Thursday 5 November 2020

Spot the difference.... colour mixing in Class LH!

Our last piece of art relating to New Zealand was completed on the last day of term. 

For our final piece of work, we applied our knowledge and understanding of different colour mixing using ONLY the primary colours to create secondary colours.  All these amazing colour shades on the paintings were made using just red, yellow and blue.   It is fascinating to see how many different shades and tones of other colours, such as the green, purple and orange we were able to make from just these three colours.  

We all mixed our own palettes to create the other colours.  

The central yellow fern was used as the starting point for all our pictures but after that we mixed our own shades and tones of the other colours using trial and error. The outline of each area was completed using a black wax crayon.  

Examine them carefully to see the range of colours created!  Can you spot the differences?