Monday 19 April 2021

Heart Dissection - Year 6

This morning, year 6 were given the opportunity to take part in a lamb heart dissection as their topic this term is ‘Blood Heart’.  

After being given the appropriate safety talk, the children were taken in small groups to the Activity area and donned their PPE. Then, Miss. Whipps demonstrated what to do so they were then able to conduct it themselves. 

The children were able to identify the structural features and seemed stunned when they witnessed how much thicker the left hand side was compared to the right: we learnt last week that this was to accommodate the flow of oxygenated blood over a greater distance. 

Here’s what some of the children had to say about the experience:

Esmay: ‘It was really fun to see an actual heart’

Beatrice: ‘Deeply fascinating’

Ivor: ‘It was easier to visualize how blood flows around your heart’

Yasmin: ‘I was nervous at first but  it was actually really fun!’

Edith: ‘Smelly but fun!’

Alfred: ‘I had to squish it and watched blood squirt out of the aorta!’