Friday 18 March 2022

Class LH "nestle" down in Robin Wood

This week we continued with the bird theme and in pairs we made nests out of twigs, fluff, sticks, moss, leaves and wood.  We spent ages building these to ensure that the middles were soft for the eggs and that there were good edges that the eggs didn’t roll out of.

After this we were given the chance to do some whittling.  We started off with a vegetable peeler and then when we were confident with the process, we were allowed to use the knife carefully.  We then made people out of the sticks that we whittled and decorated them with fabrics and created faces on them too. (see photos below). 

We also did some more drawing using natural charcoal and chalks; the mud kitchen and café were busy; a few learnt how to make bows out of the willow sticks; there was some great problem solving going on with the tubes and transferring the water from the top of the pipe into the bucket at the end and also on-going imagination play and creating stories using others part of the wood, the toys and the den building.

We were so lucky with the weather too which made for a most enjoyable, calm but busy morning. 

Enjoy some photos of our morning.