· For all 2:40pm sessions the children will be in the hall for assembly or in another classroom
· For sessions at 3:10 parents should collect their children from the playground, and take them to the room detailed where they will watch a DVD while you go to the new class for the meeting.
Date Time Class Year Take your children to wait here:
Monday 14 Sept 2:40-3:00pm JC (year 2)
3:10-3:30pm LC (year 1/2) classroom KM
Tuesday 15 Sept 2:40-3:00pm JA (year 4/5)
3:10-3:30pm PL (year 4) classroom VW
Wednesday 16 Sept 2:40-3:00pm PA/SB (year 6)
3:10-3:30pm DB (year 6) classroom PA/SB
Thursday 17 Sept 2:40-3:00pm PS (year 3)
3:10-3:30pm AB (year 1) classroom JC
Friday 18 Sept 2:40-3:00pm SC (year 3/4)
3:10-3:30pm VW (year 5) classroom PL