Dear Parents
There are no parent assemblies for the first two weeks of term. Details of the Celebration Assemblies will be issued as soon as possible.
Mr Byer would like to express his very sincere gratitude for all the wonderful gifts and messages of goodwill that he received during July, which ALMOST persuaded him to go on for one more year! BUT, the allotment DOES need a lot of work!
YEAR 6 CAMP VIDEOS/DVDSHopefully, Mr Byer's TV system will have been replaced by the end of the holiday following the lightning damage, so the camp records should be arriving soon! As a bonus, there will also be full footage of the Year 6 Leavers' Service, and also the last assembly concert (courtesy of Jack Trythall and Gavin Harold), featuring an 11 strong line-up of very talented musicians (teachers, parents, ex and present pupils, and even a County Maths advisor!), plus Mr Byer! Please tell the office if you haven't received your video/DVD by the end of September. If your copy doesn't play properly, please let JB know!!
We have had two emails from Mr Trythall to say that they arrived safely at Hebron School and have discovered it’s rather cold and damp at the moment as its monsoon season! They have settled in well and we now have a picture of the children delighted with their new television set bought with the money parents gave to them. This will be available for you to see by the school office.
It would be very helpful if apart from school lunch cheques (that are paid to Suffolk County Council) and photographs all cheques that come into the school should be made payable to ‘Framlingham Sir Robert Hitcham’s CEVAP School’.
“The School Council would like to ask you (the parents) on behalf of all the children to:
· Please keep prams and pushchairs outside unless an emergency.
· KS2 say goodbye in the playground.
· Only come in if you have a message for the teacher.
· Chat to your friends in the playground and not in the classroom or corridor.
· Say goodbye once, not again when the bell goes.
We would like to say thank you for doing this as it means we can all get to our lessons on time and start school straight away. Thank you.”
If your child is ill or going to be late:
· Ring the school on 723354 ideally by 8.30am
· Child’s name
· Child’s class
· Reason for absence or lateness
If they are likely to be off for more than one day, state:
· Which day they will be back
If you do not know how long they will be off:
· You must ring EVERY MORNING
Could we please remind parents that THREE WEEKS notice is required if you wish to take your child out of school in term time.
Could I remind parents that it is not possible for you to use the staff car park at any time, as there is not enough space in this car park for all the staff. Governors will give permission for parents who have disability badges to use our car park. May I please ask parents not to park outside the Bicycle Shop at the end of our drive due to the increased danger and congestion this causes to an already busy area at the rear of the school, and would ask you to park in the Elms Car Park if bringing children to school by car. Your co-operation is much appreciated.
All children in the school require painting aprons, from Nursery up to Year 6. An old large shirt is ideal but please do make sure the sleeves are not too long. Can you provide your child with one as soon as possible. You would be amazed how much lost property we still had left at the end of last term! May I take this opportunity to remind you that ALL uniform, especially sweatshirts, painting aprons, plimsolls, hats etc need to be named – Thank you.
Several parents now receive their school letters by email. We are feeling more confident with this system and if you would like to register please do email us saying so. We are endeavouring not to produce a ‘hard’ copy to those households that receive letters by email, so please ensure your child is aware they do not need to receive a paper copy. Those who are already registered do not need to re-register. To register, please send an email to our school email address as above.
There is an Information Evening on Monday 24 September 2007 7.00-9.00pm at King Edward VI School, Grove Road, Bury St Edmunds. Tel: 01284 761393. You will be able to meet people who can give you more details on routes into teaching and other careers within education – teaching assistant, technician, administration.
Yours sincerely
J M Elphick