It started with a program talking to two space aliens The Bin Raider and spick and spam, The Bin Raider was sent to Earth to help a school on Earth to recycle more. The spaceship crashed at the school and met a girl called Courtney who wanted to help bin raider get the message around to recycle, reuse and reduce their rubbish. Bin raider sang us a song about recycling.
Then the play developed into a frenzy about recycling. When the headmaster found out about the alien (Bin Raider) in the school he went mad, he sent out a search party and was singing with the crazy caretaker Biggins.
Then they told us about global warming and needed some volunteers from the audience. Isabella B as the sun, Zac W as the earth and Millie G as the clouds of gas. The play was very enjoyable due to the humour we all had a really fun afternoon and learnt a lot.
By Hollie and Olivia (class DB)