Friday 30 September 2022

Class LH polish up their Polish!!

Class LH have embraced European Languages Day by finding out all about Poland and learning a little bit of the language.

We found out where Poland is and looked at their culture before making a Polish Gwiazdy.  Gwiazdy means "star" in Polish and they have geometric symmetrical patterns.  They were good fun to make and the children showed true perseverance whilst making them. I think you will agree their patterns are amazing and with excellent and careful folding and cutting skills, the end results were lovely. (See picture below)

Hugo's mum kindly came in and talked to the class about Poland and answered questions which the class had thought about. She taught us how to say some of the numbers and colours, which were a bit tricky, but we all had a go and persevered.  We learnt how to say hello, goodbye, yes, no , I love you, mum and dad too. 

We then listened to a Polish story and shared some Polish books and enjoyed a  delicious cookie.  

Thank you to Hugo's mum for helping class LH polish up their Polish!