Friday, 30 April 2010
Foundation Vegetable Garden
Some of the plants have been grown from seed and others from plugs.
The potatoes are being grown as part of a county competition - the weight of your potatoes from 2 bags is measured. The produce from the school garden goes to the school kitchen. Today for example some of the children picked spinach and salad leaves which were served with school dinners.
Letter from famous author

Several of Louis books are about school life and have some fascinating child characters. Emily and the other children from class DB would recommend his books to anybody - children and adults. See his WEBSITE for details.

Chicks have hatched
The collared dove nest in the front playground shelter has come to life already. Two chicks hatched yesterday and can be seen sitting comfortably in their nest.
District Netball Tournament
Fram A team started with a tough match against Stonham which ended in a 2-2 draw. They then managed to comfortably win 2 games and scrape a narrow 3rd win against Debenham to progress to the semi finals. The semi was a tight and tense match v St Botolph's. They had a very tall and skilful goal keeper who managed to frustrate our shooters. The match was drawn and went to extra time (first team to score would be winners). Despite a lot of pressure and hard work the Fram girls could not find the crucial goal. St. Botolph's did manage after 7 minutes of extra time to score. They went on to win an exciting final v Stonham by 4 goals to 3. Fram won the 3rd / 4th place match v Laxfield by 4 goals to 1. Well done to the girls - they were exhausted after playing netaball for about two and a half hours.
Cricket Season Underway
Cushion Designs by Class NS / JB
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Whole School Letter (34)
Now the summer term has started I wanted to remind you about our Sun Protection policy. The sun’s rays are particularly strong in the summer and they can damage children’s skin, which can sadly lead to skin cancer in later life. Your child’s health and well-being are very important to us, which is why we:
· spend time learning about the importance of sun protection
· provide sun umbrellas in the courtyard and are providing more shade on the field
· encourage pupils to wear hats when outside and to use sunscreen
· encourage pupils to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration
More details of these and other sun protection plans can be found in our Sun Protection policy.
Of course, your support is very important if we are to make this work. You can help by:
· talking to your child about the importance of sun protection at home
· applying a minimum factor 15 sunscreen to your child’s face, neck, arms and legs (if exposed) before they leave home, in order to safeguard them through the day
· always sending your child to school in a hat (preferably with a wide brim)
· ensuring your child brings in a water bottle (with a sports cap)
As the British weather is so unpredictable can we please ask that children bring a waterproof coat with them as we still like them to go out at breakl/lunch even if the weather is a little wet.
SCC catering are having a special May Day lunch on Tuesday 4 May, menus are in the classrooms.
To see the NEW MENU please go to the school blog and click on ‘School Dinners’ from the list on the right, this will bring up a copy of the menu handed out last term.
· The Leavers’ Service is now on Wednesday 21 July at 11am, not on Tuesday 20 July. Parents of Year 6 are invited with classes RV, DB/GM, NS/JB, GH, and siblings of Year 6 Pupils.
· Due to a cricket tournament we have to change the Share Session for RV & DBGM to Thursday 1 July, with a reserve date of Wednesday 6 July.
The Friends would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to the families of classes DB/GM and RV for the cakes they baked for the end of term cake stall. We are delighted to advise you that it raised a whopping £133!
Are you interested in working in a school? Would you like to find out more about the wide variety of support roles available in schools today? If so, please come along to our informal information event. To register an interest please email or call Jenny Ellis on 01473 618995
Health professionals for mental health and well being are available fortnightly at Saxmundham Library from Friday 23 April 10am – 12noon. If you, or someone you know would like to chat confidentially please do pop in. For further information call 01473 264014.
Please find attached a copy of this term’s School Activity Club dates. Please note: Y4 Football with Mr Byer on Wednesday lunchtime will only run for 2 more weeks - 28 April and 5 May. The new Y3/4 Cricket club is due to start on Monday 10 May – a letter will be given out before then.
Now the summer term has started I wanted to remind you about our Sun Protection policy. The sun’s rays are particularly strong in the summer and they can damage children’s skin, which can sadly lead to skin cancer in later life. Your child’s health and well-being are very important to us, which is why we:
· spend time learning about the importance of sun protection
· provide sun umbrellas in the courtyard and are providing more shade on the field
· encourage pupils to wear hats when outside and to use sunscreen
· encourage pupils to drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration
More details of these and other sun protection plans can be found in our Sun Protection policy.
Of course, your support is very important if we are to make this work. You can help by:
· talking to your child about the importance of sun protection at home
· applying a minimum factor 15 sunscreen to your child’s face, neck, arms and legs (if exposed) before they leave home, in order to safeguard them through the day
· always sending your child to school in a hat (preferably with a wide brim)
· ensuring your child brings in a water bottle (with a sports cap)
As the British weather is so unpredictable can we please ask that children bring a waterproof coat with them as we still like them to go out at breakl/lunch even if the weather is a little wet.
SCC catering are having a special May Day lunch on Tuesday 4 May, menus are in the classrooms.
To see the NEW MENU please go to the school blog and click on ‘School Dinners’ from the list on the right, this will bring up a copy of the menu handed out last term.
· The Leavers’ Service is now on Wednesday 21 July at 11am, not on Tuesday 20 July. Parents of Year 6 are invited with classes RV, DB/GM, NS/JB, GH, and siblings of Year 6 Pupils.
· Due to a cricket tournament we have to change the Share Session for RV & DBGM to Thursday 1 July, with a reserve date of Wednesday 6 July.
The Friends would like to say a big ‘Thank You’ to the families of classes DB/GM and RV for the cakes they baked for the end of term cake stall. We are delighted to advise you that it raised a whopping £133!
Are you interested in working in a school? Would you like to find out more about the wide variety of support roles available in schools today? If so, please come along to our informal information event. To register an interest please email or call Jenny Ellis on 01473 618995
Health professionals for mental health and well being are available fortnightly at Saxmundham Library from Friday 23 April 10am – 12noon. If you, or someone you know would like to chat confidentially please do pop in. For further information call 01473 264014.
Please find attached a copy of this term’s School Activity Club dates. Please note: Y4 Football with Mr Byer on Wednesday lunchtime will only run for 2 more weeks - 28 April and 5 May. The new Y3/4 Cricket club is due to start on Monday 10 May – a letter will be given out before then.
Bird Nesting in Playground Shelter
There is a collared dove sitting on a nest in our shelter on the front playground. They make their nests from straw and like to nest on ledges or beams. Presumably this bird is sitting on some eggs so please don't disturb.
Monday, 26 April 2010
School Farm Fair Visit by Years 3 & 4
On Wednesday 21st April, Years 3 and 4 enjoyed a farm fair that showed them about farming and where their food comes from. The 10th School Farm and Country Fair was organised by the Suffolk Agricultural Association and was held at Trinity Park, Ipswich. Approximately 3,500 children attended from about 80 different schools.
The day was packed with activities, displays and demonstrations that helped the children understand more about rural life and the origins of their food. These included weaving, making bread rolls, watching sheepdogs round up turkeys and geese, a gun dog and bloodhounds display, a falconry display with hawks, falcons and owls, watching a farrier shoe horses and seeing a display of farming machinery used throughout the farming year. The children very much enjoyed the experience of being able to handle chicks and ducklings and touch a range of livestock. Another highlight was exploring the wildlife and conservation area, followed by a tractor and trailer ride. You can see the children enjoying some of these things in our photographs and look out for our display containing more information and photographs coming soon near the office.
By Mrs Dwyer
The day was packed with activities, displays and demonstrations that helped the children understand more about rural life and the origins of their food. These included weaving, making bread rolls, watching sheepdogs round up turkeys and geese, a gun dog and bloodhounds display, a falconry display with hawks, falcons and owls, watching a farrier shoe horses and seeing a display of farming machinery used throughout the farming year. The children very much enjoyed the experience of being able to handle chicks and ducklings and touch a range of livestock. Another highlight was exploring the wildlife and conservation area, followed by a tractor and trailer ride. You can see the children enjoying some of these things in our photographs and look out for our display containing more information and photographs coming soon near the office.
By Mrs Dwyer
Friday, 23 April 2010
Brilliant Cross Country Performance
The boys race had over 300 runners and the girls 225 runners. The Robert Hitcham's athletes produced an amazing performance. In the boys race we had the first 6 runners home. Adam Merry became the champion, Josh Cantrell was 2nd and Charlie Smith 3rd - they all received medals. Billy Caiger was 4th, Gus Whiteley 5th and Thomas Bewick 6th. Billy and Thomas are in year 5 so stand a great chance of winning medals next year. We also had 3 other boys in the top 25 runners (invited to run in an area final later in the term). In the girls race Georgina Warren came a creditable 6th (she is in year 5) and Emily Hunt & Izzy Brooks came in the top 20.
We also used this event as our inter house competition. The first 5 boys and 5 girls from each house scored points. In first place was MILLS, 2nd were HOWARD, 3rd HITCHAM and 4th BULSTRODE. Well done to all of our children.
Bag2School Collection
Over 50 bags of textiles were collected from the school playground.
Wednesday, 21 April 2010
Swimming Team Wins Inter School Gala
There were a series of individual races (heats and finals) in the various strokes followed by freestyle and medley relays. The gala finished off with a fun & exciting raft race. Our swimmers reached every final and all membes contributed to our winning points total with lots of 1st,2nd and 3rd places. Well done everybody - they were a credit to the school.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
THE STARS OF SUFFOLK AWARDSCongratulations to the office team - Jill Pascoe, Heidi Simpson, Caroline Miller, Daphne Reeve and Rachel Maclean - for being awarded the School Team of the Year Award by the Suffolk Star/Suffolk County Council Awards recently. A wonderful trophy is now in place in our cabinet and the prize of a pamper treat for all at Hintlesham Hall is anticipated.
Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats between 2.20-2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this. The rota is as follows:
23 April NSJB 30 April GH* 7 May CH
14 May PLDD 21 May EM* 28 May RV*
11 June LC 18 June DBGM
21 June MONDAY KT because 25 June Non-pupil Day 2 July PSKM
9 July JC 16 July CA*
* Please note alterations
CLUB STARTING DATESGuitar Wednesday 21 April
Maypole Dancing Wednesday 21 April
Recorders Thursday 22 April
Keyboard Mrs Fisher is contacting all Keyboard club members
Knitting Club Monday 26 April
Cricket Tuesday (years 5 &6) 27 April
Wind & Brass Tuesday 27 April
Holy Horrors Christian Club Wednesday 28 April
Please note Singing Club on Friday lunchtime is open to all pupils in Year 3 to Year 6.
BAG2SCHOOL COLLECTIONThe Friends would like to let you know that there are still PLENTY more bags at the school office if you need more than the one given for the charity clothing, bedding and footwear collection on Thursday 22 April. Please bring in filled bags on the morning of Thursday 22 April (by 9am) onto the BACK playground, by the staff car park. Thank you.
The Friends are really pleased to let parents know that they raised £525 at the Easter Disco. Thank you.
There are 2 adverts on the parent notice board for a second hand trumpet or saxophone for any parents who are interested.
PINOCCHIO – Wednesday 28 April
Cornelius and Jones will be giving a production of ‘Pinocchio’ to the whole school (including Nursery)on this morning. The school is covering the full cost of this production.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY FOR THE SUMMER TERMWednesday 21 April Suffolk Farm Fair Trip – year 3 and 4
Wednesday 21 April N Suffolk Swimming Gala – selected team
Thursday 22 April Cross Country – All Year 6 and Year 5 (selected)
Thursday 22 April Bag2School Charity Bag collection by 9am in back playground
Wednesday 28 April Cornelius and Jones production of ‘Pinocchio’ (am)
Thursday 29 April N Suffolk large school Netball tournament – selected team
Tuesday 4 May May Day Lunch
Monday 10 – Friday 14 May Year 6 SAT’s Week (Standard Attainment Tests)
Year 2 Teacher Assessments Week (Standard Attainment Tests)
Monday 10 – Friday 14 May Year 3, 4 and 5 Internal School SAT’s Week
Monday 17 – Friday 21 May Walk to School Week
Friday 21 May N Suffolk New Image Rugby Tournament – selected team
Monday 24 – Friday 28 May Activity Week – Nature – further details to follow
Friday 28 May Non-Uniform Day – Bottle tombola and children’s tombola donations and cake promises for Family Fun & Sports Evening
Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June HALF TERM
Thursday 10 June Classes LC, JC & KT – Trip to Felixstowe
Thursday 10 June N Suffolk Boys Kwik Cricket – selected team
Friday 11 June SCC Catering special World Cup lunch – England vs USA
Friday 11 June ‘Friends’ Family Fun & Sports Evening (5-8pm)
Tuesday 15 June N Suffolk Girls Kwik Cricket – selected team
Wednesday 16 June Photographer (Classes/Year 6 Individual/Sports Teams)
Wednesday 16 June N Suffolk Girls Football – selected team
Thursday 17 June Sports Day – Foundation & KS1 9.30am, KS2 10.30am
Friday 18 June Classes CH, PS/KM & Nursery – Trip to Aldeburgh
Monday 21 June Reserve Sports Day
Wednesday 23 June N Suffolk Athletics Tournament
Thursday 24 June N Suffolk Hockey Tournament – selected team (after school)
Friday 25 June NON-PUPIL DAY
Friday 2 July Norwich Theatre Trip ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Year 4 and 5
Wednesday 7 July TMHS New Intake Evening for Year 6
Friday 9 July N Suffolk Rounders Tournament – selected team
Monday 12 – Friday 16 July Year 6 Camp Week
Tuesday 7 July Monday 12 & Tuesday 13 July Classes GH, NS/JB, CA, EM, PL/DD – Trip to Foxburrow Farm
Monday 19 July TMHS New Intake Day for Year 6
Monday 19 July Whole School moves to new 2010/11 classes from 11am-12noon
Wednesday 21st July Year 6 Leavers’ Service - 1.30pm. Parents invited. Classes RV, DB/GM, NS/JB, GH, and siblings of Year 6 Pupils.
Thursday 22 July SCC Catering Seaside Special Lunch
Thursday 22 July LAST DAY OF TERM
Thursday 2 September Pupils’ return to school for the new academic year
Yours sincerely
J M Elphick
Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats between 2.20-2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this. The rota is as follows:
23 April NSJB 30 April GH* 7 May CH
14 May PLDD 21 May EM* 28 May RV*
11 June LC 18 June DBGM
21 June MONDAY KT because 25 June Non-pupil Day 2 July PSKM
9 July JC 16 July CA*
* Please note alterations
CLUB STARTING DATESGuitar Wednesday 21 April
Maypole Dancing Wednesday 21 April
Recorders Thursday 22 April
Keyboard Mrs Fisher is contacting all Keyboard club members
Knitting Club Monday 26 April
Cricket Tuesday (years 5 &6) 27 April
Wind & Brass Tuesday 27 April
Holy Horrors Christian Club Wednesday 28 April
Please note Singing Club on Friday lunchtime is open to all pupils in Year 3 to Year 6.
BAG2SCHOOL COLLECTIONThe Friends would like to let you know that there are still PLENTY more bags at the school office if you need more than the one given for the charity clothing, bedding and footwear collection on Thursday 22 April. Please bring in filled bags on the morning of Thursday 22 April (by 9am) onto the BACK playground, by the staff car park. Thank you.
The Friends are really pleased to let parents know that they raised £525 at the Easter Disco. Thank you.
There are 2 adverts on the parent notice board for a second hand trumpet or saxophone for any parents who are interested.
PINOCCHIO – Wednesday 28 April
Cornelius and Jones will be giving a production of ‘Pinocchio’ to the whole school (including Nursery)on this morning. The school is covering the full cost of this production.
DATES FOR YOUR DIARY FOR THE SUMMER TERMWednesday 21 April Suffolk Farm Fair Trip – year 3 and 4
Wednesday 21 April N Suffolk Swimming Gala – selected team
Thursday 22 April Cross Country – All Year 6 and Year 5 (selected)
Thursday 22 April Bag2School Charity Bag collection by 9am in back playground
Wednesday 28 April Cornelius and Jones production of ‘Pinocchio’ (am)
Thursday 29 April N Suffolk large school Netball tournament – selected team
Tuesday 4 May May Day Lunch
Monday 10 – Friday 14 May Year 6 SAT’s Week (Standard Attainment Tests)
Year 2 Teacher Assessments Week (Standard Attainment Tests)
Monday 10 – Friday 14 May Year 3, 4 and 5 Internal School SAT’s Week
Monday 17 – Friday 21 May Walk to School Week
Friday 21 May N Suffolk New Image Rugby Tournament – selected team
Monday 24 – Friday 28 May Activity Week – Nature – further details to follow
Friday 28 May Non-Uniform Day – Bottle tombola and children’s tombola donations and cake promises for Family Fun & Sports Evening
Monday 31 May – Friday 4 June HALF TERM
Thursday 10 June Classes LC, JC & KT – Trip to Felixstowe
Thursday 10 June N Suffolk Boys Kwik Cricket – selected team
Friday 11 June SCC Catering special World Cup lunch – England vs USA
Friday 11 June ‘Friends’ Family Fun & Sports Evening (5-8pm)
Tuesday 15 June N Suffolk Girls Kwik Cricket – selected team
Wednesday 16 June Photographer (Classes/Year 6 Individual/Sports Teams)
Wednesday 16 June N Suffolk Girls Football – selected team
Thursday 17 June Sports Day – Foundation & KS1 9.30am, KS2 10.30am
Friday 18 June Classes CH, PS/KM & Nursery – Trip to Aldeburgh
Monday 21 June Reserve Sports Day
Wednesday 23 June N Suffolk Athletics Tournament
Thursday 24 June N Suffolk Hockey Tournament – selected team (after school)
Friday 25 June NON-PUPIL DAY
Friday 2 July Norwich Theatre Trip ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Year 4 and 5
Wednesday 7 July TMHS New Intake Evening for Year 6
Friday 9 July N Suffolk Rounders Tournament – selected team
Monday 12 – Friday 16 July Year 6 Camp Week
Tuesday 7 July Monday 12 & Tuesday 13 July Classes GH, NS/JB, CA, EM, PL/DD – Trip to Foxburrow Farm
Monday 19 July TMHS New Intake Day for Year 6
Monday 19 July Whole School moves to new 2010/11 classes from 11am-12noon
Wednesday 21st July Year 6 Leavers’ Service - 1.30pm. Parents invited. Classes RV, DB/GM, NS/JB, GH, and siblings of Year 6 Pupils.
Thursday 22 July SCC Catering Seaside Special Lunch
Thursday 22 July LAST DAY OF TERM
Thursday 2 September Pupils’ return to school for the new academic year
Yours sincerely
J M Elphick
Thursday, 1 April 2010
School Dinners for Summer Term

You can also click on the School Lunch logo to go to the County website.

Easter Pictures
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