On Monday we shared a book to learn about the Diwali celebration. We thought about celebrations we enjoy such as birthdays and wondered if the children could remember their last Christmas too. We finished the day by watching a clip about a Hindu family celebrating Diwali and talked about things that were similar and different with celebrations we have had. The children were particularly excited by the fireworks!
On Tuesday we shared a book called All Kinds of People. We talked about how we are all different but all very special and how it is lovely to be friends with people who are different from you as it is interesting and fun to learn about them and their lives. We referred back to our learning about Diwali yesterday and how even though none of us are Hindus it is still fun to learn about their special celebration and notice the similarities and differences with things we celebrate, such as birthdays or Bonfire Night. In PE we learnt some Indian dance moves as part of our learning about Diwali and then we copied a dance to some Indian style music. At the end the children shared their favourite moves with the group.
On Wednesday the children all made some Coconut burfi Diwali sweets with Mrs Eyles. The children enjoyed making Diwali inspired chalk patterns on the ground outside too, exploring how the colours changed when they introduced water.
On Thursday we reminded ourselves of the Diwali celebrations by sharing the Diwali sweets we made on the previous day. We were very pleased that we even had enough to share with Classes CH and KM.
What a lovely week of learning together!