Tony Hart died last weekend aged 83. He has been an inspiration to teachers and children for over 50 years on television. We have used his 'Vision on' music to accompany our online picture galleries (of children's art work). Did you know that Tony designed the Blue Peter logo many years ago. His involvement in children's tv goes back 50 years. He has started off more recent art program ideas such as 'Art Attack'. One of my favourite creations (of Tony's) was 'Morph'. Morph has lead to 'Creature Comforts' and then to Wallace and Gromit. I have been making 'Stop- go animations with children for years.

Below you can see a short film made by members of our lunchtime computer club. It involved 108 photographs and the movie maker program. By making even a short film like this it takes a few hours work. Imagine how long it must have taken Tony Hart to make his Morph films. Wallace and Gromit films take about 3 years to make.
Watch below one of our recent picture galleries using Tony's 'Vision on' music.
Follow this link to Tony Hart's website