We also asked the children to run in house coloured shirts so that we could double up as an inter house competition.
We had some outstanding individual performances this year. Robert Hitchams had 4 boys and 2 girls finish in the top 10 places.
For the boys Adam (from year 5) finished 3rd, William 4th, Charlie 5th and Milo 6th. This was comfortably the best team performance.
In the girls race Imogen (despite getting knocked over and injured on the first corner) picked herself up and ran a superb race to finish 6th. Charlotte also came 8th.
Anybody in the top 25 is invited to take part in another race in a few weeks time against the best runners from another district. Two more of our boys (Charlie and Harry) plus Amy made it into the top 25.
It has been a very busy sporting week in school. The excellent cross country performance of our children is a tribute to their levels of fitness.
The House results were very close. The top 3 boys and girls from each house had their finishing positions added together. The lowest total is, therefore, the winner.
1st HITCHAM 179
2nd HOWARD 195
3rd MILLS 201
See video below of the start of each race plus some action from the middle of the course.