Thursday 10 February 2011

Just Different: Disability Workshops

This is Emily she is a disabled adult after she had a spinal cord injury 5 years ago. Emily talked to key stage 2 & key stage 1 children in their own classes. She talked to us about every day life and how she coped after the accident. After the accident her friends looked after her and helped her get to the stage she is now.

Emily also talked about differences about disabled and able bodied people. She said we are all the same but some people need different things.
by Ella (class DB)

A lovely disabled women named Emily came to talk to our class. She said that being in a wheel chair isn’t that bad and doing activities like sport and daily things like getting in to a car isn’t that hard. Emily’s hobbies include playing wheel chair basket ball and going to different countries. In the photo above you can see me (Billy) playing basketball with Emily.
Billy (class DB)

Every class in the school got the opportunity to take part in a workshop with Emily. Here she is with class LC (Year 1 and 2 children).
Click on the image above to go to the JUSTDIFFERENT website. You can find out much more about what they do.
We would recomend their workshops to other schools. Emily was a teacher before her acident and is now a trained presenter (with a Masters Degree in Disability Studies) for JUSTDIFFERENT in the Suffolk area.