Thursday, 17 December 2015

End of term letter from the Headteacher

Dear Parents /Carers
For the first time for many days, I see blue sky outside my office window hopefully a sign of better weather to come for the Festive Season.  In school, the sky could be blue, grey or even black it would not matter as the children are sharing their own light as the excitement builds towards the greatest day.
Our youngest children surpassed themselves in their depiction of the Nativity story this year. The skilful acting, speaking, singing and dancing belied their young ages and left no one in any doubt about the true message of Christmas.
Our school Carol Service led by Years 3 and 4 was truly atmospheric and really rather special.  The residents of Mills Meadow were also very appreciative of the festive cheer our Year 5 and Reception children spread as they sang a selection of Christmas songs.  Our traditional Christmas dinner with decorated jumpers was made even more exciting by the appearance of Christmas crackers this year!  We turned many a head and had shoppers pausing to listen as the children sang with enthusiasm and gusto at the local supermarket, carolling not just once, but twice.  The list could go on and on with parties, Christmas films and the appearance of Father Christmas still to come. With stars and tinsel abounding it is marvellous that children continue to learn and are enthusiastic to share their learning.
Although for everyone this is a frantic time of year, it is worth taking a moment to reflect on the past term or even year.  To see the changes in our children, to see confidence grow, to recognise their achievements and to see learning progressing is wonderful.  None of this could happen without the amazing staff team we are so fortunate to have at our school and our wonderful Governors, volunteers, Friends, Parent Councillors and parents.  They all contribute in a variety of ways to ensure that every one of our children receives the very best opportunity to learn, to care and to inspire those around them. 
I would like to thank all those involved in our school family who work so hard for our children.  I would especially like to thank Mrs Skevington who sadly leaves us on Friday as Year 3 class teacher.  She has been a wonderful teacher and a supportive, caring colleague who will be greatly missed. She has, however, promised to remain a part of our school family so no doubt we will see her in school soon. We look forward to welcoming Mrs Hall as our Year 3 teacher in January.
On a final note, I would like to say that it is clear to me that Sir Robert Hitcham’s is quite an exceptional school with quite remarkable children and I am very proud to say that I am the Headteacher.
I wish you all a very peaceful and joyful Christmas, 
Mrs H Picton