Thursday 5 October 2023

Class CR This Term

Class CR have been settling in to the Autumn term and sharing lots of different activities together.

Learning to be musicians playing the clarinet with Mr Kershaw.

Developing our cutting skills and learning about healthy eating - even more fun when we got to eat it! 

As travel agents we worked collaboratively making posters about visiting Framlingham….     and as geographers we shared our holiday destinations and discussed the different areas of the world.     

Sport has been great fun practising our skills in hockey.

We’ve performed poetry and made up poems of our own.

During International language day we had a visit from Ksenia who told us so much about the Ukranian language and culture.  

Finally, just this week we had our fabulous History WOW day when we were artists, dancers, singers and designers all for our new topic of Magnificent Monarchs.