Friday, 29 June 2018

Class CH

Class CH Summer Term

 Class CH have been very busy with their learning this term.Here are just a few photos to show you you what we have been doing.Here are a few examples of our mathematical ,creative ,imaginative and investigative experiences.Look out for some more coming soon!

Junior Road Safety Officer Success

We are very proud of our year 5 JRSO's who have walked away from the annual school's JRSO Awards with GOLD!!!
Well done, for all your hard work over the year.


Week 3- Class AB

 There were lots of activities available for the children to enjoy this week including bug hunting, large den building, making leaf ID books and playing Kim's game. This week the children experienced using a real bow saw to cut a tree cookie, they listened to a tool talk and followed instructions very well. At the end of the session the children sat quietly by themselves reflecting on the morning.

Orienteering Challenge - KVJA & LC

We all had a great time in the sunshine, developing our orienteering skills. 
Mrs Cann devised an ‘Orienteering Challenge’ for a cross curricular P.E. lesson. Everybody had to use the points of the compass to pinpoint different directions, find the clues around the playground and finally crack a coded message. 
The message said: KEEP FIT, STAY HEALTHY, LIVE LONGER and everybody managed to challenge themselves to complete the task.
Well done.

Sports Day Photos - KS2

More on the school website gallery... 
Credit for the photos go to Hattie Hopkins