Thank you to all our volunteer helpers who have already registered with us this year. We do still have some vacancies and overleaf is a list of where help would be appreciated. Volunteer help is a very important part of school life and if you feel able to help at any time, not only with any of the sessions marked ‘vacant’ on the rota, we would be very pleased to hear from you.
To help in school you do need either a ‘List 99 Check’ or a CRB Disclosure approval. If you have not applied for either of these, or wish to check if your name is already on the list, please contact the school office. If you have not seen ‘A Guide for Adults Helping in School’ they are available from the school office.
If you would like to come into school to help, please contact the class teacher.
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Monday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Tuesday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Wednesday 9.50-10.40am
GM 5 & 6 Mrs Morgan Vacancy Friday 9.50-10.40am
DB 5 & 6 No Vacancies
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Monday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Tuesday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Thursday 8.50-9.50am
KG 5 Miss George Vacancy Friday 8.50-9.50am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Monday 9.50-10.40am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Wednesday 9.50-10.40am
GH 4 & 5 Miss Hitchcock Vacancy Friday 9.50-10.40am
NF 3 & 4 No Vacancies
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-9.45am
CA 3 & 4 Miss Ashberry Vacancy Thursday 8.50-9.45am
NH 3 Mr Hawes Vacancy Monday 1.00-3.05pm
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Monday 9.00-9.45am
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Thursday 2.30-3.00pm
JC 1 & 2 Mrs Colchester Vacancy Friday 9.00-9.45am
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Tuesday 2.15-3.05pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Thursday 2.15-3.05pm
LC 1 & 2 Mrs Cann Vacancy Friday 8.50-9.45am
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Wednesday 1.00-3.05pm
EM 1 Miss Montague Vacancy Thursday 1.00-3.05pm
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Monday 9.00-9.45am
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Wednesday 9.00-9.45am
CH R & 1 Mrs Hopkins Vacancy Friday 9.00-9.45am
KS Nursery Mrs Stephenson Vacancy Wednesday 8.50-11.30am