Friday, 28 February 2025

House captain assembly

Bulstrode and Hitcham's house and vice house captains delivered a wonderful assembly today to introduce science week which starts next week on 7th March.  They shared lots of information about "adaptation and change" and gave us some lovely examples.  

They also told us about the upcoming "Science Fair" and the "Selfie Scientist".   Watch this space for further details.  

Wednesday, 26 February 2025

School Council visit the Framlingham Business Association

Today, some members of our School Council were invited to attend the Framlingham Business Association's networking meeting at The Crown. They had the exciting opportunity to share with the attendees the inspiration behind the artwork they created earlier in the academic year, centered around the theme of 'Climate for Justice.' The students from Key Stage 2 wrote persuasive letters to support this initiative, and the artwork is soon to be displayed in the library, where it will be showcased for the coming weeks. In addition, a virtual copy of the artwork will be featured in the local magazine.

 During the meeting, the children shared the creative process and the driving force behind their work, highlighting the importance of addressing climate change and advocating for environmental justice. They spoke  about the need for Framlingham to take a leadership role in implementing climate initiatives, including promoting the use of electric cars and bikes within the community.

We are incredibly grateful to the Framlingham Business Association for hosting us and providing a platform for our students to voice their ideas and concerns about our planet’s future.




Nursery Stay and Play

This morning we welcomed lots of parents and grandparents into nursery to learn together. The children showed their grown ups what they do in the mornings including the zones of regulation and everybody was feeling happy today! We had lots of fun with our penguin activities as we have been exploring Winter and cold habitats this term. There was lots of writing and reading as well as role playing in the home corner. Outside the grown ups and children enjoyed exploring the water, sand and mud areas. There was lots of brilliant conversations and sharing going on and everyone was busy. When we said see you later to our grown ups we had a lovely music session with Mrs Johnson to keep us busy before snack. We loved having everybody come and visit us this morning and look forward to the next one. 

Monday, 24 February 2025

KS1 The Great Fire of London


Today we were visited by ‘The Big Bubble Theatre Company’ and travelled back in time to 1666 discovering how the Great Fire of London started. Through drama and dance the children immersed themselves in history and brought the characters to life. It was a fantastic cross curricular opportunity for the children’s learning. Thank you to ‘The Friends’ for funding this fabulous experience for the children.

Friday, 14 February 2025

Music assembly

The assembly started off with children from Class JA introducing the school to "Sir Robert," the snake which was designed and created to celebrate the Chinese Lunar "Year of the snake".  Every child in the school has made a contribution to the snake.  

The school then enjoyed a vast range of delightful performances showcasing music at SRH.  We were treated to children having composed their own music and written their own lyrics too. We were able to enjoy piano, guitars, chime bars and recorders.  The singers included several soloists;  year 2 singing their folk songs; some great year 6 opera singers, who had written their own operas and a dance group.   

Well done to all the children taking their first steps and exploring their instruments and to those more accomplished who had the courage to perform in front of the whole school. It was truly wonderful. 


Online safety

This week Mrs Hall, online safety lead, has visited all the classes to discuss how to stay safe online.  There were three main areas that were focused on with the children:- cyberbullying; private information and passwords;  and sharing photos.  Each year group had a bespoke lesson and it was good to know that many more families appear to have screen restriction times and safety measures in place. 

Please do ask your child about these and if you need any further help around this, please do not hesitate to contact us.  

We also discussed all of the positives that the internet can also be used for. 

A snapshot into lunchtime at SRH!!

Our fabulous play leaders have done a great job setting up the lunchtime activities for the children on the playgrounds. Mr Castell has also set up various tournaments which the children have enjoyed along with netball which Miss Bazley has been leading. The staff run the chess club, maths wizards and homework club (which you can see in the photos) alongside other lunch clubs such as hand chimes, recorders, philosophy, French, book club.