Friday 4 January 2008

Spring Term Dates

Celebration Assemblies are on Fridays at 2.30pm. Parents are invited to watch their own child’s class and we would ask that you take your seats by 2.25pm. We endeavour to bring the children in as quietly as possible and we would appreciate the parents joining us in this. The rota is as follows:
11 January CA
18 January JC
25 January GM
1 February NF
8 February LC
15 February Half-Term
22 February GH
29 February EM
7 March DB/KM
14 March CH

Wind and Brass – Tuesday 8 and Wednesday 9 January
Guitar – Wednesday 9 January
Recorders – Thursday 10 January
Keyboard – Friday 11 January
Knitting Club – Monday 14 January

Friday 8 February
- Mid-Year Reports – Year 1 to Year 6. These reports are confidential and are addressed to yourselves as parents and we would ask that you advise your children not to open the reports before they get home.
Monday 11 – Friday 15 February - Half-term
Friday 29 February - Mothering Sunday Service at St Michael’s Church Foundation & KS1 9.30-10.30am, KS2 10.30-11.30am – Parents Invited
Wed 5 March- Share our Work 3.15-4.00pm (an invitation to parents to see their children’s class and work)
Monday 10 – Wed 12 March - Book Fair
Thursday 20 March - Easter Service Foundation & KS1 9.30am, KS2 10.30am (for the CHILDREN ONLY)
Thursday 20 March - Last day of term
Monday 7 – Friday 11 July - Year 6 Camp

A performance of Travelling By Tuba is to take place during the morning of Thursday 17 January (Nursery will be attending). The concert will span over fifteen thousand years of music starting with the conch shell from the Pacific Islands, the Viking horn from Scandinavia and the Australian Didjeridu through to today’s Tuba. There will also be compositions for piano solos, Jazz on the Sousaphone and an orchestral suite, the finale of which includes an exploding Tuba! The cost of this event is £160. We are not asking the parents to contribute on this occasion as the school will pay in full.