Due to the success of the previous family lunches, we would like to invite grandmothers to come and experience a school lunch with their grandchild on Wednesday 7 and Thursday 8 October.
The costs of school lunches are £2.76 for an adult and £1.90 for a child.
Our cooks always strive to make all the food appetizing and at the same time to produce a healthy meal. To achieve this, they oven bake food whenever possible, make their own bread and rolls, and use fresh vegetables in season. Fresh salads are on the menu every day! They also use the humble potato, not instant mash, and there are at least two vegetable options on every day. Fried and pre-processed foods are kept to a minimum and chips are only on the menu once a week. I eat in the hall every day with children as do many of the staff and I can recommend the meals as appealing, balanced and healthy. I know that Mrs Chapman, our cook, makes great efforts to cook new and imaginative dishes but on occasions it is hard work to encourage some children to try new food!
On the reverse of this letter is a menu and we would ask that if you wish to take up this offer you fill in the reply slip and return it to the office with the money FOR THE ADULT MEALS ONLY.
Please return your form to the office by Monday 30 September AT THE LATEST. Last year we had some families apply for places after the deadline but sadly we are NOT able to accept any late requests as the ingredients have to be ordered in advance. Children should bring in their money as usual on Monday 5 October for lunch arrangements for that week.
We feel the best way to accommodate the extra adults is to have all children with visitors to eat at 12.05pm. We would ask adults to sign in outside the hall and wait in this area for their grandchild to collect them and take them into lunch. Could we remind you that unfortunately you will not be able to park in the school car park due to lack of space.
We would ask that adults do not stay after you have eaten lunch. At this time the children will go to their playground for play and we ask that you leave but please do not forget to sign out. We would also welcome any feedback on the forms outside the hall. Bon appetit!