Thursday 28 April 2022

Year 5 Maths - Using a compass to give directions.

Today, the year 5s from Class AJ joined Class MV for Maths.

The children were applying their knowledge of angles, which they had begun before Easter, to making and using a compass. The children worked out which direction North was and begun to draw their own compass. They added in the degrees accurately for North, East, South and West as well as North East, South East, South West and North West.

In small groups, they then began to give instructions to their peers on where to start or which direction to face, then tell them which way to turn (clockwise or anti-clockwise) and how many degrees. They worked extremely well together using their Mathematic vocabulary with great fluency.

Once the sun joined our lesson, the children checked the accuracy of their compass by looking at the direction their shadow fell. The children recalled their knowledge of light and shadows from the Autumn Term to explain why the shadows should form on the West point of their compass!

Great work today Year 5!