Friday 13 September 2024

Where is everybody? (Class JA)


We are swimmers

If you hadn't already guessed it, Class JA were not wearing their shoes and socks because they were swimming,,,,,,,,,,,

On Wednesday, Class JA enjoyed a really fun and challenging swimming lesson at Framlingham College Swimming Pool. The staff were really impressed with JA's listening skills and the way that they conducted themselves at the swimming pool. This week's lesson was the first one in their block of lessons and we are really hopeful that they will make great progress over the next few weeks. Thank you to families and carers for sending in their children's swimming kit.

We are artists

On Wednesday afternoon, the class had to change from swimmers into artists. Their learning was part of our unit of work in art on drawing and painting linked to Sir Robert Hitcham and Framlingham.  The children were inspired by and  had to concentrate really hard on another artist's portrayal of Framlingham Castle and produce the outline of a drawing that resembles the artists. Their work was very detailed and careful and the staff were incredibly impressed and the staff were inspired by the children. We will post the finished drawings on the blog later in the term.

Overall, well done everybody.You really deserve all the house points that you have been awarded this week.