Monday 10 May 2021

Year 2 Road Safety

Year 2 have been finding out about staying safe in and around the environment at home, outdoors  and elsewhere as part of this half terms PSHE  ‘Keeping Safe’.  

We have been finding out about how to keep safe in our houses and looking at each room to find out the hazards.  We have also been exploring how to keep safe when out shopping, playing in the park, walking to our friends’ houses, keeping safe around water.

To help raise awareness of road safety, Year 2 have been out in small groups to find out about and share road safety awareness.  The importance of using our ears and our eyes to cross roads once we have found a safe place was paramount to the children’s learning.  They also found out about some of the road signs and what they mean, experienced the tactile pavements near safe places to cross and discovered why the pavements are tactile. They found out about lowered kerbs and used the zebra crossing safely. 

Thank you Mrs Rolfe, Mrs Morgan and Mrs Wilczek for guiding the children through this and it was lovely to receive comments from members of the public about the children’s behaviour and manners.