Last week we reopened our school doors to children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 6 as well as those children of Critical Workers who we have been supporting since shutdown.
The children who returned have settled really well into their slightly different environment in their small 'bubble' groups, and we look forward to another week of learning with them.
Please do NOT bring your child to school unless you have booked them in and we are expecting them as we will need notice to re-arrange rooms to make space for further additions.
Home Learning for those not in school will continue to be communicated via ParentMail directly and this term we have launched a whole school learning project ‘All Creatures Great and Small’.
Home learning documents, plus links to other resources, are also saved on the 'School at Home' Learning Resources page under the 'Our Learning' tab. (This page is password protected - the password was re-sent via ParentMail on Monday 1 June)
We will continue to regularly keep families updated through ParentMail.
Please keep safe, we thank you all for your support.
The children who returned have settled really well into their slightly different environment in their small 'bubble' groups, and we look forward to another week of learning with them.
Please do NOT bring your child to school unless you have booked them in and we are expecting them as we will need notice to re-arrange rooms to make space for further additions.
Home learning documents, plus links to other resources, are also saved on the 'School at Home' Learning Resources page under the 'Our Learning' tab. (This page is password protected - the password was re-sent via ParentMail on Monday 1 June)
We will continue to regularly keep families updated through ParentMail.
Please keep safe, we thank you all for your support.