SPORTS DAY REMINDER – Wednesday 25 JuneFoundation and Key Stage 1 races will start at 9.30am, then Key Stage 2 at 10.30am. If the weather should be inclement, the reserve day is Thursday 26 June at the same times.
Please ensure that your child has their PE kit at school and a sun hat and sun cream are advisable if hot.
All children should bring a water bottle (plastic only). Only KS2 children are allowed to wear trainers.
We do still need helpers – if you are able to help please see Mrs Elphick.
SPECIAL SCHOOL LUNCH ‘DINOSAUR DAY’ – Thursday 26 JuneLook out for the special menus for this. Children who have a school lunch this day can enter the Dinosaur colouring competition (to return by next Friday) with a prize for each year group from SCC Catering.
NON-UNIFORM DAY REMINDER – Friday 27 JuneOn Non-Uniform day please bring in any donations or promises to bake cakes for the School Fete and hand them to the class teacher. Alcoholic donations should be handed in to the office. Thank you.
ELECTION OF PARENT GOVERNORMrs Janet Bell has been duly elected unopposed. Mrs Bell’s statement on the Nomination Form is as follows:
I have a son in Year One who loves all aspects of school life, and I would like this opportunity to get more involved too. I am passionate about education, having worked with children for over twenty years. I am an active member of the ‘Friends’ of the school.
I am sure you will all join Revd Graham Owen, our Chair of Governors, myself, all staff and governors in welcoming Mrs Bell to our Governing Body.
Mrs Bell’s term of office takes effect from 1 September, and will last for four years.
FOOD ALLERGY CONCERNS As all parents are aware we have children in school with Nut allergies, which are life-threatening. Please can I remind parents that if you bring in food for your children to eat in the playground AFTER school that it
DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY NUTS/NUT PRODUCTS and that any leftovers are disposed of in the bin, and not left abandoned on the playground. Thank you.
FLORA COOKING WITH SCHOOLS CAMPAIGNWe have registered with this campaign. Parents can enter their tokens (found in the lids of Flora tubs) on the website, these will accumulate and hopefully generate enough to enable us to swap them for cooking equipment and multimedia teaching resources for cooking. If anyone is unable to access a computer to register the tokens then they can bring them to the office. Thank you.
SPORTS RESULTSOur KS2 teams have done really well recently in many local tournaments. Results are as follows:
Cricket District Primary Boys – Winners; Football Large Schools Girls – Runners Up; Football District Cup Boys – in Cup Final this Friday; Netball Large Schools Area Girls – 3rd. Well done to all. See the School Blog for more details and photos.