘Wilbur and the Web’ and ‘Alice in Wonderland’ and songs such as ‘Something in your paw’, ‘Travelling Blues’ and ‘Choices’ to go by, this show will be a hit!
This review was written by Freddy Legg from class DB.
Mr Brook has taken over 200 photos. This will be available to order after half term. He has also made a video of the play.
Floods in Framlingham
Monday, 9 February 2009
Whole School Letter (24)
Half-term is next week (16 February) and the children return to school on Monday 23 February.
These reports about your children will be out at the end of the week after half term, they are confidential and are addressed to you as parents, please can parents advise your children not to open the reports.
Due to the upper KS2 school production, we will have to cancel all recorder clubs for this Thursday only.
Following a complaint from local resident, please can we ask parents to be considerate and law abiding when parking on Vyces road to drop off / collect children. There are double yellow lines on a large part of this road and you should not be stopping there. The road is very narrow in parts and parking there causes danger to pedestrians and potential damage to property. Thank you
In January it was the national campaign week for Private Fostering. New regulations have been introduced to ensure the welfare of the children concerned. All private foster carers must notify the local authority of their fostering arrangements of anyone under 16 years of age who lives with them but is NOT a member of their family or a close relative. If you have a child or know of a child who is in a private fostering arrangement please contact Customer First on 08456 023 023
Many pieces of work completed during Friendship Day were thoughtful and of high quality. Here is just one example by Mark Bennett (RV)
You will need: a cup of honesty, 4 clovers of good luck, a dash of friendship and a big dollop of sensitivity (If you have no sensitivity you can use carefulness) and of course, a person.
1. Tip the cup of honesty over your person, you now shouldn’t be lying to them.
2. Hold the clovers in your hand and blow them onto the person, you should now be very lucky with your friendship.
3. Sprinkle the dash of friendship over them, they should be acting like a true friend (so should you)
4. Eat the dollop of sensitivity (you should now be as kind as possible if they become upset). If you have no sensitivity wipe the carefulness onto your hands, you should now be careful with your friendship.
5. You should now have a good friend
The consultation on proposed arrangements for schools admissions is available for parents to view on the County Council Website if you wish:
You are welcome view the policy documents and use the feedback reply form on line (closing date is
1 March). If you are unable to access these online please see the hardcopy in the school office.
If you are interested in becoming a registered childminder, there is a free information session on
24 February at 7pm at the Meadow Children’s Centre, Saxmundham, IP17 1DZ Tel: 0845 60 800 33
From 11 February until 3 June vouchers will be available from Sainsbury stores for every £10 spent. The school will collecting these once again in the box by the School Office.
Half-term is next week (16 February) and the children return to school on Monday 23 February.
These reports about your children will be out at the end of the week after half term, they are confidential and are addressed to you as parents, please can parents advise your children not to open the reports.
Due to the upper KS2 school production, we will have to cancel all recorder clubs for this Thursday only.
Following a complaint from local resident, please can we ask parents to be considerate and law abiding when parking on Vyces road to drop off / collect children. There are double yellow lines on a large part of this road and you should not be stopping there. The road is very narrow in parts and parking there causes danger to pedestrians and potential damage to property. Thank you
In January it was the national campaign week for Private Fostering. New regulations have been introduced to ensure the welfare of the children concerned. All private foster carers must notify the local authority of their fostering arrangements of anyone under 16 years of age who lives with them but is NOT a member of their family or a close relative. If you have a child or know of a child who is in a private fostering arrangement please contact Customer First on 08456 023 023
Many pieces of work completed during Friendship Day were thoughtful and of high quality. Here is just one example by Mark Bennett (RV)
You will need: a cup of honesty, 4 clovers of good luck, a dash of friendship and a big dollop of sensitivity (If you have no sensitivity you can use carefulness) and of course, a person.
1. Tip the cup of honesty over your person, you now shouldn’t be lying to them.
2. Hold the clovers in your hand and blow them onto the person, you should now be very lucky with your friendship.
3. Sprinkle the dash of friendship over them, they should be acting like a true friend (so should you)
4. Eat the dollop of sensitivity (you should now be as kind as possible if they become upset). If you have no sensitivity wipe the carefulness onto your hands, you should now be careful with your friendship.
5. You should now have a good friend
The consultation on proposed arrangements for schools admissions is available for parents to view on the County Council Website if you wish:
You are welcome view the policy documents and use the feedback reply form on line (closing date is
1 March). If you are unable to access these online please see the hardcopy in the school office.
If you are interested in becoming a registered childminder, there is a free information session on
24 February at 7pm at the Meadow Children’s Centre, Saxmundham, IP17 1DZ Tel: 0845 60 800 33
From 11 February until 3 June vouchers will be available from Sainsbury stores for every £10 spent. The school will collecting these once again in the box by the School Office.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Androcles and the Lion Main Characters
All of the main characters have had their portraits taken. These will be in the Theatre entrance hall during the production.
Mr Brook will be taking photographs and video during the performances. These will be available to parents after half term.
These portraits are of The Emperor Nero, Timothy The Lion and Applemax with Androcles.
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
Rugby Club
You can see the teams below.
The FERETS are in orange
The TIGERS are in blue
The FROGS are in green
The WOLVES are in red
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
Androcles and the Lion

Rehearsals for our school play are in full swing at the moment. The prodution has been written by two of our talented parents: Mr Brooks and Mr Evans. It is a musical and amuzing version of the classic fable by Aesop. You can listen to one of the songs below.
If you would like to read or listen to the original Aesop version then follow this link.
Our production takes place in the Athlone Hall at Framlingham College next Wednesday afternoon and Thursday evening.
Pictures from Bingo Evening
Whole School Letter (23)
Thank you to everyone for their support of the One Christmas project. £35,000 was raised for ‘Tearfund’. Over 3500 CDs and DVDs were sold in Suffolk and 4000 people attended the 7 concerts. This was a great achievement that was supported by 200 volunteers and 40 Suffolk schools.
We are pleased to let you know that we raised £255 on Friday which we will be sending to the NSPCC.
There were some lovely entries for this competition, well done to all who contributed. The picture selected to go on the cover of the DVD was by Molly Howard, and the title chosen was thought up by Kimberley Broadhurst ‘The Road Code’, with an additional slogan by Sammy Grant ‘Don’t be Silly, be Safe!’ Prizes will be on the way. We hope to have the DVD completed shortly for the children to view in school.
We have purchased a set of ‘Need-2-Know’ guides for parents, giving information, support and advice on a range of circumstances that may affect your child and family. The titles in the series are:
ADHD; Child Obesity; Dyslexia; Bullying; Special Education Needs; Divorce and Separation.
If you wish to borrow any of these titles, they can be found in the rack between Class CH and Nursery. Please sign them out/in on the list attached to the rack.
Please can we remind parents to avoid last minute phone calls about after school collection changes for their children. Wherever possible, please plan in advance to tell the teacher in the morning or ring earlier in the day. It can be difficult for the office staff to get messages to several teachers at 3pm about who the children are going home with, especially if they are in assembly. Thank you.
The Friends still have tickets for this Fridays Bingo Night. It is a great evening that children of all ages can enjoy – with lots of prizes to be won. Any donations of tray-bakes for refreshments will be gratefully received. Thank you.
We have some pale green upholstered chairs from our old staff room; they are going free (or for a donation if you wish). They need to be removed by Friday 30 January; else we will dispose of them.
For their own safety, please can we ask parents not to let Nursery children and their siblings play on the stairs next to the nursery entrance in the morning. Your co-operation is appreciated, thank you.
Thank you to everyone for their support of the One Christmas project. £35,000 was raised for ‘Tearfund’. Over 3500 CDs and DVDs were sold in Suffolk and 4000 people attended the 7 concerts. This was a great achievement that was supported by 200 volunteers and 40 Suffolk schools.
We are pleased to let you know that we raised £255 on Friday which we will be sending to the NSPCC.
There were some lovely entries for this competition, well done to all who contributed. The picture selected to go on the cover of the DVD was by Molly Howard, and the title chosen was thought up by Kimberley Broadhurst ‘The Road Code’, with an additional slogan by Sammy Grant ‘Don’t be Silly, be Safe!’ Prizes will be on the way. We hope to have the DVD completed shortly for the children to view in school.
We have purchased a set of ‘Need-2-Know’ guides for parents, giving information, support and advice on a range of circumstances that may affect your child and family. The titles in the series are:
ADHD; Child Obesity; Dyslexia; Bullying; Special Education Needs; Divorce and Separation.
If you wish to borrow any of these titles, they can be found in the rack between Class CH and Nursery. Please sign them out/in on the list attached to the rack.
Please can we remind parents to avoid last minute phone calls about after school collection changes for their children. Wherever possible, please plan in advance to tell the teacher in the morning or ring earlier in the day. It can be difficult for the office staff to get messages to several teachers at 3pm about who the children are going home with, especially if they are in assembly. Thank you.
The Friends still have tickets for this Fridays Bingo Night. It is a great evening that children of all ages can enjoy – with lots of prizes to be won. Any donations of tray-bakes for refreshments will be gratefully received. Thank you.
We have some pale green upholstered chairs from our old staff room; they are going free (or for a donation if you wish). They need to be removed by Friday 30 January; else we will dispose of them.
For their own safety, please can we ask parents not to let Nursery children and their siblings play on the stairs next to the nursery entrance in the morning. Your co-operation is appreciated, thank you.
Monday, 2 February 2009
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