Thursday 27 June 2024

Key Stage 2 Sports Day

Key Stage 1 led the parade with the “Olympic” torch and all of the Key Stage 1 classes carried a flag of a country which is partaking in the Olympics this summer.  Key Stage 2 followed with the house flags.   There was a great atmosphere all morning as children were running, throwing shot put, throwing vortex,  standing jump and speed jumps.  The morning finished with the potato race and the relay.  After a busy, hot and eventful morning, Bulstrode won and the house captains received the cup. 

Well done to Key Stage 2 on showing a good sportsmanship and support to those in their own houses and also those in other houses.  The morning was finished with a well-earned ice pop.  Thank you to the “Friends” for supplying these – they were very well received by everyone!   There are a few photos on here but do check out the gallery for others.