This week Class LH and Class JT visited the mere to launch the new topic of “Wriggle and Crawl”.
We had a lovely day with the Suffolk Wildlife Trust who
showed us and shared lots of information about the habitats by the mere. We talked about invertebrates and what was
special about them before setting off to do our activities. When we went hunting for the invertebrates, we
had an identification chart to recognise the number of legs and shapes of their
The mere dipping was great fun and we all managed to find a variety
of creatures such as hog louse, water boatmen, damsel fly nymph and great
diving beetle. In Class LH, there was
even a small fish that was found! In
the woods, the children located cards with unusual facts about minibeasts
written on about them such as…Did you know that the older the snail the more
coils it has on it? Also did you know that flies smell with their
feet? After that, we then went
exploring and hunting for minibeasts under tree stumps, inside the bark, in the
grasses. We found millipedes, wood
louse, spiders, slugs and worms. At the
end of the session, we played a game of making ourselves into different invertebrates
with specific number of legs.
Thank you to Charlie and Catherine from the Suffolk Wildlife
Trust who really inspired the children and helped them with their learning.