Wednesday 10 May 2023

Allotment Visit

Years 3, 4 and 5 took a stroll down to the allotments near Framingham College for a special talk from former SRH teacher Mr Byer. Despite the stormy weather last night, conditions were perfect and the children were able to learn in the sunshine surrounded by plant life as well as the sounds of nearby birds.

Mr Byer very kindly spoke to us about his allotments, what he grows and the essential tools needed to sow, grow and then pick the fruits (and veg) of his hard labour. He also shared with us the threats to his plant growth, such as insects, wildlife and extreme weather, as well as the social and wellbeing benefits of having his allotment.

We were able to see up close the variety of crops which can be grown away from traditional farms using allotments and gardens; from carrots and potatoes to basil and parsley. The children were really engaged and even surprised us with some of their knowledge of different vegetation. 

Fun fact: Did you know that asparagus can grow up to 10cm in one night.

We are very grateful to Mr Byer for once again making himself available to benefit the children at SRH.