On Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th me and prickles just did a bit of chilling out as we had a long week ahead of us. On monday we set off towards Belguim at 5:00 am and caught a ferry from Dover to Calais (it's like France's Dover) and drove for 20 minutes to Belguim. But on our hectic journey we crossed the borders of Holland then back to Belguim! As we arrived, we went to 'check in' and then went straight to our chalet. Me and Prickles went down to our private-ish beach. On Tuesday although I went swimming, Prickles had another day of relaxation. On Wednesday Me and Prickles didn't spend much time together as I had an activity in the afternoon, but while I was gone, according to Prickles, he went for a dip in the lake (in the pictures). On Thursday I was busy, busy, busy all day but thankfully we had Prickles to help us with the packing. On Friday we had to be out by 10:00 am, but our ferry didn't leave untill 9:45 pm! When we finally did get home we went straight to sleep. Me and Prickles didn't do much over the weekend but we went to Haven on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Now Prickles is back safe and sound at the school, but for how long???
by Freddy Legg year 4