Friday 5 April 2019

Easter Service - Year 5 from SC & JT

Today we went to the Church to perform our Easter service. I enjoyed saying my words as I had put so much hard work into it.I think people enjoyed it because we tried our hardest. I am impressed with everyone as they spoke their parts really clearly and tried their very best.

Today was the Easter Service taken by Year 5. I think it went exceedingly well, even though I was quite scared of standing up and singing in front of so many people.  A t the beginning I felt shy, although when we got to the end I felt proud that I had sung in front of so many children and adults. Next time, I’m going to try and challenge myself by saying some words.

The Easter service went much better than I thought it would. At the beginning, the audience all joined in with a hymn. I felt really nervous and at the end felt a sense of relief. At the time I felt proud of myself and everyone that took part as people could see we had put in 100% effort. The only thing that went wrong was one of the microphones not working properly!